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  1. J

    Suggestions please!

    about 20 min from the metro area.
  2. J

    over stocked??? understocked??? just right???

    another thing, the reason i got the danios was to cycle the tank and now that is it cycled i kind of want them to die :sad: . then that would leave me more room for more bigger better fish.
  3. J

    over stocked??? understocked??? just right???

    I want lots of babies :lol: . I had another dwarf gourami in there too but the one who is still alive killed him. so i don't think i want another gourami. thanks anyway though!
  4. J

    over stocked??? understocked??? just right???

    Ok i have a 20 gal long tank with the following fish in it: 5 zebra danios 1 dwarf gourami 3 cherry barbs 1 ramshorn snail (i know, not a fish but i had to put him up there) Can I add any more fish? I was thinking about adding a pair of Kribs, would that be too much for the size of tank i...
  5. J

    Suggestions please!

    ok, thanks everyone for those names. i think i have one picked. it's from that website you game me tanked. i like Chai. it means mischeivious. he is a very mischeivious fish! he loves to go under the plant! and i have to help him out. so i am pretty sure that will be his name. thanks...
  6. J

    Suggestions please!

    i am going to name him something that i like, i just like to have some suggestions from other people. i like the name dexter, we had a cat that we called that, we named him that because we found him under our deck. so everyone help me! i don't care if they are stupid. i personally like...
  7. J

    Suggestions please!

    ok, i went to Malwart a few days ago and felt so bad for the little bettas in the cups so i decided i'd take one home. so i picked this really pretty little one, he isn't even full grown yet. I got him all settled in and then i knew i had a problem....i couldn't think of a name for him. he is...
  8. J

    Can't find anywhere to post for goldfish

    I have a problem with petco's fish. they die really fast. and i don't buy from wal-mart anymore they have problems too :D .