How Do I Fix This


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2006
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My betta went from this

to this

I'd like to get him back to normal
I treated him for fin rot not too long ago. Should I do it again or just add salt or what? Thanks for help & opinions
hmm, clamped fins can be a sign of stress and/or bad water conditions. how long has he been like that? you keeping up with water changes often enough?
hmm, clamped fins can be a sign of stress and/or bad water conditions. how long has he been like that? you keeping up with water changes often enough?

Hm... just a couple of weeks. I guess I haven't been doing water changes as often as I should. Between moving and a family tragedy it's been pretty hard to keep up. & the fact that I can't use tap water and have to buy spring water for all my fish.

Once I keep up with the frequent water changes how soon will he go back to the way he looked before?
why can't you use tap water???

The chemicals in my city's tap water are too harsh for the bettas even with a conditioner. I've had two die from it already! :crazy: And even though I moved, I still don't trust the tap water.
Hi Andreeuh,
I hope your fishy responds to the different water. Look after yourself as well, a tragedy in the family is very hard to bear and takes years for the hurt to get better. Hugs and kisses xx :*
hmm, is the tank filtered at all? if not id consider it given your situation. maybe a small undergravel filter?
It's not filtered.. it's just a lighted one gallon with a plant and a cave. I wouldn't wanna use up anymore room. I'd like to upgrade their tanks but no money :no:

Thanks for the kind words Liz, I'm tryin hard to take of my fish and I! :)
yeah i think its just old age... my Combtail was pretty big when i got him but a month or two after i got him his fins went like that ;)

If it's not older than 2 years, it probably isn't old age. It doesn't look like finrot. Finrot would have a black edge along the fins, or even red from bleeding. It looks more like stress. What is the water temperature? It could be from poor water conditions, or even parasites from frozen or freeze dried foods. Bloodworms is a carrier of parasites, as well as other freeze-dried foods. A good salt bath could help if there are external parasites, but you will need a med to treat for internal ones. I'd try to do 100% water changes every day to see if he perks up. If that doesn't help, then treat for parasites.
If it's not older than 2 years, it probably isn't old age. It doesn't look like finrot. Finrot would have a black edge along the fins, or even red from bleeding. It looks more like stress. What is the water temperature? It could be from poor water conditions, or even parasites from frozen or freeze dried foods. Bloodworms is a carrier of parasites, as well as other freeze-dried foods. A good salt bath could help if there are external parasites, but you will need a med to treat for internal ones. I'd try to do 100% water changes every day to see if he perks up. If that doesn't help, then treat for parasites.

i hav the same porblem and alot of ppl said tht itz old age becuz mine's 2yrs old :blink: :shifty:
I'm not sure how old he is exactly.. I've probably had him for 4 months or more
I changed all their water yesterday. I think I'll stick to a sunday change schedule and see if he gets better. Would Attison's betta spa do any good? I saw some of it at one of my LFS. I also have aquarium salt, should I add that? His water was probably quite cold for 2 weeks or so cause I had to replace all the lightbulbs on their hoods. I guess they broke when we moved. Thanks for the advice everyone! :good: I don't think it's parasites, most likely stress!

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