Feeler antenna thingy broken


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2003
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hey i just noticed that the feeler antenna thingy on my powder blue gourami is broken. it is bent about 70 degrees. i was wondering if this is a big deal that i should be worrying about. Will this heal on its own? Will it just stay like it is? It appears to be doing just fine how it is now.
:D That happened to my neighbors gourami about a year ago. It heeled and is doing fine now!!!
I thought the labrinth was the thing in their head that allows them to breath air...
The "feelers" you refer too, do you mean the long pectoral fins?
>>> I think Lateral Line meant to say pelvic fins

Cough, cough, "I was wondering how long it would take before someone noticed that"... ;) it'd been a long day!
yes i am talking about the "pelvic fins" i suppose. are they considered fins?
i'd like to know the answer to this as well. i just noticed that one of my fire red gouramis also lost a good portion of his feeler thingy.
I have a pair of powder blues, they've been with us for about 5 months and the males "feeler" is bent too,it was like that when we got him, he seems to be able to operate it just fine and it's never broken off all the way or anything so I don't worry about it. And yeah....what the heck are those things called anyway? :huh: I see mine groping each other and all of the other fish with them all the time....weirdos :rolleyes:

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