Can Someone Please Id This Polypterus For Me


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
as above. got this today but unsure of type

it is a Senegal bichir Polypterus senegalus senegalus
I hope you manage to get some weight on him, we often see them looking on the thin side in fish stores, try chopping some prawn, cockle and mussel very finely, they love that and it really helps in bringing them into good health.
Sounds like this fish landed a good home with you!
yeah,he's a'll fatten him up in no may even get him to be as big as my 11" senegal :good:
he is very active. i thought he would hide in the cave he has, but he is swimming around through all the plants.
It`s good if he is active, shows he must be feeling okay, they are complete butters swimming manically around!
It`s good if he is active, shows he must be feeling okay, they are complete butters swimming manically around!
do they have bad eye sight as he/she seems to swim past food before he/she notices it, and turns back to eat it.
yes very poor eyesight.
they hunt by smell better than sight :good:
Keep an eye on him make sure he gets to the food and it doesnt get snared by the other fish in the tank. But mine also swims past food then gets back to it eventually, ive started actaully placing food on the tank floor to help him get to it before the Killies.

He looks tiny i might be inclined to put him in a holding net and feed him up prior to releasing him in the tank properly.
Keep an eye on him make sure he gets to the food and it doesnt get snared by the other fish in the tank. But mine also swims past food then gets back to it eventually, ive started actaully placing food on the tank floor to help him get to it before the Killies.He looks tiny i might be inclined to put him in a holding net and feed him up prior to releasing him in the tank properly.
he is the biggest thing in his tank. there are 2 plecs, 8 cory, 2 shrimp, 10 apple snails. he is about 4 1/2 inch long. i have been dropping his food right in front of his face, so he is getting food ok.

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