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  2. finfayce

    Nerite snails

    i read that Nerite snails don't reproduce in a regular freshwater tanks. There are tiny white - pin point tiny-specks on my sponge filters. I read that those are Nerite snail eggs. A few days ago there were tiny brown specks that are moving. If these are Nerite snails, I don't want to remove...
  3. finfayce

    Bladder snail predators

    Thanks- i do feed them in one place every day. Top of sponge filter. In the evening i see them on top of sponge filter I guess i think that means they're hungry 🤷‍♀️
  4. finfayce

    Bladder snail predators

    I probably overfeed my amano shrimp. They get tiny pellets ( Hikari Shrimp Cuisine). How many granules should a shrimp get?
  5. finfayce

    Bladder snail predators

  6. finfayce

    Bladder snail predators

    i guess. I had rinsed plants. On a different subject- my phone keeps jumping up into the sender's message! If you hear a sound it's me screaming at my phone ie my typing skills. Ughh
  7. finfayce

    Bladder snail predators

    Congrats:) i too stay current with my meds. Sometimes i wonder who i'd be without them😉
  8. finfayce

    Bladder snail predators

    Hopefully someone knowledgeable about snails will let us know. :)
  9. finfayce

    Bladder snail predators

    I read assassin snails and some kind of loache eat the snails. I have 7 amano shrimp. Would the shrimp be in danger with the snail eaters? What kind of loach is a predator of bladder snails?. Actually what is a loach? Are they common to buy?
  10. finfayce

    how to humanely get rid of bladder snails in a that's going to be taken down

    Thanks. Other forum members hinted at bladder snails getting into one's bladder. I looked through websites and saw no such thing. 😉
  11. finfayce

    weird question

    i agree. i have many pet birds. i know and love the qualities and behaviors that many people don't realize. a common starling under UV light has iridescent green color on their wings. one of the few wild birds in US that are legal to keep, my starling is a great imitator and talker.
  12. finfayce

    how to humanely get rid of bladder snails in a that's going to be taken down

    i totally understand. the state i in live in depends on dollars from fishing tourism. there are many public reminders- not to dump any water creatures in the lakes and rivers. 😊
  13. finfayce

    weird question

    wow. it's amazing what creatures are capable of. . watching nature shows in the ocean even scallops can move when the tide changes. i 've wondered why the saying " happy as a clam" is used. clams live in muck, no eyes and one foot. man i'm on this phone too lmuch. lol sorry 😉
  14. finfayce

    weird question

    yes plus the one i squished were near the top. i wonder how much snails can think if anything. do they have eyes?
  15. finfayce

    Where do you get your wood and rocks?

    a man on Etsy, his shop is called The Ideal Condition- he sells manzanita branches. he has manzanita in his yard and he fine tunes the wood pieces to make beautiful decor for fish tanks.
  16. finfayce

    weird question

    hi again i have squished a few. not my nature. ok let me preface- yes i'm taking my meds😆 when i squish them many others start going to to top of the water. do snails have the ability to see their buddies getting squished and go to the top to get away from danger? 😬
  17. finfayce

    how to humanely get rid of bladder snails in a that's going to be taken down

    good idea. i bet even without feeding those little buggers could last a long time.
  18. finfayce

    how to humanely get rid of bladder snails in a that's going to be taken down

    lol- i do have a friend with a pet bluegill. i wonder if they eat snails?
  19. finfayce

    i need to take down my 30 gallon tank

    hi Thanks for the link. i did buy a different faucet that is actually made for laundry tubs. a somewhat cranky plumber put it in. it was the the one he had put. i had told him i didn't want that faucet , but forgive me if i repeat. our broken faucet shot a had shot the handle to the ceiling...
  20. finfayce

    i need to take down my 30 gallon tank

    so you my first text went through. 😳 i am so tech stupid!
  21. finfayce

    how to humanely get rid of bladder snails in a that's going to be taken down

    hi- my last 2 fish died in the 30 gallon tank. even there are no fi've kept it running, because it's loaded and with bladder snails. is there a humane way to get rid of them?,
  22. finfayce

    i need to take down my 30 gallon tank

    i have written about my last 2 fish in the 30 gallon tank died. they died the morning cleaning my tank with buckets and a hose because i couldn't my Python system to any faucet here. a plumber replaced our laundry tub faucet with a faucet he had on hand. i didn't want that, but he claimed the...
  23. finfayce

    How much gravel in 30 gallon tank for shrimp

    Thank you. I 'm thinking if 6 (or7?) amano shrimp are ok in that 10 gallon tank? I don't have the energy at 73 that i had when I set up my aquarium. Just a thought. But i would throw the gravel away if i do reuse the 30 gallon.
  24. finfayce

    How much gravel in 30 gallon tank for shrimp

    Thanks. I think something was wrong because both fish died at the same time. Is there a disinfectant of aquarium cleaner i can use now that the tank has no fish?
  25. finfayce

    How much gravel in 30 gallon tank for shrimp

    Actually I didn't use the new faucet. I filled buckets with water from the shower. A shower hose not the faucet. So maybe that water was too different 🤷‍♀️
  26. finfayce

    How much gravel in 30 gallon tank for shrimp

    hi It hasn't been a normal pet summer. My favorite pet bird escaped and i have been very sad about that. The laundry room sink needed a new faucet. A plumber replaced it but turned out to not have a spout with threads to fit a Python system. I bought a different faucet and have called the...
  27. finfayce

    Put amano shrimp into established tank

    Hi- in my 30 gallon native North American fish, I have one blue spotted sunfish and one rainbow darter left. I know the sunfish is 4 years old because i happened upon the purchase receipt. The rainbow darters is about the same age. Not sure how long these fish will live, but when they die, i...
  28. finfayce

    Skimmer question

  29. finfayce

    Skimmer question

    It's on Amazon.
  30. finfayce

    Skimmer question

    This is my current skimmer.
  31. IMG_0417.png


  32. finfayce

    Skimmer question

    i have used a skimmer in my tank that contains 2 rainbow darters and 1 blue spotted sunfish. I read that skimmers help with the film on top of the water. My current one is a little different than the one before. Question- should the water intake top be above or below the water. It's making a...
  33. finfayce

    Replace sponge

  34. finfayce

    Replace sponge

    Hey-i just found Amazon has 3 entire filters at 40% off. So that's how I'll handle my sponge dilemma 🙄😉 thanks anyway.
  35. finfayce

    Replace sponge

    I bought this sponge filter for a small aquarium and one guppy. I was trying to save the guppy but it died. The company company that sold it says don't replace sponge. It has beneficial bacteria i think they meant at water change- no need to replace. In my case a fish died in the tank with...
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