If Betta's/fish Could Be Models...


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2004
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I'm sorry I just can't get over on how gorgeous he is!!


Or how photo-energetic!


hes very nice :drool: and his colours are brilliant, hes a right poser :lol:
can i ask what size tank/bowl his kept in ?
hes very nice :drool: and his colours are brilliant, hes a right poser :lol:
can i ask what size tank/bowl his kept in ?

For now, until he gets his bigger home, he's kept in this along side his brother:
And its rather high tech, if I may add!

It has a little cork on the bottom of the tank, to let out the water when I need to empty/clean it, along with a little grater or whatever you wanna call it, to seperate the food from the rocks, so the food slips through the rocks to the bottom, along with the fish waste, so when it comes time to clean it, you just pop the little sheila off and before you know it, you have a clean tank :D

If you really wish, I could post pictures for all to see, there's even TWO dividers in the middle, The blue one that you see in the photos, can be lifted up and the betta's can flare at each other through the clear divider.
Also, the dividers go all the way up to the top of the tank and fits with in the lid to fit properly AND goes from side to side of the tank, so there aren't any gaps, so pretty much other than stress (which I wouldn't dream of bestoying upon my beautys..) they won't be leaving me any time soon :D

The Tank:
Wow his colours are nice but he's got a rip in his tail. That tank is way too small for even one betta but I understand you are upgrading. Personally I dont like VT's because of how over bred they are but yours looks nice. You know what would really look good among both of them in 2 gallon tanks? another 2 gallon tank with a nice metallic blue crowntail. Lol but yea definately get them both a tank of at least 1.5 gallons.
You know, I really wish they made those tanks in a 2.5 gallon size. I really like the design, but it's simply too small :/

Your betta really is a handsome lad :nod:
hes very nice :drool: and his colours are brilliant, hes a right poser :lol:
can i ask what size tank/bowl his kept in ?

For now, until he gets his bigger home, he's kept in this along side his brother:
And its rather high tech, if I may add!

It has a little cork on the bottom of the tank, to let out the water when I need to empty/clean it, along with a little grater or whatever you wanna call it, to seperate the food from the rocks, so the food slips through the rocks to the bottom, along with the fish waste, so when it comes time to clean it, you just pop the little sheila off and before you know it, you have a clean tank :D

If you really wish, I could post pictures for all to see, there's even TWO dividers in the middle, The blue one that you see in the photos, can be lifted up and the betta's can flare at each other through the clear divider.
Also, the dividers go all the way up to the top of the tank and fits with in the lid to fit properly AND goes from side to side of the tank, so there aren't any gaps, so pretty much other than stress (which I wouldn't dream of bestoying upon my beautys..) they won't be leaving me any time soon :D

The Tank:

:sad: Yeah I know its small, and I do wish it came in a bigger size, but for right now the tank is just a holding tank till I can find something better. I do have a 10 gallon tank, but .. i'm reluctant of putting a divider into it. I liked this one, because it has two dividers, a solid blue one and a clear one, so I could have the blue one up if I wanted to see some flaring (which I never do.. I dont want to stress them out) and at the same time they wouldn't hurt each other (looks can kill though.. hence why the blue one stays down, heh) .. but till I get some money, and a few more resources (Got two Betta's from Petsmart awhile back and they both died.. so.. i'm kinda iffy on them, never had a problem with Petco so far!) .. there is a Pet store down the road abit, but its not really clean, I go in there just to check how many dead fish are in their aquarims and then complain to the fish keeper about it, lol :sly: I just dont think its very attractive to anybody.. not even to fish parents to have to see that.

Anyways, I love the features on this tank, easy to clean, and easy to feed, and great for picture taking as you see, hehe. I'm still rather iffy on the plants that are in there, so I check my fish's body & tails every time I feed them, .. I examined the picture.. and I dont see a tear in Julian's fin ..hmm.

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