How Many Brochis Splendens In A 30 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2008
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I currently have 6 Brochis Splendens in a 20 gallon tank. I want to upgrade to a 30 gallon tank (Which I have). How many more Brochis could I safely add to the tank? Would maybe adding 4-9 more be ok?

It depends on the footprint of the tank, maintenance and filtration: at least 10, as many as 15 or more.
The tank is 3 ft long. would that be enough for 15?
Probably, but do not add them all at once unless they are very young and you want to do water changes daily until the tank cycles.

Is this usg or imperial gallon?
Its USG. Also, what do you mean by when the tanks cycles? Can't I just move the filter from my 20 to my 30?
If you add 10 fish at one time you will have a mini cycle. It will take a little while for the bacteria to catch up with the new bio load.
In theory the biological filter has the capacity to double in about 24 or 48 hours (I forget which one) in ideal situations (ie. not letting it dry or sit w/out circulation for long). Given that, I still wouldn't add 6 more at 1 time. When you change tanks pull at least 25% of the water from your old tank.

If you add more fish than the biological filter can handle you'll get ammonia and nitrite spikes. Ammonia burns them and nitrite suffocates them.

Yeah, I would say that 2 days of ammonia and nitrite would not make happy fish. :good:
Ok then. I moved the 6 Brochis + 4 more I got on Saturday into the 30 gallon yesterday. I also moved the sand from the 20g tank and about 5 gallons of old water. The Brochis seem to really like the new tank.
Today, I moved the four sterbai into the 30 gallon and some axlerodi I got last week into the 10 gallon (where the sterbai were). I think I will just add 2-4 more sterbai to the tank, and that will be it.

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