

Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2006
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I'm looking for an online website to get some cheap nutritional plant substrate, I don't want to pay much as i only need a tiny bit for my 2.4 gal nano. Or if anyone could sell me any personally for a small price that would be really nice, also what sort of plants would do well, I really like java moss balls, riccia, and the small grass type plant?.

Many thanks mattb22
shipping will cost you more then the substance.

just go to a lfs
Yh but won't an LFS charge me a normal price and itt will be like a 1-2kg bag, which I don't really need?
I've just set up a tank using cheap aquatic compost from a garden centre. It cost me 6 euro for a 20 litre bag. It's a bit early to know for sure but it seems to be working well. Plants that were dying in my large tank are coming back to life in it...... Might be worth a shot.
What aquatic garden centre was this?, is it online?
I think he's talking about a nutrient substrate though.

Also I checked how much I paid for cactus compost in my nearest B&Q. It was £3 for a small bag. I'm sure you'll only need the one. They also sell pea gravel for cheap. My lfs make up bags of gravel to any sizes. Could yours not do the same? Or do they buy in pre-made bags?

Oops. My bad. Many people with planted tanks commonly use either flourite, ada aquasoil, Eco complete, or soilmaster. The last 3 can be purchased at most home/garden centers.
Hmm, I think I might have to go with the cactus compost sounds cheap and effective, anyone had much luck with this ?

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