How much gravel in 30 gallon tank for shrimp


Fish Addict
Oct 10, 2018
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It hasn't been a normal pet summer. My favorite pet bird escaped and i have been very sad about that.
The laundry room sink needed a new faucet. A plumber replaced it but turned out to not have a spout with threads to fit a Python system. I bought a different faucet and have called the plumber several times. He had surgery and hasn't called back to set up an appointment. So recently when i cleaned the 30 gallon with an inexpensive gravel cleaner/ hose and used buckets to refill the water, i also steam cleaned the rocks in the tank (outside of tank ) just to be sure any clinging crud was removed.
The next day both fish - one 5 years old and one 4 were dead.
Can't say for sure whether the alternative cleaning method did it or old age. ?
*Question is i have 6 Amano shrimp in a 10 gallon. I thought about putting them in the 30 gallon but only after i can clean it with my python cleaner. There is about 2-3 inches of gravel. It has been set up that way for about 9 years.
Should I remove gravel for the shrimp? I bought a different sponge cleaner and will recycle that tank with the new filter. What should i do with the fake rock decor and plants?
Or just forget the 30 gallon for the shrimp all together?
I would completely tear down the tank since the deaths happened after a faucet replacement. While I can't actually know my guess would be that the new faucet contained a containment that is now in the tank.
Actually I didn't use the new faucet. I filled buckets with water from the shower. A shower hose not the faucet. So maybe that water was too different 🤷‍♀️
If the rocks are fake and you steam cleaned them, maybe the heat created a toxic chemical?
Something other than old age happened for both fish to die at the same time.
Remove the rocks and do a complete water change before adding livestock.
Thanks. I think something was wrong because both fish died at the same time.
Is there a disinfectant of aquarium cleaner i can use now that the tank has no fish?
Thanks. I think something was wrong because both fish died at the same time.
Is there a disinfectant of aquarium cleaner i can use now that the tank has no fish?
You can use bleach to clean the tank followed with a good wipe down. As to substrate and stuff, personally, I'd trash it all due to the possibility of a chemical toxin being introduced.
You can use bleach to clean the tank followed with a good wipe down. As to substrate and stuff, personally, I'd trash it all due to the possibility of a chemical toxin being introduced.
Thank you. I 'm thinking if 6 (or7?) amano shrimp are ok in that 10 gallon tank?
I don't have the energy at 73 that i had when I set up my aquarium. Just a thought.
But i would throw the gravel away if i do reuse the 30 gallon.

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