Live Meal Worms?


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Jan 1, 2006
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Just wondering can i feed my yellow labs live meal worms & how often is good? What do u guys and gals feed yours? :S
Hey monkeyman!!

I always saved the mealies for the lizard and my frontosas but give flake, pellet (soaked), frozen shrimp (thawed & kinda torn up) all that is mixed up with Spirulina & seaweed, some greens from the grocer
Don't use it as a staple food for your fish, Chiclids are prone to HEXAMITA. Live meal worms are very good source of protein and you can see chnages in a week or so.

If you really wanted to feed them with meal worms, here's what you want to do.

Morning - Meal worms

Afternoon - Pellets

thanks v much! Now, i know im in the wrong section, but... Do the same rules apply to my Jack Dempsy and Green Terror?? :blink:
For Bigger fish I feed Super worms like this ....

Hexamitiasis is not caused by mealworms.
Stress, particularly caused by poor water conditions/quality or inadequate nutrition is what brings about an infestation.
Hexamitiasis is not caused by mealworms.
Stress, particularly caused by poor water conditions/quality or inadequate nutrition is what brings about an infestation.
I done a Google there on Hexamitiasis and i did wonder how mealworms did (or didnt) cause this disease! Thanks folks... I love yas all :D
Hexamitiasis is not caused by mealworms.
Stress, particularly caused by poor water conditions/quality or inadequate nutrition is what brings about an infestation.
I done a Google there on Hexamitiasis and i did wonder how mealworms did (or didnt) cause this disease! Thanks folks... I love yas all :D

I just didn't elebotrate it. MEal worms makes the water dirty as to compare with pellets. And some chiclids will have a hard time digesting the worms especially in colder places so heater is a must and frequent water change.
Hexamitiasis is not caused by mealworms.
Stress, particularly caused by poor water conditions/quality or inadequate nutrition is what brings about an infestation.
I done a Google there on Hexamitiasis and i did wonder how mealworms did (or didnt) cause this disease! Thanks folks... I love yas all :D

I just didn't elebotrate it. MEal worms makes the water dirty as to compare with pellets. And some chiclids will have a hard time digesting the worms especially in colder places so heater is a must and frequent water change.
Thank you. I live in Northern Ireland so a heater is a must. My tank temp is 25/26c. I have a juwel vision 260l (uk). I change 15% of my water weekly. Thanks again. :thumbs:

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