Search results

  1. weathermen

    I'm Ready To Show Pic's

    Thanks for your comments, :good: I think the Purple anemone is a Malu, i could be wong :blush: , aiptasia I didn't know they were bad! I thought they looked great! are they a tank nasty then? :crazy:
  2. weathermen

    New To The Hobby

    Hi ya there are loads of heads on here with great knowledge, I'm sure they will help out with your needs, done me proud! :hyper:
  3. weathermen

    I'm Ready To Show Pic's

    Hi all, to all of you that helped with advice and stuff I thank you Oh yeah I will need more help! :blush: , here are a few pics of set up and fishy friends! I think that's if :good: I'll get some pics of those who hide ASAP! Thanks again! Oh yeah in pic 4 what are they called...
  4. weathermen

    Tff Member's Reef/fowlr/fo Tanks

    Tank: -Seabray Dolphin, 10mm glass with left side overflow with Durso to sump! 36 x 24 x24 Volume: 75 gal – 340l Lighting: - Interpet T5, 220 watts daylight plus,110 watts blue,T8 34w daylight 34w Blue, lighting interval staggered from 8.30am till 8.30pm Refugium/Sump Lighting: N/A...
  5. weathermen

    What Salt Is Everyone Using?

    it's funny that you say that about the PH, I rather new to salt so after my first mix I found that the PH was 7, I went to purchase a buffer from my LFS and they told me it can't be as the salt will buffer it, I advised that I was using RO water but still they said my reading must be wrong and I...
  6. weathermen

    What Salt Is Everyone Using?

    What a test result that was, I use Instant Ocean which I thought was up there with the best! good to have this sort of information, great post Ski! I wonder if they do one for foods and additives? :unsure:
  7. weathermen

    Non Return Valve Is Driving Me Crazy

    Great advice cheers, lets hope the new one arrives today and does the job! :good:
  8. weathermen

    Welcome To Our New Marine Section Moderator

    SKI aka THE SALT JEDI! be lost without him!
  9. weathermen

    Non Return Valve Is Driving Me Crazy

    Hi Ski! pictures are not easy as the problem is behind the tank which is in a alcove! the problem is the check valve/non return valve, either the spring is rattling or the plastic disc which stops the water coming back to the sump is rattling, I have been advised to ditch the spring type check...
  10. weathermen

    Non Return Valve Is Driving Me Crazy

    I am nearly ready to load up pics and stuff but I have a problem, :crazy: The non return valve rattles like mad, :angry: the tank is 75 gal 340 litres the sump holds around 20 gallons, the pump running it is a Ocean Runner 2500, set up as follows From Ocean Runner to 3 way ball valve (32mm)...
  11. weathermen

    Could My Tank Be Cracked On Bottom?

    don't I know it! :angry: not all repairs work either! got to be the worst of all things!
  12. weathermen

    My Tank Is Screwed...

    why does nothing ever go to plan! :unsure: some things just never go back to how you first had them!
  13. weathermen

    Dive Complete

    I can't wait to see those pics!" :drool: :drool:
  14. weathermen

    How Many Of You Dive Up On Here?

    great site Keith! and amazin pics! I've seen some great UK sites but ever so cold! :crazy:
  15. weathermen

    Skifletch Dives Molasses Reef

    skifletch what great pics! I went from freshwater to Padi to marine tank! Turks & Caicos had some great sites, The Coral stairway, the crack, and the thunderdome! I'm still Openwater but that didn't stop me hitting 33 meters! Bad Diver! I'm now doing my advanced so Wrecks here we come! UK diving...
  16. IMG_1478.JPG


  17. weathermen

    How Many Of You Dive Up On Here?

    Hi all Looking at recent posts I’ve noticed that quite a few of you dive up on here! Be good to see pics :drool: (which most of you have been posting) and places visited! Or visiting! :hyper: also what came first! the fish tank or air tank?
  18. weathermen

    How Many Of You Dive Up On Here?

    Hi all Looking at recent posts I’ve noticed that quite a few of you dive up on here! Be good to see pics :drool: (which most of you have been posting) and places visited! Or visiting! :hyper: also what came first! the fish tank or air tank?
  19. weathermen

    Great Barrier Reef

    Hi what great photos, what camera are you using if you don't mind me asking! I took a Intova to Turks & Caicos back in Novemeber and it did ok but I do need a red filter! Thailand is my next stop this year!
  20. weathermen

    I Can See You

    that's funny! :hyper: great pic
  21. weathermen

    Plumbing Supplies

    Hi all New tank is on it's way, placed order with fish and Fur for plumbing parts, some items are out of stock :angry: , any ideas on other suppliers in the UK online??????? :crazy:
  22. weathermen

    From Old To New Set Up

    Skifletch, sorry for I is stupid! that link looks real heavy! a friend of mine is a real geek with stuff like this, I'll send him the link to have a look at! Still waiting for the new tank! :drool:
  23. weathermen

    From Old To New Set Up

    Am I being stupid? I can't see the link?
  24. weathermen

    From Old To New Set Up

    Yeah not bad, done stuff like surround sound and mic leads and stuff like that! I'm getting excited :drool: what do you have in mind???????
  25. weathermen

    From Old To New Set Up

    thanks guys, yes the tank is drilled at the bottom, I'm getting a standard sump which I might have to add some extra baffles, thanks for comments, I'm going to get ordering my plumbing parts asap, as soon as the tank arrives I'll get working! Um top up system, I will need one, yet more cash to...
  26. weathermen

    From Old To New Set Up

    As my brain is starting to explode with sump plumbing, the only thing I haven't put any thought into the design is gurgling from the weir? I have been reading up on the "Durso Standpipe design" these look ok to make but do they really work? any other ideas on overflow weir designs! :crazy: Am...
  27. weathermen

    From Old To New Set Up

    I am keeping my head down at the moment! and doing so much around the house! :blush: my pride, my pride!
  28. weathermen

    From Old To New Set Up

    cheers for comment! sorry to hear about the smash! he owes you a drink I think! I have got away with murder over the last few weeks, my wife must wonna kill me! first tank was £350 new tank stand and sump £570 then I bought the RO £80 Then hydors £110 wave maker £60 Salt £59 New lights £130...
  29. weathermen

    From Old To New Set Up

    Hi salt heads Once again thank you for all your advice with the crack, OK didn't go to plan :crazy: but we give it a shot! :unsure: After the tank crack post I mentioned that I have purchased a 36 x 24 x 24 from seabray with sump, :hyper: this should be with me in the next 10 days or so, (I...
  30. weathermen

    Tank Crack!

    Hi there! :unsure: thanks again for advise! the 4ft x 2ft x 2ft lasted 2 days until the leaking started! the crack travelled in a direction I couldn't believe! so tank is now in skip! :angry: GOOD NEWS! I have just ordered a Marine tank from Seabray direct! 36 x 24 x 24 with SUMP! Oh yes...
  31. weathermen

    Tank Crack!

    cheers! I'll go for the inside pane then if it looks wrong and I'm unsure I'll go for the bottom pane as well! :good:
  32. weathermen

    Tank Crack!

    Andywg are you saying that I should consider doing that? I thought as the sides come down onto the base if it did crack then a glass sheet at the very bottom wouldn't make any difference as they are not attatched to the base! what do I know anyway :crazy:
  33. weathermen

    Tank Crack!

    thanks again for comments, we are adding the new support glass this weekend, I'll let you all no how we get on over the next week! I have so much to learn, this is a temporary tank as well, I'm having a 36 x 24 x 24 made next year with sump! all I wanted was the livestock, live rock and...
  34. weathermen

    Tank Crack!

    WILL DO AND THANKS AGAIN! I will be up here a lot I think, very new to salt! :blush: I have loads to ask and so much to read! :crazy: If there is help needed you guys always come up trumps!
  35. weathermen

    Tank Crack!

    Thanks for comments are you all saying place new glass under the tank and not in it! or do both to be safe? :unsure: I can't go the full length inside because of braces but around 3 foot of glass! thanks again
  36. weathermen

    Tank Crack!

    From bad to worse :crazy: Hi salt heads, Saturday was a long time coming, a dive friend of mine had a 110g marine set up for sale 4 x 2 x 2, Saturday was transfer day! “Not an easy task as most of you will know” we managed to strip the tank down get it in the van for the 15 mile drive! So...
  37. weathermen

    Beginning My First Planted Tank

    Hi ya, are you going to go for undergravel heating, I have seen some real good plant growth from using these?
  38. weathermen

    Plank Is Going Wrong, Black Stuff And I'm Worried

    thanks for comments, coverage is over 75% I can't see that much gravel, I will turn of the T8's and run T5's only, keep adding ferts and see what we have, What about RO water? will this be a benifit?
  39. weathermen

    Plank Is Going Wrong, Black Stuff And I'm Worried

    I need some advice on what’s going wrong, :crazy: I have either brush algae or something else that’s just appeared in my tank, system has been running for about 8 months, added T5’s three weeks ago :rolleyes: and the plants went nuts, bubbles off most plants going real well, Java moss...
  40. weathermen

    Sumps, It's Always Being Asked About

    thanx and I have taken note! maybe it's better to use glass, I can get it cut to size no problem, just wonna get a head start on things, loads more questions will following in the coming months, thanx guys, :good: