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    i've been inspired

    Many rescue birds are in rescues because they were neglected, abused, or wern't tamable. If you're looking for a gentle, tame pet, a rescue bird is often not the route you should take. They're EXTREEMLY hard to tame, and if they lost their trust in humans, they never *fully* recover. They may...
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    Whay are your fish important to you?

    I'm 22 years old. I have a 4 year old son, a boyfriend, I work fulltime, I go to school part time, and I live in my own house. I've been doing this since I was 18 years old. I don't have time to go out with friends or have many hobbies. My fish tanks (and dogs) give me something for myself to...
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    33 gal

    If I can make it work, yes. The Cory's I have are a BEAUTIFUL variety. There's 9 in a 10 gallon right now :*) I couldn't resist the Panda cories, which is why I found myself a 33 gallon tank shortly after I purchased them. lol. I have a panda, two albinos, one has a dark grey body with a...
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    33 gal

    If I happened to have stumbled across a 33 gallon tank someone wanted to give me, would it be possible to stock it with 9 cory catfish and 3 angelfish? I'm confidant that it wouldn't be a bioload issue, though I do wonder how cories can hold up againced angels? There's a breeder in the area...
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    Unlikely tankmates?

    I figured I'd dig this up, since we added to the little tank of my son's. 6 Cory cats have been added to the tank. I"m not sure what kind they are. The lady at the pet store gave me a discount - $5 for 6 fish. hehe. One of them's an albino, which was marked at $4/fish, one of them's a metallic...
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    my new pics

    Goth, punk, and other ways of expressing yourself as a teenager isn't so much a way of expression, as a way to find others. When I was a teenager, I never adopted a single style. I'd wear some trendy clothes, sometimes i'd adopt a very "goth" look, only without the makeup, othertimes I'd look...
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    Tarantula Piccys!

    Reticulated pythons can average at 18 feet for a female and about 16 feet for a male, and they can, and DO, get larger. They're notoriously bad-tempered, I've watched one out-power 6 full grown men who have been keeping snakes for two decades, they're voracious eaters and once they reach their...
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    Speedy cycle!

    We have a Betta. He's in the living room in a 10 gallon tank with a big mystery snail. This bookcase isn't going anywhere. The back of it is straight againced the wall, and the front is tapered... kinda like a pyramid. It's a bit hard to explain. But anyhow... the only way it can be pushed over...
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    Speedy cycle!

    My son wants an aquarium in his room. He's only 4, so I'd be doing all the looking after... He has a bookcase in his room that could easily hold a 30 gallon tank. I'll probably pick up one of the cheesy Eclipse systems and put some cute little schooling fish, like cherry barbs, and a group of...
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    Rogues Gallery

    And with the hair up, which it always is when I leave the house
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    Rogues Gallery

    Ouuu! Pictures! I've got a couple I don't hate.
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    It's a Loxosceles Deserta, or Desert Recluse. It's native to Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. They have a a necrotic bite, so don't try to handle the little guy. Not only could you get REALLY sick, but you'll get a huge gross open wound. It destroys tissue. It takes years for...
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    Unlikely tankmates?

    He won't eat the SHRIMP pellets. Or tropical fish flakes, or bloodworms, or anything, really, except his Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets. Everything else he takes just to spit out, or watches it sink to the bottom then glares at me. Some call it "personality" that he has. I call it an attitude...
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    Unlikely tankmates?

    So I've set my son up with a 10 gallon tank with a Betta. I had these algea waffers and sinking shrimp pellets leftover from not long ago when I had coris. I managed to pawn off the tropical fish flakes on my buddy who just bought my other 55 gallon tank and wants to set up a tropical...
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    Tank size for angels

    hehe! i know! I have this *thing* for aggressive plant-eating decoration-moving aquarium dwelling critters (the betta, the oscar, the mystery snail...), so the two tanks I have set up right now are rather... well plain. I've been just DIEING for a show tank, and my LFS has the most gorgeous...
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    Tank size for angels

    I've been planning for tank #3 lately, and have decided on a bowfront corner tank for the bedroom. I havn't purchased it, or anything for it, yet. I want to have a clear set plan in my head befor going forward. I want to keep angels. I kept angels once many years ago. 4 of them in a 10 gallon...
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    Best of luck to you, then, mate. :clap:
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    Save the Ontario Pitbulls!

    Statistics taken from These are the American Temperament Test Society tests. The society is for the promotion of uniform temperament evaluation of purebred and spayed/neutered mixed-breed dog, especially with breed-specific laws the government is trying to...
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    I would discourage you from keeping a raccoon as a pet, personally. We had one for many years. It came around as a baby and just wouldn't go away. He'd break into the house if we didn't let him in. And although he was familiar with the word "no" and knew not to purposely destroy our stuff, it...
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    Save the Ontario Pitbulls!

    Actually, statistics and research that can easily be found through google, and even at your local city centre show that golden retrievers, labrador retrievers, german shepherds, chow chows, akitas, cocker spaniels, among others are MUCH more likely to attack than a pitbull. Also, in every...
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    I wanna snake.

    Ribbon snakes eat insects, but they also need to eat fish. They're often nippy, are fairly specific about heat and humidity, and hide ALL the time. They are NOT a beginner snake at all. If you want a snake, your best bet is to either get over being squeamish, or not get one at all. I personally...
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    Save the Ontario Pitbulls!

    Find the Pitbull This game demonstrates my point exactly. Click on the picture you think is a PitBull. When you click the correct dog you'll be redirected to a page that shows what each breed is - and how many tries it took you to find it. The general public, media, and government alike can't...
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    Save the Ontario Pitbulls!

    And this is the problem. People just tag the word "pitbull" on every dog that does something wrong. A more recent dog attack that nearly killed two children, in fact, had the word pitbull all over it. Though as it turns out, it was a Golden Retriever. Nevermind that a "pitbull" is not even a...
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    Save the Ontario Pitbulls!

    We are enlisting the help of fellow Ontarians and dog lovers to sign the petition to be sent to Mr. Michael J Bryant to pass on how we feel about the Pitbull ban proposition. Mr. Bryant has requested that people send their feelings about the proposed ban on the pitbull breed, and a petition...
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    Please Help! My ammonia is up again

    It's frustrating, but don't give up! I was at 2 1/2 months cycling my 55 gal. Then I had to move to a new house... I actually took ALL the water with me :blink: Then I was another month of cycling. I was tempted to throw the whole thing out the window and forget about it. But I kept with it...
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    Oh he's a trooper!

    So today my new tank came in. The other one was leaking. And when I drained it I realized it was leaking a LOT more than I originally thought :*) And what better day to move the tank to the other side of the room than today! So I put my poor little Oscar in a 5 gallon bucket (the one I use to...
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    A few questions about betta

    I could say the same thing about a lot of fish. Of course I"d rather see a Betta in a big bowl than a cup. But I'd also rather see an Oscar in a 20, 30, 40, 50 gallon than the 10 gallons they keep them in at the LFS. Just because the situtation is better doesn't mean it's adequit for the fish...
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    A few questions about betta

    For a tank lid... they do need to have fresh air, as they're a labyrinth fish and breath surface air, so I'm not sure a coffee filter would allow enough air in. Though I guess you never know. Though Bettas in bowls make me sad...
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    Would it be more fair to say that an Oscar shouldn't be kept in a tank that's smaller than 48x18? My current tank was purchased as a 55 gallon tank, and it's 48x18, my new tank, also purchased as a 55, is 48x18. These tanks were purchased from Michigan. The 55 gallon I looked at in Ontario...
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    It's almost a cryptic thing, really. I watch them for hours when I first bring them home. They're extreemly overwhelmed at first and flare at everything, especially their reflection on the back wall of the tank. Eventually they settle down and hide for a while. Then all is well. I've heard a...
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    Mbuna tank help

    So it's safe to assume I could keep 6 yellow labs, 6 cobalt blue zebras,and 6 red zebras, numbers being 4 females and 2 males of each? For good filtration, I'm a fan of the Emperor 400's. That's what I have in my Oscar tank. Would it be suitable, or should it be coupled with another filter...
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    I've browsed these forums for some time but have just recently posted. I've been in the fish-keeping hobby for quite a many amount of years. I started with Bettas when I was about 8 years old. I had two and kept them in fish bowls. They both lived near 3 years. I also had the ever-popular 20...
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    Mbuna tank help

    I have a 55 gallon tank that, once its' cleaned and resealed then cycled, I have plans to house mbunas. I currently have a 10 gallon with a white Betta, another 55 gallon with an oscar, and soon a 50 gallon with a pirahna (this is a fish that will be given to us by a friend of my boyfriend's...
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    Need stocking help...

    I have a 55 gallon tank set up that's just at the end of the cycling process. It's been decorated, has an Emperor 400 filter system, the temps range between 78 - 80 consistantly. Right now in the tank there's java fern, a couple clay pots, and a hunk of driftwood.. The decor can change to...