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  1. M

    Fw Nano Up And Running!

    anyone tell me if theres any reason for the leaves decaying in paticular?
  2. M

    Fw Nano Up And Running!

    My Blyxa Japonica plants are not looking so good now :unsure: look like they have spread uot but some of leaves look rotten? should I remove all decaying foliage?
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    Fw Nano Up And Running!

    Thanks guys have tied moss down a little more, do you think I should add any more plants soon or leave it as is?
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    Fw Nano Up And Running!

    You guys think it will grow well, without co2, I mean its a tiny tank and I don't fancy introducing co2 really. Will tie moss down better now, will it root properly on stone you think, also does the banana plant not need rooting?
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    Fw Nano Up And Running!

    Ok guys my nano is up and running plants just came through today. It has a HOB filter and a Clip on 11w light over the top of it, also has aquatic compost under the gravel. Do you think my plants shoud grow in there is: Java moss attatched to the rock... A small banana plant.. (Have I done...
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  8. M

    All Advice Wanted!

    Just ordered a few plants from java-plants, ordered 10cm of java moss, some Blyxa Japonica and a banana plant. Do you believe these will do ok in the tank?
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    All Advice Wanted!

    Currently 11w of light on there.
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  11. M

    All Advice Wanted!

    Heya all, So just added compost into my tank under the gravel, now then I would like all advice you guys can give me, from what to use for my background to some good plants that would work in my nano. This is the compost that I have just used as a base layer...
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    What A Mess!

    Just emptied the water from my 2.4 gal nano added some aquatic compost put gravel over the top pour water in and poof turned filter heater light on and theres bit of compost everywhere.... any help? :crazy: Also hoy many inch of compost/gravel shoud I have?
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    Hmm, I think I might have to go with the cactus compost sounds cheap and effective, anyone had much luck with this ?
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    What aquatic garden centre was this?, is it online?
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    Yh but won't an LFS charge me a normal price and itt will be like a 1-2kg bag, which I don't really need?
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    I'm looking for an online website to get some cheap nutritional plant substrate, I don't want to pay much as i only need a tiny bit for my 2.4 gal nano. Or if anyone could sell me any personally for a small price that would be really nice, also what sort of plants would do well, I really like...
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    Keeping An Green Anole And A Whites Tree Frog

    My anole tank already has a UV, sure it won't hurt the green tree frog will it?
  18. M

    Keeping An Green Anole And A Whites Tree Frog

    Oh wait completely got the wrong tree frog, the one in the shop was a green tree frog not a whites tree frog, I understand what you mean, the whites tree frog looks like a monster :crazy:
  19. M

    Best Web Order Shrimp.

    Have you personally used this german site to order shrimp i'm just concearned about them coming to the uk alive :blink:
  20. M

    2.4 Ukgal Nano

    Ye will saw some wood of bogwood from tank downstairs as for a background I am unsure as of yet but what sort of substrate is nutritional to the plants? Thanks mattb22
  21. M

    2.4 Ukgal Nano

    Just got my light and heater and starting a little 2.4 gal nano, 11w of light so im thinking it should be sufficient to grow a few nice plants in there. Also probably go for a couple of shrimp or a betta. Want to ask you guys what else I may need to get this one planted? :good: Thanks mattb22
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  23. M

    Keeping An Green Anole And A Whites Tree Frog

    One problem...., A dart frog costs like 40 quid whereas tree frogs only cost 10, etc.
  24. M

    Keeping An Green Anole And A Whites Tree Frog

    Is it ok if I introduced 1/2 whites tree frogs in with my green anole as he looks quite lonely, the setup is a fair size and should maintain them ok, also I researched that they are from very similar environments and a few adjustments here and there should sort it out, would this work? :good:
  25. M

    Lighting For My 2.4uk Gal

    Anybody else have any suggestions? all welcome :rolleyes: Mattb22
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    Lighting For My 2.4uk Gal

    Yh i looked through it but I'm thinking a bit less technical and mor or less some sort of hangover lamp at around 11w's really so for a 2.4 gal thats quite a bit really. Thanks mattb22
  27. M

    Lighting For My 2.4uk Gal

    Anyone got any thoughts of how I could set up a light for this tank, its only 2.4 gal (uk) and is going to be planted and probably will have a few shrimps in it. :good: Many thanks mattb22
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  29. M

    External Diy?

    Thanks for that filter mate its amazing, mattb22
  30. M

    Quickening The Cycle

    Erm I'm currently cycling a 2.4g tank, but I have a 4ft tank downstairs with convict cichlid in it could i squeeze some of the filter media, and use some of the tank water to cycle my 2.4g?. Many thanks mattb22
  31. M

    External Diy?

    Think I will buy the hang on filter you posted thanks mate. Mattb22
  32. M

    External Diy?

    Im building a very small (2.4gall uk) freshwater, planted tank, and thought that having a small internal filter could knacker my plants and therefore wondered if there was a way to diy a very smally external filter. Many thanks mattb22 :good:
  33. M

    Very Small Tank Setup

    Hets? what is this abbreviated from?
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    Very Small Tank Setup

    These are the sort of things that I am hoping for and these are only 2.5 gal so should work out :hyper:
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    2.4 Ukgal Nano (freshwater)

    Sorry :blush: if the mods will move me I will be happy :rolleyes: Thanks.
  36. M

    Very Small Tank Setup

    Thank you for that miss wiggle, :good:
  37. M

    2.4 Ukgal Nano (freshwater)

    I have a really small tank just lying around and wanted to make a freshwater nano tank but need a bit of help. It is 12"x7"xabout8" and someone off the forum said that it would be 2.4 uk gal. I have got gravel a stick on pad heater, small sponge filter. I would like to make it planted if...
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    Very Small Tank Setup

    Oh right sounds good mate :)
  39. M

    Very Small Tank Setup

    Erm, don't know about marine (nano) seems a bit too much to be honist I'd rather stick to fresh water but thanks :good: