Tff Member's Reef/fowlr/fo Tanks


Fish Aficionado
Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
Banchory, Aberdeenshire
Hope you don't mind Steelhealr but I wanted to post my tank somewhere so figured i'd set out the same as you've done in the Nano section (with a few little changes):


1.Members' submissions must be from their own tanks.

2. Submissions should contain photos of their tanks and completion of a 'tank specs' form that can be copied and pasted from the sample below.

3. Refrain from posting any comments or questions on this thread. These will be deleted. If you have any questions about a particular member's tank, PM them directly with your inquiries. Do not post your submission here if you will not have the courtesy to respond to questions. By posting here, you accept the responsibility of helping your fellow TFF members. Take pride in your tank. Help others to enjoy the same success that you've had by responding. You maintain the ability to edit the thread as needed.

4. Criteria for posting:
  • Tanks must be over 30 gallons.
  • You may submit more than one tank on separate posts
  • The tank must be owned and maintained by the person posting the submission.
  • If your tank does not include an item, you may place N/A next to the spec (eg, if you don't have a refugium)
  • If your setup included a graphic 'sketchup' done by yourself, you may include it
  • Please disable emoticons to keep the thread looking clean. You may keep your signature.
5. There will be a ZERO TOLERANCE attitude for dishonesty. This undermines all the hard work of the other posting members here. If a submission does not look genuine, or, written material appears to have been plagiarized, that member may be questioned by either Steelhealr or Navarre. If doubt exists, the post maybe deleted. If a post is confirmed as false by either or both mods, the member will be warned and may face disciplinary action.

Guidelines for Posting Your Reef/FOWLR/FO Tank

Tank: -brand, stand, glass or acrylic


Lighting: - brand, spectrum, watts, height if indicated, cooling, lighting interval

Refugium/Sump Lighting: - brand, spectrum, watts, height if indicated, cooling, lighting interval

Filtration: - weight and type of LR, media, pumps, plumbing

Substrate: - type, weight, color, depth

Refugium/Sump: - makeup, plumbing

Skimmers: - do you skim or not, surface, protein

Water Parameters:
Average temp
average nitrate level
specific gravity

Corals: you may list your corals; feel free to list by name and genus/species



Feeding: schedule, type, plankton, methods

Maintenance: water change volume and frequency, salt mix type, equipment, RO filter type or water source

Comments: Any additional notes you'd like to give

6mm Glass 39" x 12" x 18" (L x W x H)


Resun 150w 10,000k Metal Halide Pendant with 2 x 30w T8 Actinic
2 x 12cm 12v PC Cooling fans Mounted in Pendant

Actinics on 12 hours per day
Halide on 8 hours per day

Refugium/Sump Lighting:
1 x 30w T8 'Marine White'
1 x 18w T5 'Marine White'

On 24/7

60kgs Fiji Grade 'A' Mature Live Rock
2 x Seio 620 Powerheads (2400lph)
2 x Eheim 1000 Powerheads (600lph)
Eheim 2226 External Cannister filled with 5kgs Fiji Grade 'A' Mature Live Rock (650lph)
Return line from Sump (2400lph)

1" Depth of Mature Crushed Coral (10kgs)

6mm Glass 30" x 12" x 18" (28g)
Double Chamber
20kgs Fiji Grade 'A' Mature Live Rock
Assorted Macro Algaes
Mangrove Shoots
20kgs Mature Crushed Coral
Ocean Runner Return Pump with ‘T’ Spilt (2400lph)
2 x Aquaclear 402 Powerheads (1050lph)
1 x Eheim 1001 Mini Pump (1000lph)
Hailea HLO-800 Ozone Generator (50mg)
15w Vecton UV Filter
300w Jager Heater

Red Sea Prizm mounted in sump

Water Parameters:
Average Temp - 26c
pH - 8.2
Nitrates - <10ppm
Calcium - 400ppm
kH - 220ppm
Specific Gravity - 1.025

1 x Pacific Gorgonia (Sea Fan)
1 x Eunicea sp. (Knobby Sea Rod)
2 x Sacrophyton sp. (Mushroom Leather)
4 x Sacrophyton sp. [Frags] (Mushroom Leather)
1 x Capnella imbricata (Kenya Tree coral)
1 x Euphyllia glabrescens (Torch Coral)
1 x Euphyllia sp. (Frogspawn Coral - Rare with Clear Tentacles)
1 x Xenia sp. (Pulse Coral)
1 x Ricordea yuma (Green/Gold)
1 x Ricordea yuma (Pink/Green)
1 x Ricordea florida (Green/Yellow)
1 x Zoanthus sociatus (Sea Mat)
1 x Pachyclavularia violacea (Green Star Polyps)
Numerous Actinodiscus sp.
Numerous Actinodiscus cardinalis
Numerous Actinodiscus mutabilis

2 x Amphiprion sp. (Clownfish)
1 x Centropyge bispinosus (Coral Beauty)
1 x Cryptocentrus cinctus (Yellow Watchman Goby)
1 x Pseudochromis (Pink Dottyback)
1 x Trimma sp. (Firecracker Goby)

1 x Lysmata wurdemanni (Peppermint Shrimp)
1 x Lysmata debelius (Blood Shrimp)
3 x Thor amboinensis (Sexy Shrimp)
1 x Alpheus soror (Bullseye Pistol Shrimp)
1 x Cypraea tigris (Tiger Cowrie)
1 x Katharina tunicata (Black Leather Chiton)
1 x Ptilocaulis sp. (Red Tree Sponge)
4 x Acanthella sp. (Breadcrumb Sponge)
20 x Clibanarius tricolor (Blue Leg Hermits)
30 x Cerithium altratum (Cerith Snails)
15 x Astrea sp. (Pacific Snails)
5 x Astrea tecta (Turbo Snails)

Mix of flake & Cyclopeze fed twice daily (morning & evening)
Microvert added every other day
Marine Snow added every other day
Frozen foods (Mysis, Enriched Brine, etc.) added on an irregular basis and substitues flake & cyclopeze

Flake & Cyclopeze is deposited in tank through a plastic drinks bottle cut up and mounted above a powerhead. When food is added it sinks, rather than floats on the surface and down the overflow, and gets distributed round the tank by the powerhead.
Liquid foods are target fed to the Sponges and Gorgonia using 2cc pipettes

10% water change done weekly using Red Sea Salt and RO/DI water from LFS
Water mixed in 18 litre containers with a heater and airstone

Comments: N/A

Perfecto 120gal tall 4x2x2


Jebo 260 260W power compact light fixture with moon lights. Moddified with individual power cords for each lamp type to control lights with timers. 130W 10K, 130W acitinic

Actinics on 15 hours per day
10Ks on 9 hours per day
Moon Lights 24/7

Refugium/Sump Lighting:
1 x ?w 3300K Power compact flood
1 x ?w 3300K grow light flourecent work light

On opposite time schedule as daylights

180lbs of various live rock and seeded lace (base) rock
2 x Seio 820 Powerheads
2 x Seio 1100 Powerheads
Fliudized bed filter
Pro Aquatics 125 Wet/dry filter filled with live rock as well as bio balls
Fluval 404 with bio media and phos absorbing filtration
Mag 7 return

2" Depth of CaribSea sugar fine aggronite sand

1/4" acrylic 36"x18"x 18"
Calurpa Macro Algea
Aggronite Sand
2 x 300w Marineland Heaters

Coralife Super Skimmer 220 Protien Skimmer

Water Parameters:
Average Temp - 79 degees F
pH - 8.2
Nitrates - <20ppm
Specific Gravity - 1.022


2 x Premnas biaculeatus (Goldstripe Maroon Clownfish)
1 x Zebrasoma flavescens (Yellow Tang)
1 x Ctenochaetus strigosus (Kole Tang)
1 x Zebrasoma xanthurum (Purple Tang)
1 x Gramma loreto (Royal Gramma)

5 x Lysmata wurdemanni (Peppermint Shrimp)
1 x Lysmata amboinensis(Skunk Shrimp)
6 x Clibanarius tricolor (Blue Leg Hermits)
25 x Paguristes cadenati (Scarlet Hermits)
3 x Calcinus laevimanus (Zebra Hermits)
3 x Mythrax sculptus (Emerald Crabs)
120 x Nassarius sp. (Nassarius Snails)
4 x Margarites pupillus (Margarita Snails)
2 x Astrea tecta (Turbo Snails)
6 x Pusiostoma sp. (Bumblebee Snails)

New Life Spectrum Marine Fish Formula Sinking Pellets
Frozen foods (Mysis, Brine, Bloodworms, etc.) added on an irregular basis and substitues pellets

20% water change done bi monthly using Reef Crystals Salt and RO/DI water
Water mixed in 50 gal Rubbermaid stock tub with a heater and mag2.5



