Teeny Tiny Betta Bowl

Time and time again these tanks come up on here and i say the same thing. For that price i can go out and get a mini heater and 3 gallon tank :) much better and more aesthetically pleasing in my eye ;)


I like the wall hanging look, its cool. Maybe i'll just set up a nice water display with a good background. Price has nothing to do with it really. I've got tons of small square tanks from upgrading every year, i was looking for something a bit different.
If your looking for something different how about a baby biorb with a bit of filter sponge to to reduce the current and to add to the fltration!

The baby bi-orb? its a 15 litre tank. The fish in it in your lfs where probably too cramped in there to survive!

Pretty much the only thing i can think of that would be able to go in there is a few ghost shrimp and some plants (maybe like java moss or something?). but I don't know if you'd even want to bother putting the shrimp in, they arent exactly beautiful or attention getters. But I think it would be fun to have one of those with some plants and ghost shrimp anyways. The shrimp would help kept the plants clean, the plants would do their best to keep the water clean, sounds like a cute lil setup to me :good: (tho, i would make sure it's mounted to the wall well so there's no accidents)
Depending on the species a newt would most probably grow too big for that small bowl, most need 2 feet tanks atleast :)

Looks like a good way to have the tank fall off the wall and shatter, or the betta jump out and be found crunchy on the floor the next morning. Frankly, I think bettas should be given at least 2.5g; every other tropical fish goes by the inch per gallon rule (if not more), but just because poor bettas are able to breathe air, we exploit their special ability and use it as an excuse to keep them in sub-standard housing. Glad you don't seem too gung-ho about the tank any more; I do not think it is suitable for bettas, or any other aquatic life.

As for newts... no. The water quality alone in such a small tank makes it a big no-no, not to mention the cramping and the fact that it would be nearly impossible to keep the thing hanging up with a big enough rock for the fella to get out of the water on. I agree with the above; newts should have a good 2 ft tank, or at least 20in length for a small one.
if these tanks where prone to falling off the wall they wouldnt sell them, although it is an american product so i dont know what you can get away with over there. I know it wouldnt wash here though
If they were falling off the wall they wouldn't sell them? Hah! Like they wouldn't sell goldfish bowls if they kill the fish due to ammonia poisoning? And they wouldn't sell cigarettes if they killed people? And they wouldn't sell bongs if the majority of people buying them used them for illegal drugs instead of tobacco?

Trust me, businesses aren't looking out for consumers about 99.9% of the time, or half of the things on the market out there wouldn't exist. It just needs to work for enough people for enough time that they can pass it off as saleable, and since most people don't care if a betta jumps to its death or dies in a drafty room from the inadequate temperature, most people will think the product "works" regardless of how many fish they have to replace. Remember, this is portraying fish as decorations, so the people who buy the product are likely to have a similar mentality.

While a well placed nail, perhaps re-inforced with some putty to make sure it sticks, would probably keep it in place, if you use an existing nail, you had better hope it isn't at all loose if you're going to put 8lbs of water, plus however much weight in gravel and ornaments, on your wall. I've had little 1/2 pound picture frames fall off walls at random because the nail simply got loose over the years from something hanging on it for so long. I'd imagine this would go even faster with a heavier object, especially one you probably have to keep hooking and unhooking for cleaning.
I think the idea is cool, just needs to be much larger. and his ad claims that you can keep goldfish and any other "easy to maintain" fish in it as well, im not sure thats possible... -_-
Unless they can make a min. 20 gallon hanging tank with a canister filter and aerator somehow built in, it definately can't do goldfish :lol:
If they were falling off the wall they wouldn't sell them? Hah! Like they wouldn't sell goldfish bowls if they kill the fish due to ammonia poisoning? And they wouldn't sell cigarettes if they killed people? And they wouldn't sell bongs if the majority of people buying them used them for illegal drugs instead of tobacco?

I was talking about the functionality of the product not the potential harm it could do. For example selling a packet of cigs that where falling to bits wouldnt pass quailty control would they, but functional well made ones would.

I totally agree with the goldfish comments though, as if u could get a goldfish in there. Obviously not advertised by a fish keeper

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