They're Just Too Stinkin' Cute! *pics Added*


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2008
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So I bought two Cories, one yesterday and one today, and I absolutely LOVE them! The one I bought yesterday seems to be right at home now and everytime I come near, he/she always starts zip-zapping across the tank! Along with my Betta! The one I bought about half an hour ago is still settling in, so there's not much action coming from him/her yet of course. Anyways, this is my first time owning Cories and wow they are just too adorable! I am very tempted to get a bigger tank so that I can get more! :fun:
I know i love mine (2 named minxy and fishy - named after member minxfishy) And i'm getting more tomorrow can't wait! They love my gravel vac as well they have front row seats all the time! Whenever i come near the tank they come to the front and swim up and down.
I know i love mine (2 named minxy and fishy - named after member minxfishy) And i'm getting more tomorrow can't wait! They love my gravel vac as well they have front row seats all the time! Whenever i come near the tank they come to the front and swim up and down.

Aww haha yeah I had no idea they could have so much personality!

Right now I am trying to figure out what types they are and their genders! :crazy: I have been looking through the cat-e-log online and there are just so many! :blink:


You can't see it, but he/she has a black stripe...
My guesses are peppered cory for the top pic and sterbai for the bottom. Gorgeous betta BTW.
I agree with the C. paleatus but I think the second one is a C. trilineatus. She said it has a black stripe and notice the black blotch on the dorsal fin.

You only bought one of each? These fish love to be with their own kind in groups of at least 5. Depending on the size of your tank this may not be practical though.

You only bought one of each? These fish love to be with their own kind in groups of at least 5. Depending on the size of your tank this may not be practical though.

Yeah I was told that I should have 2 at the max in my 3 gallon tank...:unsure:
You should probably get them a bigger tank. They are a schooling (shoaling?) fish, after all. I would think a 20L should be able to hold appropriately-sized schools of both species.
You only bought one of each? These fish love to be with their own kind in groups of at least 5. Depending on the size of your tank this may not be practical though.

Yeah I was told that I should have 2 at the max in my 3 gallon tank...:unsure:

Oh, 3 gallon tank. I should have caught that from the picture.

Ya, adding more is doable but you're into more frequent water changes (you do weekly 25% water changes, don't you?).

Enjoy what you have and keep them healthy. If you can move up to a 10 or 20 gallon and get more of each species, you'll see a different side of them.

Cheers and good luck.
Well my forum friends, I have some bad news to break...I came home from the barn and my little black and white Cory had passed away :-( And I had just bought it yesterday...I was hoping it would be friends with my other Cory...I don't know how/why it died...maybe Cories were a bad idea :sad:
Awwww thats so sad to hear that :(

I love corys, I use to have an albino one, he had such a great personality (as weird as that may sound)

I think their such a great fish to watch. Sadly mine passed away to a couple of weeks ago, was rather upsetting. Especially because i had him for months.


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