Search results

  1. M

    Cloudy Water

    Good job! Stick with the water changes for now like i told you earlier but MAKE SURE to go and get SRESS COAT before adding tap water to your tank. NO CHANGES until you get it! These small frequent water changes should also help your cloudy/milky water. If after a few weeks when your radings...
  2. M

    Cloudy Water

    Use STRESS COAT. Its not expensive youll get in in your LFS. ALWAYS add this to your water. BTW, do you vacumn your gravel at every water change? How often do you change the water & how much do you replace??
  3. M

    Fishies Fishies Fishies

    I love going fishing for Sea trout and Salmon. I like to eat Sea Trout & Cod! Fishing season starts again in May '06! Cant wait! :D
  4. M

    Cloudy Water

    It does sound like a bacterial bloom, i dont know what else makes your water stay cloudy, its soo annoying! Though in sayin that it DOESN'T do your fish any harm at all, so no worries from that side of things! I know that there is stuff you can buy to get rod of it, erm i think its called...
  5. M

    Cloudy Water

    Well, i think if i were you i'd just start to do water changers. Nothing major, 15-20% which i would do EVERYDAY though. I would do this until my ammonia & nitrites both read 0 an my nitrates were down to about 20ppm. Now, your cloudiness? Is it like a white milky colour? I was thinking perhaps...
  6. M

    Whats Good For My Jd & Green Terror?

    Couldnt keep up with the crowd?? :S
  7. M

    Test Kits

    Thanx again for all your replies! Think ill just go and buy new ones, its not a lot if u only do it once a year & better safe than sorry! :thumbs:
  8. M

    Test Kits

    Jus wonderin how long test kits last for? Ammonia, nitrite & nitrate, oh & NEVER forgetting pH? I have mine opened for about a year - will they still be accurate? :S
  9. M

    Quesions About Food

    Yeah no apparently no difference between frozen & live bloodworms. I buy mine frozen & it says on the pcket they are as nutritious as the live ones.... So they say anyways - my fish dont complain!!!! :thumbs:
  10. M


    Jus clean a little at a time. Get a smallish bowl put a little sand in & run the tap until the water is clear and you can see he sand at the bottom, give it a swirl to make sure its all done. Doing it LITTLE BY LITTLE takes ages, but its worth it. i added coral sand to my cichlid tank took about...
  11. M

    Whats Good For My Jd & Green Terror?

    Cheers dude! ;)
  12. M

    Live Meal Worms?

    Thank you. I live in Northern Ireland so a heater is a must. My tank temp is 25/26c. I have a juwel vision 260l (uk). I change 15% of my water weekly. Thanks again. :thumbs:
  13. M

    Yellow Labs

    Dogged again :angry:
  14. M

    Live Meal Worms?

    I done a Google there on Hexamitiasis and i did wonder how mealworms did (or didnt) cause this disease! Thanks folks... I love yas all :D
  15. M

    Live Meal Worms?

    thanks v much! Now, i know im in the wrong section, but... Do the same rules apply to my Jack Dempsy and Green Terror?? :blink:
  16. M

    Live Meal Worms?

    Just wondering can i feed my yellow labs live meal worms & how often is good? What do u guys and gals feed yours? :S
  17. M

    Whats Good For My Jd & Green Terror?

    Yeah thanks. Just bought some live meal worms today, they seem to be going down a treat Ordered in some live crickets too... Good idea? :thumbs:
  18. M

    Rock Pictures.

    Well i found out - its rainbow rock! Any good??? :blink:
  19. M

    Whats Good For My Jd & Green Terror?

    Thanks man, im jus gonna have to feed them well & wait then! :beer:
  20. M

    Silver Dollar-how To Take Care

    You're retired & you can "work" the internet - my mum or dad could never do that!!! :lol: Well done buddy, hope your silver's start eating real soon! :thumbs:
  21. M

    Finally Changed To Sand

    Nice tank sir. Im jealous :X
  22. M

    Yellow Labs

    Thanks man. My labs are around 3" long... I have seen a lot smaller ones in my lfs for £6.50 each. Maybe were just ripped off in Northern Ireland :sad:
  23. M

    What Would You Do?

    Remember not to add too many fish at once... :thumbs:
  24. M

    Friends For Green Terrors

    It has been allegedly known for Terrors to share pools or whatever with Aligators in a certain animal park :flex: I just cant remember where! Perhaps someone else knows..?
  25. M

    Whats Good For My Jd & Green Terror?

    Thanks man, sounds good :) Does anyone know how long it would take a JD or Green T to grow fully anyway? :fish:
  26. M

    Whats Good For My Jd & Green Terror?

    ok guys! Many thanks for all your help! I will try some of those ideas :hey:
  27. M

    Whats Good For My Jd & Green Terror?

    Jus a question. Im looking to seroiusly make my JD & GT grow a bit faster! I keep them in a 80 gal tank, had them since they were about 1/2 inch they are now about 3 inch after a year or so. I have been feeding them freeze dried tubifex, frozen bloodworm & flakes. What is good for helping them...
  28. M

    Yellow Labs Chasing

    Oh, and by the way. I suppose you were a cichlid EXPERT 1 week after becoming interested? £130 puounds sterling thats 230.089 USD at todays currency conversion.
  29. M

    Yellow Labs Chasing

    Sorry about that cheeky fella! I made the mistake of listening to the guy that sold me the fish. If you read ANY of my post you will see that i have asked sufficent questions about these particular fish. Jus thinking, if you went to buy a car and the salesman told you the cylinders where 10"...
  30. M

    Yellow Labs Chasing

    thanx man. ur a star! :thumbs:
  31. M

    Yellow Labs Chasing

    Hmmmm, thanks man. Will they grow much bigger than 2"? The Male will still chase the females too though? I was thinking of just getting 2 more females. So all in all a total of 4 fish? Is this a good or bad idea :huh:
  32. M

    Yellow Labs Chasing

    Ive jus moved my 2 yellow labs 1 male, 1 female (about 2") to my new 80l (uk) tank (its almost 3ft long). Its all sweet for them. wee rocky hidy place and everything. They were in my 260l tank with no problems. Now i think the male has started chasing the female around a bit. I suppose its early...
  33. M

    Rock Pictures.

    Trouble is, i think theyre all as stupid as me... Anyways, its a BIG pet shop. Gawd knows. Ill find out. Didnt think there were so many kinds, thought someone sensible wood know. thats all! :)
  34. M

    Rock Pictures.

    Today i went and purchased some rock for my new mbuna to help higher the pH. The guy in the shop said it was the best stuff. Trouble is i never asked the name of if. does anyone know where to get pictures of rock? It is not a solid rock, its like triangular 3D with a hollow centre. Sorry, thats...
  35. M

    Pics of my Piranha Tank

    Neither would i brother. Jus always led to believe piranhas eat ANYTHING! ok, not spikes, but you know what i mean! Good luck to you bro! :thumbs:
  36. M

    Coral Sand

    Many thanks to you sir! :D
  37. M

    Coral Sand

    1" sh1t. I think i have arond 2" in now. no one was here to help when i was fillling my tank :-( Should i take some out? Heard about this trapped bacteria in the sand, but most people think it just applies in theory. but hey! What do i know? After all, i do have the word NEWBIE after my name! :lol:
  38. M

    Pics of my Piranha Tank

    Will they not eat the plecos??? :unsure:
  39. M

    My First Tank

    Lovely tank man. well done!