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  1. B

    neon tetra disease

    you are the first person to say that. Do you have experience of it? Now I'm feeling guilty!
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    Noen Tetra

    As long as the colour comes back, Iv'e just had one who lost its colour permanently and unfortunately it tuned out to be Neon tetra disease. Almost certainly. Just lost him today. Hope yours are OK
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    neon tetra disease

    Thanks all for your concern and help. Today, I took the sick fish to the LFS ( Its a very good one, only deal in fish , family run aquatics business) to ask if they would put it out of its misery as I couldn't face doing it , especially after reading the pinned article on euthanasia. LFS said...
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    neon tetra disease

    Thanks for that link J-acon. Looks just like that. oh dear.
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    neon tetra disease

    When I read tstenbacks reply, I was somewhat hopeful, since it is only the blue stripe which has gone, but having read the rest I'm still sad. On a slightly more positive note though, my little fish has been more cheerful today, swimming out into the middle of the tank instead of resting in a...
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    neon tetra disease

    One of my neons appears to have neon tetra disease ( I have 5 altogether) Two days ago I noticed that the stripe down one side was not complete about 40% missing. How long should I wait to confirm the disease? How do I terminate its life if this is the answer? Please help :sad:
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    Neon Tetras

    The symptoms are: Not swimming with other fish resting almost all the time , except for feeding. part of one sides stripe gone all together ( approx 40%) Other stripe perfect. No other signs. Should I treat with furazolidone, or do you think its too late? I don't think I can bring myself...
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    Bubbs needs help

    Thanks temp'fury for your help. I do appreciate it. ( By the way I'm female)
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    Neon Tetras

    If this is neon tetra disease, what do I do? I only have the one tank. The stripe has not come back. Almost 2 days now. :(
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    Neon Tetras

    OH NO! possibly my first ailment. I've only had the tank 7 weeks. How do you isolate when its the only tank? Sorry tempestuousfury I can't find the pinned article
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    Neon Tetras

    Please can anyone explain why one of my neons (I have 5) has lost part of its blue stripe, only down one side. Is he/she sick? Seems to be eating OK or is this normal? Thanks
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    stocking guide

    Sorry to hear about your accidents guys , hope you're both OK!! --- please tell me what IMO means. I'm still a newbie , both at fish keeping and forums :*) Thanks far all the advice .
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    stocking guide

    (I tried to put in a quote here hope its worked!) :unsure: Thanks , thats good to know . At what point does the tank become Mature?
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    stocking guide

    Thanks for all your help. I'm slowly stocking a new small (70ltr) tank and so far nitrAtes seem to be stable at 12.5, Nitrites 0 and Ph 7.5 Only have small fish though 5 Black widow tetras, 5 neon tetras and 2 dwarf Gouramis, all added at different times. Maybe I'm fully stocked now ( for a...
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    stocking guide

    is this per UK Gallon or US Gallon?
  16. B

    Problems with my kissing gouramis

    I have just returned one of the kissers and brought home a male and a female dwarf gourami. I expected the male to have red and blue(ish) stripes on its body, but the male I have is mainly red on its body with a blue dorsal? fin (the top fin). Does this sound like a dwarf gourami?
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    Fat Fish Bellys

    I only feed once a day and notice that straight after a feed some of the black widow tetras and neons have a fat stomach, but by the next day its gone down. I'm still very new to this and am not sure how much food to give, but it all goes within minutes. Still think I might be over feeding...
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    Problems with my kissing gouramis

    Thanks for your advice. Since one of the kisser fish is permanently pushed into a corner, I think I will take one of them back. But which one? does this matter? How about if I was to get a pair of dwarf gouramis aswell as one kisser. Will these get on? or am I best to take both kissers back and...
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    Problems with my kissing gouramis

    70 ltr tank. I know its only small but lfs said he'd take them back once they got too large, or by that time I was hoping to persuade hubby to get a larger tank. (almost there I think. :D ) Maybe dwarf gouramis would be better in the 70 ltr. I really like my kissers though.
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    Problems with my kissing gouramis

    I bought 2 kissing gouramis 2 weeks ago. They were forever having battles and one in particular won everytime. Spoke to the lfs who said to return the 'bully' and swap him for another one. I did this and now the original gourami is permanently chasing the new one into a corner. Is this normal...
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    Can this be?

    Thanks all for your replies. Sorry I haven't logged on for a few days. Water stayed constant so went out and bought 2 kissing gouramis. They're fab!! Should I expect a nitrite spike now? 2 days in and no change in water chemistry yet..... BFN
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    Can this be?

    I have only had my Jewel rekord 70 tank for 2 weeks, and didn't have any fish in it for the first week. I bought 5 Black widow tetras 10 days ago and have been testing for nitrite daily. After 2 days the reading started to creep up and the lfs advised that I did 20% water change. This I did...
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    New to this hobby

    Just learning - Seems a good forum - new to them as well. Lots of questions already. Only had the tank for 2 weeks but already got the bug! Bye for now :nod: