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  1. C

    Our Big Tank

    Our water is very hard though, wouldn`t that be a problem? The trouble with that tank with the knif in is that the knife is a bully and we laso have a longibarbis in there with a mental problem, in the last year he seems to of lost his mind and for no reason he suddenly flies out from under his...
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    Red-tailed Catfish

    Having had our red tail since he was the size of a penny piece and growing him on to the 3ft cat that he is, in his 20ft tank I would say that whilst he may not move around THAT much, he is a great fish. he is very territorial, even in a 20ft tank he likes the first 10ft to himself, although he...
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    Our Big Tank

    Our tank has the Red Tail, Tiger Shovelnose, 2 x Oxydoras Nigers and a pair of Silver Arowanas. I have heard about rays being eaten from the tail upwards too, the thing is, we are not experienced in keeping rays and I think they are a specialist fish that you need to know your stuff with before...
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    A New Snakehead For Me

    Sounds good, we don`t have any spare tanks to put it anyway, but if you are stuck in the future then all i meant was that we do have the sized tanks to accomodate if circumstances allow, a very nice fosh you have, good luck with it, keep us updated. Clare
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    A New Snakehead For Me

    If we have an empty tank we would consider taking it, if you would want us to. Right now we don`t have an empty tank, but we do keep large predatory fish, and we do have big tanks, so just keep us in mind?? We have always admired this species so it wouldn`t be an impulse thing either. Clare
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    Can Someone Please Id This Polypterus For Me

    It`s good if he is active, shows he must be feeling okay, they are complete butters swimming manically around! Clare
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    Knife Fish

    Hmmm, obviously they can be a bit of a bully then. Ours is in a 9ft x 3.6ft x 2ft tank and we manage to get away with keeping it with other fish, mainly because they can get away from eachother, nobody gets harrased that way. Thanks for the info, oh, and yes, he is a big fella!!
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    A New Snakehead For Me

    Yes, I agree, you will see it given as 1.6 meteres but in the aquarium you would do really well to get it to reach a metre. They often max at 24-36". Aggression is more of a problem though and you will need to keep a close eye on it, some can be kept with other fish, others will kill anything...
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    Can Someone Please Id This Polypterus For Me

    I hope you manage to get some weight on him, we often see them looking on the thin side in fish stores, try chopping some prawn, cockle and mussel very finely, they love that and it really helps in bringing them into good health. Sounds like this fish landed a good home with you!
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    Fijian Fish

    The pictures are great, the Moray Eel was obviouslu used to posing for shots, honeymoon you say? Give it a year and renew your vows, then you get to go again
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    We also have a red tail, tsn, and pair silver arowanas in the 20ft x 5ft front to back x 3ft tall tank. With them all growing still we won`t be adding anymore fish, or substrate as it just clogs the filters when the cats swish their tails. They are fine without it.
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    Lovely fish, and set up. That cucumber tree is great!! Clare
  13. C

    "freshwater" Stonefish

    Just rinse earthworms under the tap to get the mud off, then put them straight in the tank yes, best of luck.
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    "freshwater" Stonefish

    We kept ours with dragon gobies, although be careful if you do keep them as they need finely chopped food, and it needs to be left in for a couple of days as in the wild they eat rotting decaying particles from fish in the water. I presume your fish is Allenbatrachus Grunniens?? We fed ours...
  15. C

    X1 Fish Wanted For My Set-up

    We had an oscar with our birchirs fine, but we have found that each oscar has its own personailty and some are much more placid than others. They do re arrange tank decor, and our oscar was with the larger birchir species. You say you will be upgrading your tank, with an oscar that would be a...
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    The Fat Boys

    Lovely fish, what size tank do you keep them in?
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    Knife Fish

    Thanks, he`s in a 9ft long, by 3.6ft front to back, by 2ft high tank.
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    Knife Fish

    Picture of our knife fish, does anyone else find that these are aggresive even with bigger fish, not really harming other fish but chasing them and biting at them a bit??
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    Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

    Wow, what a great character!!
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    Spotted Gar

    Our spotted gar isn`t big enough to go in the big 20ft tank, he`s in a 9ft x 3.6ft x 2ft tank and is about 18" long. He is a very peaceful fish along with the 3 others we have, eats well, and gets along well with a range of fish from the longibarbis to the lungfish. Clare Oh, and the big 20ft...
  21. C

    Our Big Tank

    Thanks for the tip on the sand. Biggest problem is when the red tail goes from one side of the tank to the other, he`s always been a bit manic to be honest and that`s why he did his barbels, just generally crashing around.We do have a pre filter in the tank too.Yeah, we used to have hamish...
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    Spotted Gar

    Here is our spotted gar eating a shell on prawn!!! oops, no it isn`t, that`s the tank going on, sorry!!! Try again
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    Big Fire Eel

    Lovely eel, your birchir is nice too, and the ray that swims past looks great. The markings on your fire eel look fab when he swims into the light. Clare
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    Our Big Tank

    we purposely didn`t put decore or substrate in the tank because the substrate washes straight into the filters and blocks them when big catfish like ours swish around their tails, and decor is hard to find for these sized fish, plus they prefer open swimming space. What do you mean about the...
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    Longibarbis, snakeheads, group of 7 gars, thanks for the nice comments
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    Longibarbis thankyou didn`t want to dump a load of pictures on you, but if you are interested then here`s the lungfish with our common plec can actually see our Niger on this one
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    Fahaka Nile Puffer, Fahaka, kept alone, very aggresive.
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    Longibarbis Our longibarbis catfish, in witht he three spotted gars, lungfish, plecs and knife fish.
  29. C

    Our Big Tank

    I agree it might cause trouble adding a ray in there. You have quite a fish list too, rays included, some fish you have are similar to what we keep, spotted gars, TSN etc. Some nice fish you keep Cane.
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    Channa Striata here is our channa striata, one of the most aggresive fish we have, in an 8 x 2 x 2 he can`t even be kept with plecs!!
  31. C

    Our Big Tank

    Our red tail is very boisterous, and so is the TSN, feeding time is quite `every fish for himself`, having never kept rays it`s not something I would fancy to be honest, although I agree it would add to the tank. The other problem is that we are a farming area so the water incoming is high...
  32. C

    Our Big Tank

    Haha, I know what you mean about it not looking so wide, it`s just the way the light bends, it is acrylic, not glass by the way.A ray wouldn`t stand a chance of getting food with the red tail and arowanas in there, but it would look spectacular. We don`t plan on adding any more fish, as the ones...
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    Our Big Tank

    It is looking a little green because of the tiles on the wall behind, and the blue base, it is run by a huge Yamitsu filter, the tank eighs about 8 tonne when full. The filter is a 20,000 gallon pond filter, and we do weekly 25% water changes.
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    Our Big Tank

    It is 20ft long, 5ft front to back and 3ft high.
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    Our Big Tank

    We had it specially made, and brought in on a crane into our fishroom, which is converted from the garage and knocked through adjoining the lounge, thanks, the fish love it in there!!`s the day it was delivered!!!
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    Niger One of our Nigers, just wondered if anyone else kept these, we find them very peaceful fish, good eaters, and good with other fish. Sorry, the nigers are at the end of the video, hiding!!
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    Our Big Tank Here is a link to a video I took of our big tank, we haven`t been around on the forums for a while, although i`m sure some people will remember us and the project to get this 20ft tank up and running. Clare