Platty Eye Problem


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
aberdeen, scotland
hi all. i have recently added some new plattys to my tank, and about a week on, one of them has developed a while slound scab over one eye. he doesnt seem to be acting any different, if anything hes quite active today. the eye itself doesnt look to be damaged or swollen or anything, just has this cloud sort of thing over it that sticks out quite a way.
all the water stats are fine now, although i had a nitrite spike some time last week

i would have got a picture up here for you, but the bugger wont stay still long enough for me to take one, and if he does hes facing the wrong way!!

any help would be greatly appreciated


How much did the Nitrite spike by? It is possible, although unlikely, the the Nitrite could have caused this. I dont know what it is though. It could be that adding more fish to your tank caused this. If you can keep trying to takea picture for us.
Some water changes should clear it up, bad water quality can cause cloudy eye.
Cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in it's self.
hi all, firstly thanks for the advice and sorry its taken so long for me to reply. i have been pretty busy. it seems to be a little better today, and the fish still seems perfectly happy. it hasnt spread to any of the others. i have a pic. its prettyblurry - i'm not too good at this underwater photography lark! i got some pretty good pics, but none of them have the bad eye in them!


  • untitled.JPG
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The pic to blurry to make anything out.
yea, i apolagise, but it gives you the idea...thats about all you can see on the eye anyway, just a blurry patch really. even in a better pic the eye wouldnt look much different
The fish has cloudy eye fetched on by bad water quality.
Should clear up with some water changes.
awesome. cheers. doing about 20% a day at the moment totry get it to clear u. as i said, its looking a little better today. shell post on here if it gets any worse or fails to clear up

thanks for taking the time to help me out :good:


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