Brown Alge In 5g Tank


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Cardiff, UK
as the title says i have a brown algae in my betta tank, its only on the front of evrything though. Is this the type i have to let it run its course an it go of its own accord??

First of all how long has the tank been running with betta in it. Is it cycled. New tanks that are cycling can get brown algae in them. What are water perimiters. What type of filter or do you even have one for the tank. The answers to these questions would help. It looks like you have no filter in your sig, if not are you changing 100% of water weekly, if not you have to, your betta will eventually die. Need more info from you to help answer your question.
i had the tank running without a filter for about 3 weeks then i cloned my community tank and am currently running a fluval 1 modified so the water shoots to the top of the tank reducing current. Algae has been increasing over the past 10 days. Have noticed a few spots in my community tank aswell. Couldit be not enough light??Parimiters are ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20ppm

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