over stocked??? understocked??? just right???


New Member
Mar 31, 2003
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Ok i have a 20 gal long tank with the following fish in it:

5 zebra danios
1 dwarf gourami
3 cherry barbs
1 ramshorn snail (i know, not a fish but i had to put him up there)

Can I add any more fish? I was thinking about adding a pair of Kribs, would that be too much for the size of tank i have? thanks in advanced!

you could probably get a few platies, or maybe a small suckermouth catfish (best choise would be an Ancistris, or bushy nose pleco). you could also maybe get another dwarf gourami, or if you have good filtration you could get a couple (or one) pearl gourami (Trichogaster leeri).
I want lots of babies :lol: . I had another dwarf gourami in there too but the one who is still alive killed him. so i don't think i want another gourami. thanks anyway though!
another thing, the reason i got the danios was to cycle the tank and now that is it cycled i kind of want them to die :sad: . then that would leave me more room for more bigger better fish.
rather then wish they would die. Why don't you take them back to your LFS and apply any credit you may get to purchase of something you really want. or do you have any friends with fish tanks? if so see if they would like the danios. :D
you're totally in the clear for a couple more fish. another gourami is a good idea, as a single gourami can be very aggressive.

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