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  1. L

    It's Chow Time!

    ack! i forgot this one. last of the chowing pics. ;)
  2. L


    i guess i have a dumb question - what's a CAE?
  3. L

    My Bettas

    yes, you've gotta love a fish that's filled with self-hatred. next thing you know, he's gonna be in seedy bars partaking in all sorts of unsafe behaviors. it'll be Far From Heaven with bettas instead of Dennis Quaid.
  4. L

    New pics of the Tank.

    and wherever did you find one that takes naps on plants? he looks like he's snoozing! :lol:
  5. L

    My new 26 gal tank

    nice! the swords look nice and green. i hope they stay that way. :D
  6. L

    My Bettas

    i'm not a huge fan of bettas, but i do like the color on the white one. it's very pretty. i'd call him Casper ;)
  7. L

    It's Chow Time!

    LimpingFish (I had no idea our names were so similar! :lol: ), thanks for the nomination! Cory - glad you like them so much. As I'm sure you're aware, it can be difficult to take pictures of fish in a tank. What I do a lot of times is to use the macro feature on the camera. I hold the camera...
  8. L

    Progress of the 180 gallon

    my god, that looks like a lot of work. and you're doing a terrific job. nicely done!
  9. L

    It's Chow Time!

    thanks for the compliments. :) it's an Olympus Camedia Digital Camera C-4000, 4.0 megapixel takes great pictures.
  10. L

    It's Chow Time!

    feeding time is when my fish are at their most amusing. they always fight over the algae tablets. in the end, the Yo Yos always seem to win, and it shows - they're getting nice and chubby.
  11. L

    Fish of the month

    is the voting over? i actually voted for DaveP's beautiful sunburst fish. i'm with baseballfan - i'm not a fan of plecos at all. they sorta creep me out.
  12. L

    Where are your fishtank(s)?

    in the living room, close to the fireplace. don't worry...i'll be moving it before the start of fall so as not to boil my little buddies!
  13. L

    Feeler antenna thingy broken

    i'd like to know the answer to this as well. i just noticed that one of my fire red gouramis also lost a good portion of his feeler thingy.
  14. L

    Interestin fish...

    anyway, back to the point of this thread. i think if you got a few tetras and a couple of yoyo loaches, they'd get along well. i have 3 black-skirted tetras and a few yoyos. they get along fine. no worries. and if you wanted to get a few clown loaches for the 55-gallon tank (instead of yoyos)...
  15. L

    Do You Occasionally Get Bad Filters?

    as i suspected, it was a filter issue. after changing the bag, the water was started to clear. i dig the carbon filters. they're okay by me. B)
  16. L

    Do You Occasionally Get Bad Filters?

    additionally, it's nowhere near as cloudy as it is when you first set up the tank and the ammonia spikes. it's just not as clear as it usually is. and no, not a rinsing rock issue. it's just been for a few days now, and my rocks were put in the tank at the end of May. i've changed the filter...
  17. L

    Do You Occasionally Get Bad Filters?

    like i said, it's not an ammonia problem. i test my ammonia weekly (and just did this morning) and it's at 0. i've never heard it recommended against changing the filter medium. i've done that as long as i've had fish tanks. nonetheless, we'll see what happens in the next few days.
  18. L

    Do You Occasionally Get Bad Filters?

    I do have live plants. I was referring to the filter bag, when I was talking about changing it. Sorry...
  19. L

    Clown Loaches

    great fish! i love clown loaches. when i've got a big enough tank, i'm sure to add a few of them. i recently purchased a few yoyo loaches, and i absolutely love them. they really livened up my tank with their antics. they're grown very quickly with lots of good bloodworm feeding -- they were...
  20. L

    Do You Occasionally Get Bad Filters?

    Hey all! :) I've not posted in a few weeks. Been busy with other things. Thankfully, my tank has settled over the past month or so and has become (knock on wood) a safe habitat for my fish friends. I am curious about filters -- is it uncommon at all to get a "bad filter?" Twice in the past...
  21. L

    over stocked??? understocked??? just right???

    you're totally in the clear for a couple more fish. another gourami is a good idea, as a single gourami can be very aggressive.
  22. L

    My fav pics of our fish

    the pics are very nice...and very large!
  23. L

    A new species of Loach

    the angelicus gets to be about 4 inches long. they're beautiful fish...and pricey too! i've seen them average about $30 USA each!
  24. L

    The Newest (and last) Additions to My Tank

    i've visited World of Fish several times. they've not had any, nor have Aqualand, Petsmart, nor a few others. yo yos aren't readily available so, you just have to chance upon them.
  25. L

    The Newest (and last) Additions to My Tank

    my cichlid and one of the three yo yo loaches. ordered the yo yos from if anyone stateside has not ordered from them, they're quite good. easy to do business with. the yo yos arrived very quickly (obviously) via overnight express. i didn't find any yo yos locally, so i ordered...
  26. L

    Plants being stripped

    i don't know how readily available they are in the UK (i'm in USA), but java ferns are a good idea. i've also had luck with water wysteria. it's also advisable to have cheap fine-leaf plants in your tank specifically for plant munchers. that way, they'll not bother the other plants.
  27. L

    New to Board! Here is my Aquarium and Fish

    the links don't work for me for some reason
  28. L

    Pics of my Jag

    oh, for f's sake (gotta keep it clean for the kiddies)! that fish is frighteningly huge! :lol:
  29. L

    my dual 55 gallon set up

    nice tanks! i'm wondering if the cloudiness appearance could also be from bubbles? that's happened in a few of my pics as well. i'm curious - where did you get the stand from?
  30. L

    zebra danio sucked up filter

    Kevy and Val: the cheesecloth/hosiery idea is great! I'd not thought of that. Thankfully, I don't have a problem with fish getting taken into the filter, but it does get clotted with plant bits. That's a great way to minimize that.
  31. L

    Clowing around

    Very nice! I'm so jealous, as I'd love to have some clown loaches. Alas, a 20-gallon tank is too small. How long have you had him that he's reached that size?
  32. L

    Thanks for the Input

    I've had my aquarium up and running for a close to 3 months now. It took a very long time for it to cycle (3 weeks for the ammonia level alone!), but it's been stable now for several weeks, and I've been able to get most of the fish that i want. Some fish i was (wisely) recommended against due...
  33. L

    Water Test Kits

    so, as you can see, the best one to use is: Aquarium Pharmaceuticals drop kit or the Hagen kit or the one that the guy on eBay sells or the Mardel 5-N-1 dipstick test but not the dipstick tests :lol: ask one person you get one answer. ask another, you get a different answer. try out whichever...
  34. L

    my new loaches

    nice, indeed!
  35. L


    how's the ammonia level? high ammonia produces an unpleasant smell. perhaps that's it?
  36. L

    gourami with an owie

    my male gourami has what appears to be an abrasion on his mouth. i'll post a couple of pictures, but he was being a bit reclusive when i took them, so they're not all that clear. last night he was fine, and his behavior this afternoon is back to normal. when i fed him this morning, i noticed the...
  37. L

    male kribs

    very nice pics of your fish. good job!
  38. L

    Moving a tank

    these sound like good plans, in case i ever plan on moving my tank. something i learned when filling or refilling my tank (this may be old hat, but worth repeating if it's helpful) so as not to disturb the gravel at the bottom of the tank - place a small plate at the bottom of the tank and poor...
  39. L

    Updated tank pic

    looks nice! i like the red plants. my plants are annoying me a bit at this point, as they keep coming loose from their weight. different subject entirely... good job on the tank :)
  40. L

    Water Changing During the Cycle

    i'm using a Penguin Bio-wheel. it wasn't the filtering device, so much as the filter bag. it was in bad condition. this one's been in use for several days, and no problems! ammonia level is descreasing daily. i can't wait for high nitrates and nitrites! woo hoo :lol: