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    I'm not supposed to drink it??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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    It's A Good Thing That I'm Not A Mod Because...

    What, apart form the fact that I know diddly squat about fishies, you mean :lol: ? Well, other than that, even though what I know about fish could be written on the back of a small stamp, with room to spare for a couple of sonnets, I can still tell a troll or an idiot when I see one, and I...
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    Advice On 5 Gallon Tank

    I too was going to point out that going on holiday might be a problem if you don't have a filter. I've got a betta in a (just over) 6 USgallon tank. The tank came with a filter in the hood, and a heater ( in the water LOL) as a package deal for ummm, about £35 I think. And I'm pretty sure I...
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    Celebes Or Malayans?

    One lfs near me has (celebes) Normorhamphus halfbeaks ( not sure which ones - in fact I drove myself boss-eyed trying to work it out last week, and I think in retrospect that there was probably more than one type in the tank LOL) and another has dermogenys ( haven't a clue which one - will...
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    Ok This Is The Deal

    Thanks for the update - I was only wondering this morning how that tank was coming along. It looks wonderful :good: (afraid I haven't got anything useful to say re the ammonia puzzle though -_- ) By the way, did you skim off some of/all the sludgy gunk from the top, or did it most of it...
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    Container Aquarium?

    Actually you will find that lots of pregnant women have very large inflatable pools (filled) in their homes for weeks and weeks, and without (flooding) incident. However, although I would not personally keep one up for much longer than that - or recommend it either - I can see that someone...
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    Container Aquarium?

    Rigid sides or inflatable?
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    I Sold The Lot

    How cool! You'll be wanting to change your siggy then :lol: :good:
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    Has My Fishless Cycle Stalled?

    I started doing a fishless cycle on a rio 180 on 9 march, using add and wait method, dechorinated water - and some spare sponges and other media that had been lurking in my other cycled tanks. Using API master test kit Initially all went swimmingly ( haha) Day 1 ammonia up to 5 Day 4...
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    Red Nose Shrimps

    Thanks! I have some amano already, and love them. Then I saw some red-noses in the lfs.... :wub: cute and endearing....and managed to restrain myself from buying any until I'd researched them a little. But now I feel more shrimp coming on... :hey: :hey:
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    Whining.... (well More Like Wishing)

    I was admiring the most fabulous betta in an lfs near me - he was simply *gorgeous* :wub: :wub: . He is/was the first crowntail I've seen IRL, and even though I do *not* have room for another betta, I would seriously have considered getting another tank specially for him. But one of the guys...
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    Red Nose Shrimps

    From what I've read, it seems that red nose shrimps and amanos should co-exist peacefully. Has anyone got any experience of this? Thank you for any thoughts
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    Anyone Been On A Trip To Collect Rare, Wild Livebearers?

    This is idle curiosity really, as I am in no position to anything of the kind myself :lol: but do you need a licence or anything similar to import live fish? I've just had a quick look at the DEFRA site (before anyone tells me to use google) but the relevant pages all seem to be pdf docs which I...
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    How Many People To Lift A 6 By 2 By 2

    I suspect that the OP is in fact perfectly capable of using Google, and was looking for an actual personal recommendation from somebody with a good experience of using a particular firm.
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    Chat About My Tank!

    Well, how about going over to a proper brackish tank? There are some really cool fishies that would love that set-up. Have a look at the Brackish forum.... :good:
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    Why Name Your Fish?!

    :lol: :flowers: OK, sorry- it just sounded grumpy to me - lack of tone of voice/body language on-line . My fault.
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    Hospital Tank

    :hey: :hey: my first thoughts precisely. Thanks for the info re turning sizes etc, Miss Wiggle. I know I really must get a hospital/Q tank myself - but I know if I mention the words "hospital tank" to my husband at the moment, he'll probably need one himself :rofl: SouthernCross - I think your...
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    How Have You Raised Money?

    I tried on some really nice clothes in a shop last week, and thought "Ooh yes - I'll get these.....hang on, that's X new fish......." and put them back on the rack :lol:
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    Stupid Me

    I had *just* finished a water change on my betta - and then decided to hand-feed him with a single granule. Did not realise that about a bazillion more granules were stuck to my other damp fingers until i saw a sea of fishfood floating away and sinking into the tank. Took for ever getting it...
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    Why Name Your Fish?!

    Oh grow up - why do you need to be given strength to deal with other people's harmless amusement? Nobody's requiring that you name anything - or even passing comment on the fact that you don't.
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    Why Name Your Fish?!

    I name some of my fish simply because it amuses me to do so, and is completely and utterly harmless. My two honey gouramis neither know nor care that I think of them as Jack and Vera - but it makes me and my family laugh. My cat doesn't know her name either , I don't suppose, and she certainly...
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    Lfs Hates Me!

    Was the owner of the shop one of the "hatemailers"? If not, I would let him/her know what their employees have been up to. When you say "hate mail" was it really hateful and offensive? Or simply defensive? If i was a business owner, I would be disturbed and displeased, to say the least to...
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    Everyone's Pet Hate About The Local Fish Shop!

    :flowers: :flowers:
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    Everyone's Pet Hate About The Local Fish Shop!

    Small children - even nice ones with good parents - do not always listen to instructions. ( Neither do adults). Sometimes they exhibit behaviour which is less than desirable. If it is only mildly annoying, then you might just have to put up with it, if it is developmentally normal ( and...
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    Ah, so quite a bit bigger than mine then - but I do have 10 rod's worth of allotment though :lol: ( or, if you prefer, 50 292 000 000 000 000 femtometers :lol: )
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    The online conversion site is one of the most useful sites on the internet ( IMHO :lol: ). Converts just about anything to just about anything else, no matter how obscure - if you have a sudden yen to know the depth of your aquarium in ancient fathoms ( different, apparently from modern ones...
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    Horsefaced Loach (with Pics)

    The-Wolf said it so much better than I ever could :lol: sand in your aquarium scroll down for instructions on how to do the change-over I'm sure your loaches will be very happy :good: :)
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    Odessa Barbs

    Thanks for that. I've pretty much decided to get at least half a dozen - when my fishless cycle is done :) For about two nanoseconds I thought the "other inhabitants" in your siggy referred to cat*fish* :rofl: Anyway, having quickly realised that they weren't, I had a quick google, and a...
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    I Think I've Choose My Fish.

    I thought that one of the things about a fishless cycle is that it *is* OK to add a large proprtion of your stock at once, because you have built up a huge level of nitrifying bacteria - and that level is actually going to be rather larger than is needed to support your fish . ( although of...
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    I Actually Had A Good Idea

    I'm currently fishlessly cycling a new tank with a sandy bottom :lol: and had wondered if this would work for water changes - so I'm glad to see it does :good:
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    Why Do It?

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    Idea's For A Very Small Tank

    A nice bunch of daffodils or tulips.
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    Would Congo Tetras Bully Pearl Gouramies?

    I don't wish to hijack another thread, so I'm asking here instead. ( Sorry to hear about the red gourami :( ) I want to put pearl gouramies in my new 50g tank. I have given up on the idea of Angels as tankmates, but had been very much considering a shoal of congo tetras instead -...
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    Really Daft Newbie Question Re Substrates

    I'm setting up a 50g planted tank as I type. I'm using aquabasis plus as the substrate, and then very fine gravel on top of that. My idiotic question is - do I have to wash the aquabasis plus - or will that utterly destroy the point of it, and remove every nutrient going ( and mean most of my...
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    Really Makes Me Laugh

    :rofl: Talking of the inner nerd - well, my other hobby is growing vegetables. I have not one but two allotments. I *really* need to get out more :rofl: No wonder my kids think I'm tragic.
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    Going To College

    Can you have a filter? If so, I was wondering if there are any shrimps or other inverts that would be OK in an unheated tank - but am too much of a newbie to actually know the answer. :lol: I've just been having a search on the coldwater and inverts boards for you - and get the impression that...
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    Another Honey Gourami Gender Question ...

    I took one of the males back to the lfs ( actually, the one she *hadn't* been chasing as he was the only one I could catch :lol: ) As it happens I replaced him with a small shoal of celebes rainbows ( Oops, you know how it is :blush: :wub: ) Well, what a difference a day makes...
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    Why Is It?

    Yeah, absolute nonsense that 2-second memory rubbish. My fishies can certainly remember from one day to the next that I am the Food Goddess :lol:
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    How Do Fish Stay Clean.

    Hahahaha - wonder how my kids would react if I took away their toothbrushes and said "Open wide now - just popping in your cleaner shrimp" :lol:
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    So how big are dollars and half dollars then? Clueless European who has never visited the USA ( but who is contemplating keeping angels) :blush: :lol: