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  1. C


    Mav`s great, a bundle of fun and he comes everywhere with us, if we`re in th car, he is too. He`s got loads of presents for his birthday, toys, bones, he`ll have a chicken for his dinner, he loves unwrapping pressies so we wrap them all up for him and he rips the paper off. he brings a tear to...
  2. C

    Our Macaws

    Thankyou, I`m glad you liked them. We go to charity shops and buy toys for them, cars and things. You wouldn`t believe how many headless toys we have lying around the place!! hehe! They take them to pieces methodically, head first, then arms, then legs!! The parrot wooden toys are expensive but...
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    Red Tail Cat

    I can honestly say Gabriel has never eaten another fish in his life! We were always careful with tank mates for him but brought him up with other fish from being tiny, so that was an advantage. Nice pictures of CFC`s fish there, thanks for that. Clare
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    Red Tail Cat

    Thanks CFC, I`m not sure if ours were wild caught or not, perhaps that could be the reason like you say. Hmm, you have the same bills as us then :huh: !!!! That`s interesting about the cone growths, I think we will leave our arowana as he is, it doesn`t affect him at all, so it`s not worth...
  5. C

    Red Tail Cat

    We have 7 and then the big tank making 8. You wouldn`t be envious on water change day, or when you`re half way through a good film but it`s feeding time, or when the electric bill comes in for that matter!! hehehe. Fish are lovely and amazing and rewarding, but also very demanding and a big...
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    Red Tail Cat

    Oh, forgot to ask, have you had your arowana since it was very small CFC? It`s great that you`ve managed to prevent drop eye. You say about the murky waters which we have always thought too but recent studies that have been done of arowanas in clear water have shown drop eye, so I wonder if it...
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    Do You Adopt?

    All our animals are rescues in one way or another, maybe not all from rescue centres, but in one way or another have `ended up` with us. We don`t decide to get any animals specifically, we just see what turns up on the doorstep. We are by no means a rescue centre but we are well known for not...
  8. C

    Red Tail Cat Here`s my photobucket, there are loads of full tank shots there and some of the fishroom being built, tank being craned in etc, thanks for the interest, I think it`s nice to share these projects.
  9. C


    Rosie when we first got her Even fitting in her own food bowl!!! This is their house, aww, first home together
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    Just in case you looked at the videos of the macaws you`ll hear the name maverick from them all the time. This is Maverick he will be 15 years old in 2 weeks time, he has arthritic growth on his spine, a compressed disc and degenrative joint disease, but he is the happiest most loving fella...
  11. C

    My Pets!

    It is nice to see all your animals so well loved and looked after. Your budgies have company, a lovely cage with toys for stimulation and are lovely, along with all your other animals of course!
  12. C

    Red Tail Cat

    Thankyou, we actually take on fish that are not `prefect` on purpose, we believe all life has a right to live. the tank is 20ft x 5ft x 3ft and we also have a Tiger Shovelnose, and 2 Oxydoras Niger along with the red tail and pair of arowanas. At the end of the daylike you say, a fish with a...
  13. C

    Our Macaws here`s a link to my photobucket, loads of pics and videos of them talking on here. I could talk about them all day so you`ll regreat asking about them now cos i`ll ramble!! They do all talk, we got Oliver first, he`s the greenwing...
  14. C


    We let them get any natural food from the garden but every night they get Spikes hedgehog crunchies, Whiskas cat food, stale cake as a treat, dried mealworms, bran flakes, banana, banana chips and sometimes soreen. We try to vary their diet, coming up to Winter we make sure they get stale cake...
  15. C

    Red Tail Cat

    Even though they had drop eye when we got them? We have fed live crickets, floating pellets and mealworms and they will not entertain any floating food. As for feeding them first before the bottom dwellers, we do! They get hand fed, as mentioned, the female comes out of the water to take her...
  16. C


    Thanks, they are evry cute, Ramone is 4 and was a late litter, she hadn`t been taught to fend for herself and although she probably might survive in the wild and find her own way we daren`t risk it. This years little one, Rosie, was tginy and had pneumonia. After being nursed back to health he`s...
  17. C

    Red Tail Cat

    Try again then, sorry about that, thanks for telling me.
  18. C

    Arowana And Red Tail

    No feeders go to any of our fish. It is fat behind the eye, you`re right, but it seems to gather there in nature in clearer water, ours get a varied diet of mussels and prawns, cockles, whitebait, mussels, the lot. The theory is that if the waterr is clear and they can see the bottom then the...
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    Our 2 hedgehogs, Rosie and Ramone, permanent residents after being rescued as babies.
  20. C

