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  1. R

    Clamped Fins

    i need help my betta's fins used 2 b so beautiful now they r all clamped he might be stressed or hav bad water conditions but i dont use chlorinated water so how do u cure it?? :unsure: :-( :sad:
  2. R

    How Do I Fix This

    thts wat my fish used 2 look like now it looks like tht 2 :-( :sad:
  3. R

    If Betta's/fish Could Be Models...

    he is very good for a fish model :nod:
  4. R

    Putting Betta Fish In With Tanks With Filters And/or Pumps

    can u put a betta fish in with a air pump and/or filter?? :/ im curious -_- for myself :look:
  5. R

    Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

    i think tht the tank was tiny i saw it in a store and the fish were all dying :-( :( :sad:
  6. R

    Pics Of My Beautiful Bettas

    the top and bottom ones hav tail and fin rot..poor fish :( :sad: