Can this be?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
I have only had my Jewel rekord 70 tank for 2 weeks, and didn't have any fish in it for the first week.

I bought 5 Black widow tetras 10 days ago and have been testing for nitrite daily. After 2 days the reading started to creep up and the lfs advised that I did 20% water change. This I did for 3 days as the reading stayed at .8 mg/l.
After the third water change (20%) the reading reduced to approx .3mg/l and since then has reduced to 0 ( for last two days).

Does this mean that my tank has cycled so quickly?? ( or are the fish just constipated??? :lol: )

I did stop feeding for 2 days when nitrite was raised.

Nitrates read approx 12.5mg/l

Does this mean I can add another fish??

Never kept fish before - sorry for all the questions!
The nitrite level is 0 which is good and you are showing some nitrates. what is the ammonia reading? If this is also 0 then you appear to be cycled. Have you made any water changes in the last 2 days(since the nitrites went to 0)?Did you use anything to start the cycle other than the black widows ie. gravel from another tank, ornament from a tank, etc.?
I would wait for a few days and keep monitoring ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. If you truly are cycled then the ammonia should stay at 0 as should the nitrites but the nitrates should climb.
HTH :)
Welcome to the forum, bubbs!

Sounds like you're doing a lot of things right. tstenback's advice should help as well. Add a little extra patience and you're all good!

A little advice from some current stocking their first tank: make sure you buy all your stock from the one store who you feel keeps the fish you want in the best condition. I'm learning that lesson the hard way right now.

Black Tetras are cool little fish. What are you planning to keep with them?
Is it possible for a small tank to cycle that fast?

It's not absolutely impossible, but it is very, very unlikely. If it is already cycled, it is in no way representative of an average tank.

Tstenback gave you great advice: be patient and wait a few more days. Keep testing water chemistry each day. If after a few days everything is still cool: your fish are still eating, and both ammonia AND nitrite remain zero for a few more days, then - as hard as it is to believe - then yes, Virginia, your tank probably did cycle that fast, and we are all consumed with overwhelming jealousy. :S Patience almost always works for you and very rarely against you; it really is the best medicine (but the most difficult to apply :p ). When in doubt, wait a few days. If everything is in line, you will see consistent water parameters indicate so. If test results in the coming days are not consistent, and do not indicate stability and cycle completion, then you may have spared the fish you would've added some misery at least, and death at worst. If your fish-to-be had a vote, they would rather you be sure.

Just my two cents. :)

Thanks all for your replies. Sorry I haven't logged on for a few days. Water stayed constant so went out and bought 2 kissing gouramis. They're fab!!

Should I expect a nitrite spike now?

2 days in and no change in water chemistry yet.....


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