Problems with my kissing gouramis


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
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I bought 2 kissing gouramis 2 weeks ago. They were forever having battles and one in particular won everytime.
Spoke to the lfs who said to return the 'bully' and swap him for another one.
I did this and now the original gourami is permanently chasing the new one into a corner. Is this normal behaviour for Kissing gouramis or have I been unlucky? I thought they were supposed to be peaceful fish!

Thought I might swap them both for Dwarf Gouramis, but have just read that they can be nasty. Any advise most welcome. Only had an aquarium for 6 weeks so am still very new.
Hey i have two kissing gouramis, VVVVVVVVVVVVV

Thats normal behavior hes just teaching the other kisser this is my territory so BACK OFF , But they are going to get aggresive what size of tank u have them in?
70 ltr tank. I know its only small but lfs said he'd take them back once they got too large, or by that time I was hoping to persuade hubby to get a larger tank. (almost there I think. :D )

Maybe dwarf gouramis would be better in the 70 ltr.
I really like my kissers though.
dwarf gouramies would be much better suited to that tank!

Although you have the option to take the fish to the lfs when they get large, it will be hard to let them go :sad: so i think it will be best to swap them soon, before you get too attached

Kissing gourami do like to have a rather big territory, so having 2 in a tank that size will only leave room for the dominant fish.
This is common between Kissing Gourami and Gouramis full stop. They are terriotoral and will defend their terriotries with all they have Kissers in particularly. For example, I have 3 Gouramis in a large Asian Tank now I tried to slowly introduce my Kissing Gourami into that tank and as soon as he was in the other Gouramis chased him. Yet when he is back in his old tank he is the terriotoral one. Kissers normally do better in groups in large tanks or as single specimens. If you have two males you are likely to see them lip lock of their terriotries. By taking out the 'Bully' you gave the old fish power and now he will turn into the bully. I would advise you to return them both because your tank is way to small for them, if you plan on upgrading you could keep two.
Thanks for your advice.
Since one of the kisser fish is permanently pushed into a corner, I think I will take one of them back. But which one? does this matter?

How about if I was to get a pair of dwarf gouramis aswell as one kisser. Will these get on? or am I best to take both kissers back and swap for a pair of dwarfs?

If I get a pair of dwarf gouramis, am I best to get 1 male and one female, since they are easier to differentiate? or 2 males?

Sorry for all the questions, I just want a peaceful community, and like gouramis. :blink:
In a 70 litre tank you can keep a pair of dwarfs. Don't put 2 males together.
They will figh because the tank is too small for 2 males.

Even my 250 litre tank is two small for two males (believe me I know form experience :rolleyes: )
I have just returned one of the kissers and brought home a male and a female dwarf gourami. I expected the male to have red and blue(ish) stripes on its body, but the male I have is mainly red on its body with a blue dorsal? fin (the top fin).

Does this sound like a dwarf gourami?

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