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  1. sketchy

    Funny Photos

    ha, thaught this was pretty funny..! hotdog anyone... go kermit!!
  2. Easter11.jpg


  3. sketchy

    Goldfish Food

    the flakes were baught about a week ago and so they are fine it says on the bottle it does chlorine and the other one! (i cant remember what is is, chlorsomething!!) but i was just wondering why they would package it as specifically 'goldfish' conditioner
  4. sketchy

    Where Are You Sneaking On Here From?

    ha...always a winner! that one works when i get annoyed with the missus too! just come on here and look busy and she thinks i'm doing uni work so she leaves me alone!! :shout:
  5. sketchy

    Where Are You Sneaking On Here From?

    ahhh...lectures! the perfect place to get on the forum..! free internet and some really boring guy waffiling on at the front so what better way to pass the time!!! where are you sneakin on from to get your daily fishy fix?
  6. sketchy

    2 Questions On Testsing And Slight High Amonia

    would som gravel in the bottom help? more surface area on the bottom of the tank for bacteria to colonise. i doubt it would make a huge difference, but it may well help. :good:
  7. sketchy

    2 Questions On Testsing And Slight High Amonia

    yea - i have the same problem. 0ppm nitrates seems pretty low. most tapwater has more than that! (i'm lucky here with 0ppm but most arent!) what fish do they have in there. if theyre pretty hardy fish, it should be ok. most people experience a small spike in ammonia and/or nitrites if new...
  8. sketchy

    Goldfish Food

    well, i used the goldfish food tub to make my makeshift filter...didnt think of reading it at the time! lol. they seem to be enjoying it though, and as i said its mixed with normal stuff. hmm...
  9. sketchy

    High Fin Varites Platy Female Has Mouth Rot

    i want to know now you've said that!!!
  10. sketchy

    Goldfish Food

    hi all. firstly i would like to say thankyou for all the help i have recieved in the past through this forum! secondly - i baught myself a little 5g tank, heater and bodged a pump from an air filter (as described in the DIY section of this forum - i figured it would b better than a new propper...
  11. sketchy

    Best External

    can you adjust the power of these filters. i am planning on upgrading my filter soon but am also considering getting a much larger tank in the near(ish) future (hopefully about 200). cheers sam
  12. sketchy

    How Big Will My Livebearers Get

    very small!! you can jus see it, maybe a millimetre in length. i have it in a net at the top of the tank so it doesnt get eaten. the guppies are probanly less than an inch in length but all the females have black spots on them near the rear so i was wondering if this means they are pregnant...
  13. sketchy

    How Big Will My Livebearers Get

    hi all i have recently set up my tank, added some platties and guppies the question is i found a fry in the tank yesterday. i'm pretty sure it didnt come in with the guppies that i put in there on saturday as i spent quite a while watching them in the bag, but i dont think anyones big enough...
  14. sketchy

    Bottom Feeder

    what a surprise...i wasnt told that in the shop when i asked whether they would get on with any future inhabitants! but then again it was from pets at home! :shout:
  15. sketchy

    Bottom Feeder

    cheers for the advice! i may think of replacing them then! as nice as they are, they get a bit boring to watch after a while - they just kinda sit in one place most the day! and i dont want them to eat anything they shouldnt! :rolleyes:
  16. sketchy

    How To Clean Gravel Around Dense Plants

    you could always try removing the hoover part and just use the hose attached. i got some window washer hose from halfords thinking that it would solve my problem, but it syphons too slowly and not a lot really got sucked up. then, because of the small diameter hosing, it blocked very easily.
  17. sketchy

    Bottom Feeder

    thanks for the replies, and sorry for tking my time getting back! at present the full stocking list is: 4 platties and 4 head and tail light tetras, and this saturday i'm planning to stick 4 guppies in there.
  18. sketchy

    Bottom Feeder

    i like the sound of that - i dont want anything eating anything!!! especially after the last fish that died - the missus cried for about an hour! :crazy: will they eat my plants though? something i forgot to mention earlier! cheers for the reply sam
  19. sketchy

    Bottom Feeder

    hi all, this weekend i am thinking about putting a few new additions into my 15(ish) gallon community tank and was wondering what i could stick in there that would clear up what the rest of the fish dont eat! i was thinking of some ottos, but i have read somewhere that many are caught in the...
  20. sketchy

    Accidental Fish

    when i put the first fish in the tank about 3 weeks ago i got home, only to find that i had only been charged for 2 platties, rather than the three i got. i was pretty happy about that. then imagine the dissapointment when i found that i only had 4 neons instead of 5! one must of got out the...
  21. sketchy

    Water Change Help Needed!

    although i am nowhere near you, i would like to point out on the subject of lfs's that although you probably shouldnt buy fish from pets at home (i learnt the hard way!) some of their chemicals and stuff are pretty cheap - API master test kit was onle 17 quid! about 6 quid cheaper than the lfs...
  22. sketchy

    Mystery Pink Blobs..?!

    thanks for the replies guys. i went to the lfs earlier today and spoke to some of the guys in there. after much debating, they concluded that it was fungus that grew, probably due to over feeding them. the fish seem to have eaten it all now, and some of it has been sucked into the filter...
  23. sketchy

    Mystery Pink Blobs..?!

    i dont think it could be food, although i do feed them bloodworm every other day, so i guess some of that may have got left there, although i usually hoover it up. egg sacs for what?? i only have a few tetras and some platties in the tank, so i wouldnt have thaught they would be... :blink:
  24. sketchy

    Mystery Pink Blobs..?!

    nope. well, i gave them some blood worms about two days ago, but they ate all of them. its just wierd how they magically appeared overnight...
  25. sketchy

    Mystery Pink Blobs..?!

    hi all, i was wondering if you could help me... this morning when i (eventually) got up, i noticed some rather strange looking pink blobs with "fluff" surrounding them, and have been wondering for a while 'what could they be??!' i've tried googling it and looking about through here, but cant...
  26. Pic.jpg


  27. sketchy

    Platty Eye Problem

    awesome. cheers. doing about 20% a day at the moment totry get it to clear u. as i said, its looking a little better today. shell post on here if it gets any worse or fails to clear up thanks for taking the time to help me out :good: sam
  28. sketchy

    What Else Can I Feed My Fish?

    my head and tail light tetras love peas too. in fact, they seem to like them more than my plattys who dont usually seem too interested! :blink:
  29. sketchy

    Platty Eye Problem

    yea, i apolagise, but it gives you the idea...thats about all you can see on the eye anyway, just a blurry patch really. even in a better pic the eye wouldnt look much different
  30. sketchy

    Platty Eye Problem

    hi all, firstly thanks for the advice and sorry its taken so long for me to reply. i have been pretty busy. it seems to be a little better today, and the fish still seems perfectly happy. it hasnt spread to any of the others. i have a pic. its prettyblurry - i'm not too good at this...
  31. untitled.JPG


  32. sketchy

    Platty Eye Problem

    hi all. i have recently added some new plattys to my tank, and about a week on, one of them has developed a while slound scab over one eye. he doesnt seem to be acting any different, if anything hes quite active today. the eye itself doesnt look to be damaged or swollen or anything, just has...
  33. sketchy

    When Should I Feed My New Fish?

    cheers for the reply. i'll give it a bash and what they dont eat, i'm sure the others will. i was just worried that feeding them after the ride home might upset them or something. cheers again sam
  34. sketchy

    When Should I Feed My New Fish?

    hi all, i have just added 4 new platties to my newly set up comunity tank after the nitrite finally felly to 0 again! the question is: should i feed them straight away. i have read that you should leave them for about a day before feeding them, but at the moment they seem to be swimming the...
  35. sketchy

    Poorly Platties?

    i put the tank through a fishless cycle. the ammonia and nitrate had gone down to 0 but for some reason the nitrite has had a mini spike again. the ph is just over 7. about 7.5 if i remeber without doing the test again. the tanks a 60l and i left the fish in the bag for about half an hour...
  36. sketchy

    Poorly Platties?

    hi all. i recently added some fish to my newly cycled tank. 3 platys and 4 tetras. the tetras settled in straight away and they seem quite happy. however, the platys dont seem to be so happy. one of them died this morning, and since then the other two dont seem to be too happy. they keep...
  37. sketchy

    Stocking A 60l Tank

    cheers for the advice guys the tanks near done cycling now - started a fishless about twoo weeks ago now. the water has cleared which is a bit of a relief think a trip to the lfs this saturday is due. will be bringing a list of the fish noted above with me and we shall see what they have...
  38. sketchy

    Stocking A 60l Tank

    that sounds like it could be a plan. i also want my tank to be planted. i have about 5 plants in there at the moment but figired i should worry about them later on once all has settled in. i already had one die! i think i'm gnna go down on saturday to get them (after moving the tank - i didnt...
  39. sketchy

    Stocking A 60l Tank

    hi all, first i will say sorry, as i have noticed there are a lot of these topics floating about. however, most of them are based around much larger tanks than i have. i'm new to this, and until i move into a ground floor flat i dont really want to get a huge tank! sod getting it up all them...
  40. sketchy

    The Goldfish Game

    its even harder on a laptop!!!