Search results

  1. K

    C. Reticulatus?

    Anybody keep these? I got three of them at the Catfish Convention and they are temp. with three WC elegans in a 10g. They are really nice. Are they easy to keep?
  2. K

    What Kind Of Cory Cat Is This?

    I agree, that is a Brochis, probably splendens.
  3. K

    New To Corys

    I have kept Cories and Mystery snails together and they were fine.
  4. K

    They're Just Too Stinkin' Cute! *pics Added*

    Is the tank cycled?
  5. K

    They're Just Too Stinkin' Cute! *pics Added*

    You should probably get them a bigger tank. They are a schooling (shoaling?) fish, after all. I would think a 20L should be able to hold appropriately-sized schools of both species.
  6. K

    Does Anyone Know Anything About Leopard Corys?

    They are probably trills.
  7. K

    Corydoras Incolicana

    I think they get to be ~3 inches. If you have the room, why not? After all, it's likely that you may never see these guys again.
  8. K

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Updating my list: 10x B. splendens 8x C. aeneus 'albino' 3x C. 'Cw010' 2x C. panda 2x C. pygmaeus 4x C. sterbai 4x C. axlerodi
  9. K

    How Many Brochis Splendens In A 30 Gallon

    Today, I moved the four sterbai into the 30 gallon and some axlerodi I got last week into the 10 gallon (where the sterbai were). I think I will just add 2-4 more sterbai to the tank, and that will be it.
  10. K

    Which Brochis Sp?

    Thanks for the link! Im fairly sure they arent multiradiatus, splendens or britskii. They might be Cw034 or Cw035 though. Thanks!
  11. K

    Which Brochis Sp?

    At an LFS, there were some HUGE Brochis labelled as Brochis Britskii, but the dorsal looks more triangular, like a cory's dorsal. What are they?
  12. K

    How Many Brochis Splendens In A 30 Gallon

    Ok then. I moved the 6 Brochis + 4 more I got on Saturday into the 30 gallon yesterday. I also moved the sand from the 20g tank and about 5 gallons of old water. The Brochis seem to really like the new tank.
  13. K

    Advice On How To Change Substrate

    Yes, play sand will work once thoroughly washed, as Ive heard. However in your tank, I probably wouldn't add anymore fish as your tank is fully stocked as it is. If you ever do get cories, the suggested minimum is 6 (Although more is better!).
  14. K

    Albino Corys ?

    Id say you have enough room for a school of six. I would also recommend upping the amount of cardinal and serpae tetras.
  15. K

    How Many Brochis Splendens In A 30 Gallon

    Its USG. Also, what do you mean by when the tanks cycles? Can't I just move the filter from my 20 to my 30?
  16. K

    How Many Brochis Splendens In A 30 Gallon

    The tank is 3 ft long. would that be enough for 15?
  17. K

    I Have Some Questions.

    Would H202 work as a subsitute for Acriflavine?
  18. K

    How Many Brochis Splendens In A 30 Gallon

    I currently have 6 Brochis Splendens in a 20 gallon tank. I want to upgrade to a 30 gallon tank (Which I have). How many more Brochis could I safely add to the tank? Would maybe adding 4-9 more be ok?
  19. K

    I Have Some Questions.

    Thanks! Ill see If my LFS can order in some Acriflavine.
  20. K

    I Have Some Questions.

    Unfortunately, the Panda Cory died. Should I still treat the tank he was in with Tetracycline or should I just disinfect with Acriflavine?
  21. K

    I Have Some Questions.

    How do I use tetracycline on food? Do I like put the food in a solution of 500 ml of water and add 5 mg of TC?
  22. K

    I Have Some Questions.

    Golden pearls are a fry food. They come in sizes of 50-100, 100-200, 200-300, 300-500 and 500-800 microns. Yes there are some red streaks in the Panda's fins.
  23. K

    I Have Some Questions.

    Thanks! The panda with the frayed fins looks a little better, but it's "skin" is still dark. I live in Northern Virginia. I dont have any goldfish, but I was considering getting a comet (long-finned common). If I ever do, Ill put it in it's own tank. I have a few more questions: Can I use...
  24. K

    I Have Some Questions.

    1. One of my Panda Cories seems to be stressed. The caudal fin is frayed and looks red and his body looks dark-colored. I will be doing 50% water changes off the tank, but is there anything else I should do? The only fish in there are 3 Panda cories and 2 Pygmys. 2. I decided for the sake of...
  25. K

    Good Beginner Cory For 1st Attempt At Breeding?

    I think I want to try and breed cories. What is a good beginner's cory for breeding? C. melanotaenia, maybe? C. paleatus? C. aeneus?
  26. K

    Acceptable betta tankmates

    I would think that you would have sufficient room for a school of 6 cories. (I suggest either C. aeneus or C. sterbai as they can tolerate the high temperatures that bettas like)
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    How Many Pygmy Cories Can I Keep In A 5 Gallon?

    Would 6 in a 10 gallon be ok?
  28. K

    How Many Pygmy Cories Can I Keep In A 5 Gallon?

    I originally got 4 pygmys, but two of them died. I want to get some more, but I want to know the maximum I can get.
  29. K

    Is My Tank Overstocked?

    I think its a Penguin. Thanks!
  30. K

    Is My Tank Overstocked?

    I have a Marineland filter. I cant remember the exact name, but it filters 350 gph.
  31. K

    Is My Tank Overstocked?

    Would maybe 3-4 be better?
  32. K

    Is My Tank Overstocked?

    Would adding 6-8 White Clouds be too much?
  33. K

    "high Quality Fish Food"

    I use food from kensfish.
  34. K

    Is My Tank Overstocked?

    Thanks! I was worried since I heard form some places that they get 5 inches long and others where they said it was a little over 3 inches long.
  35. K

    Is My Tank Overstocked?

    I have a 20 long tank with 6 Brochis Splendens. Is that too much for the tank to handle?
  36. K

    Green Neon Tetras

    Paracheirodon simulans Paracheirodon simulans
  37. K

    Green Neon Tetras

    I would assume that they can live in 7.2 PH, but would prefer soft water. Im guessing this based off the fact that they live in the same location as the cardinal tetra.
  38. K

    Platy And Molly Pregnancy

    Rubberband a sponge around your intake.
  39. K

    A Complete Noob

    0.1% (1 teaspoon per gallon) rock salt (pickling and aquarium salt also work) is a much cheaper and equally effective subsitute to antibiotics.
  40. K

    Can I Mix Corys?

    Its fine, but generally cories prfer their own species. If you have the room, why not get two more trills and four pandas/adolphis?