    Our Macaws

    Here are Matilda, Oliver and Diesel our 3 macaws, all semi rescue birds, all nutters, hope you like them
  21. C

    Arowana And Red Tail

    Yes it is a big tank, 20ft long, 5ft front to back, 3ft tall. The arowanas both have a droopy eye, most arowanas we see seem to and it`s even been suggested that it is natural for them, well, whatever the reason they eat well as you can see :)
  22. C

    Arowana And Red Tail

    This is our female Silver Arowana, don`t think the male is on this shot, and obviously Gabriel our Red Tail has to get in on the video! The arowana is growing at a massive rate and lifts her head out the water for food, so you have to watch your fingers. One of her eyes is normal, the other is...
  23. C

    Red Tail Cat

    Here is Gabriel our Red Tail Cat. he`s swimming around on this video so you can see his colours and markings. he hasn`t got a fully formed fin on one side, if you look you can see it`s a shrivelled up one, he`s had that since he was small, in fact, when we got him he was too small to see it...
  24. C

    400g Update And Newcomer

    Nice looking fish, are the birchirs at risk from the rays? On swome shots the rays look huge, but then on the over all view of the tank you see the fish all fit in there nicely and look kind of smaller than first thought. Very nice fish and I didnt think your gar looked too bad for a `straight...
  25. C

    Hungry Stingrays

    I see the biggest ray plonks himself in the middle to make sure he gets his fill first!! The gar was getting in on the action too, he knew it was food time! Nice video and the fish all look good, your birchir doesn`t seem worried by anyone in the tank and was having a good look around, seems...
  26. C

    Need Help Identifying These Fish

    Look like `shark cats` to me, used to be arius seemani (not sure on the spelling), but then they changed the name.
  27. C

    New Pick Up

    Nice fish, we have a Chrenicichlia semifasciata (not sure on the spelling there), frogmouth pike cichlid.
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    My New Tropical Setup

    Nice set up, the black substrate looks good and there are lots of places for the fish to swim through, lucky fish.
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    My Fahaka Puffer

    I agree, the right tank mates obviously work. Ours has always had a slightly deformed lip and every so often gets air trapped inside, just an air bubble that makes it difficult for him to stay upright. We have burped him and it doesn`t work, we`ve never resorted to scaring him around and making...
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    My Fahaka Puffer

    Nice Fahaka, you keep him alone? Ours won`t tolerate any tank mates at all.
  31. C

    Pics Of My 32g.

    lovely set up, not only does it look good but the fish will love the bogwood and plants, you obviously put a lot of thought on how to set it up. Fish look good too, nice variation and they all look healthy and good. Clare
  32. C

    Are Gars Social Creatures?

    If you look at Canes video you will see how he is hand feeding his, it is a great video to watch. Despite having rows of teeth, they are very gentle fish and make good tank mates for other larger oddballs. As you can see they spend time in a group with their own kind and even accept slightly...
  33. C

    Are Gars Social Creatures?

    Yep, it was during a water change. Although they do spend the majority of their time at the top, they do also rest on the bottom at times. Clare
  34. C

    Are Gars Social Creatures?

    So, are gars social creatures do you think??
  35. C

    Red-tailed Catfish Here is a link to our photobucket with lots of pictures of all our fish including our red tail, and tiger shovelnose. Clare
  36. C

    Can U Help Identify This Plec Pls

    Albino? Looks like a rusty plec to me, but I`m not great on plecs!!
  37. C

    Handfeeding Gar

    The fish are looking great, and those rays don`t miss a trick either!! Nice video! Clare
  38. C

    Our Big Tank

    Do you mean more fish or more decor would look good? We don`t add more fish because ours are still growing and we don`t want to over stock, and decor is not really practical given the temprament of our red tail!! I think a lot of our tanks look plain, except one we have kitted out nice for the 3...
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    Knife Fish

    He`s about 20", glad you like him!
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    Our Big Tank

    We live near a fishing port so for us we get mussels, whelks, whitebait, prawns, etc cheaper than most other fish food, we do go through a lot of food, but it doesn`t cost as much as people often think, luckily!! Our predatory fish are fed every other day while they are growing, but as they max...