Accidental Fish

My lfs always giving me free stuff lol i bought 10 plants (i asked for 9) the other day should of cost me £9 but she only charged me something like £3 and once i bought 6 neon tetras and got like 11. I also bought 2 pieces of bogwood which should of cost me like £18 but i got for £10. I have saved alot of money from my lfs but they are all very nice there and i always go there lol.
Good Luck :good:
A small Harlequin hitched in with 3 cories....

He was at home with the 3 Harli's already in there...

A few years ago when a new store opened up near here they ran a buy one get one free offer on all their fish for the first month to attract people to the new store. We went for a look around and i decided to buy a Liearius pictus that they had as it was a fish i had wanted for a while, but they only had one so wasnt in the BOGOF deal. Imagine my suprise when the girl serving me started netting out a Hemibagrus wykii from the next tank and said "you did want the other one as well didnt you?" Not being one to turn down a £120 fish for free i didnt inform her of her mistake and left with both fish for the price of the £65 that the Leiarius cost.
when i put the first fish in the tank about 3 weeks ago i got home, only to find that i had only been charged for 2 platties, rather than the three i got. i was pretty happy about that. then imagine the dissapointment when i found that i only had 4 neons instead of 5! one must of got out the bag while we were busy netting another!
unfortunately it turned out pretty break even in the end though
I recently took 6 platy fry to my lfs who are really cool, I could not offer them a home anywhere. The guy gave to 2 rams for free!! in exchage (what a cool guy)


It was funny the other day I was back there and was buying two females, I didn't get a freebie but found it amusing that a Moustached danio kept getting in her net he must have jumped in thier about 3 times, lol. I would have given him a home but did'nt know enough about him to take him.
We just bought some white clouds and a couple of zebra danios, and a small sucking loach ( I think) came along for the ride. Didn't realise what he was until I looked on some forums for identification!!!
I don't know what to do, whether to keep him and see how it goes, or to take him back. He's very entertaining at the mo!!!
Most recently I got 2 emerald eye rasbora stoaways when I got 2 dwarf frogs for my missus.I have had loads of free tetras and stuff my lfs doesnt usually bother too much with the small ones, think they are to lazy to fish them back out the bag.

Best con deals I have done on my lfs are getting a beautiful adult male krib the girl thought was a swordtail lol and a spotted pekoltia as a common pl*co.

But I have had it happen the other way around.I picked out a lovely large male nicaragua cichlid from a tank of mixed hand ins.I went off to look at other fish while she caught it and bagged it.When I got home and opened the bag to my horror I realise shes bagged me a large male salvini instead.I took it back the next day and she apologised and I got my nic and a few freebies.
as well as all the wonder joy of getting a free fish, it comes with a downside, if you get a fish like a tetra or other shoaling fish on its own, its up to you to either take it back or buy more.sometimes a free fish can cost quite a bit.
A couple of years ago I bought some floating plants (the first time I'd seen any at my LFS) on my way to work on a night shift. I came out of the shop at around 5pm, getting to work at around 6.30. I'd been at work around two hours and remembered the plants I'd literally thrown into my work bag. I took out the poly bag and held it up to the light. Oh s***!!, there's a fish in there. Looking as closely as I could, I could see it was a pencilfish, around half an inch long. Great, it's 8pm, I won't be home until 8am the next morning. What to do?. A sudden flash of inspiration (doesn't happen very often); there's a small kitchen in the office; I got out the washing up bowl and half filled it with warm-ish water and floated the bag, putting a little more warm water in the bowl every hour or so. Eventually the bag steamed up so I had to open it and roll the sides down. When I came to fasten the bag up next morning before going home, I couldn't believe it was still alive. As soon as I got home I floated the bag in the tank before letting him swim into his new home. The next week, I'd been so bowled over by this little character I added another five pencilfish and they're now my faves. I still can't believe he lasted fifteen hours in that bag - and he's still going strong.
when i broght my BN plec a few years ago i was looknig in there fry tank, and then he gave me about 20/25 fry, they ended up being, guppies, mollie, platies and swordtails, i was so happy that day :rolleyes:

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