AGA 30gal long

30 gal

Standard 30" flourecent light fixture on 12 hours a day

Refugium/Sump Lighting:

35lbs of various live rock and seeded lace (base) rock
Fluval 204 with bio media and phos absorbing filtration
Turbo Twist 3x UV steralizer
Mag 7 return

1/2" Depth of CaribSea sugar fine aggronite sand

29 gal AGA tank
Aggronite Sand
200w Marineland Heater

Coralife Super Skimmer 125 Protien Skimmer

Water Parameters:
Average Temp - 79 degees F
pH - 8.2
Nitrates - <20ppm
Specific Gravity - 1.022


1 x Amphiprion ocellaris var. (Black and White Percula Clownfish)
3 x Sphaeramia nematoptera (Spotted PJ Cardinal)
1 x Nemateleotris decora (Purple Firefish)
1 x Cryptocentrus cinctus (Yellow Watchman Goby)

1 x Lysmata amboinensis(Skunk Shrimp)
2 x Clibanarius tricolor (Blue Leg Hermits)
10 x Paguristes cadenati (Scarlet Hermits)
2 x Calcinus laevimanus (Zebra Hermits)
2 x Mythrax sculptus (Emerald Crabs)
40 x Nassarius sp. (Nassarius Snails)
2 x Margarites pupillus (Margarita Snails)
1 x Astrea tecta (Turbo Snails)
2 x Pusiostoma sp. (Bumblebee Snails)

New Life Spectrum Marine Fish Formula Sinking Pellets
Frozen foods (Mysis, Brine, Bloodworms, etc.) added on an irregular basis and substitues pellets

20% water change done bi monthly using Reef Crystals Salt and RO/DI water
Water mixed in 50 gal Rubbermaid stock tub with a heater and mag2.5

Tank: Glass 48" x 12" x 22"
Volume: 55g
Lighting: - Coralife unit on mounting legs. 260 watts - (2)10,000k and (2)actinic bulbs on for approx. 12 hours a day.
Refugium/Sump Lighting: - N/A
Filtration: - approx. 50lbs LR from Tampa Bay Saltwater, 10lbs LR from Marshall Islands, 10lbs reef rubble, HOB filter with carbon, 3 penguin powerheads.
Substrate: - LS, white, depth varies from fish and invert activities but approx 1" in most areas.
Refugium/Sump: - In tank mini refugium with mangroves.
Skimmers: - N/A
Water Parameters:
Average temp: 80º
pH: 8.2
average nitrate level: <20ppm
Calcium: 400
kH: N/A
specific gravity: 1.025
Corals: button polyps, flower anemone, green star polyps.
Fish: 2 ocellaris clowns, 3 pj cardinals, 1 yellow tailed blue damsel.
Invertebrates: 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 reef lobster, 5 mexican turbo snails, numerous nassarius snails, 2 large caribbean featherdusters, 4 blue legged hermit crabs, 1 sally lightfoot crab.
Feeding: once a day and I skip feeding one day a week. Foods include raw shrimp, and raw clams from the grocery store. Frozen foods: mysis, enriched brine, Formula One, Marine Surpreme. Flake is Formula One.
Maintenance: I try to do water changes weekly, clean filter media at the same time. Amount changed is approx. 20%. I use Instant Ocean salt which I mix up in a 40g garbage can (used for this purpose only), this has a powerhead and heater in it. I use tap water.
Comments: This tank was destroyed by two hurricanes in 2004. It had been a thriving reef tank but all corals died as did all the inverts with the exception of one shrimp, only two fish survived this as well. For a time this tank was kept as a FOWLR but about a year ago I decided to go back to reef. It has been a haphazard and halfhearted attempt which is why there are so few corals in the tank. BTW, the tank is pink, pink, pink because of all the coralline algae.
(Sorry for the crappy picture!)


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Tank: - Glass 48" x 18" x 22"
Volume: 75g
Lighting: - 80 watts of normal output fluorescent with (1)10,000k and (1)actinic
Refugium/Sump Lighting: - N/A
Filtration: - HOB filter with carbon, 1 powerhead, air stone, no LR.
Substrate: - crushed coral approx. 1" deep.
Refugium/Sump: - N/A
Skimmers: - N/A
Water Parameters:
Average temp: 80º
pH: 8.2
average nitrate level: 20ppm
Calcium: 400
kH: N/A
specific gravity: 1.025
Corals: N/A
Fish: 1 yellow tang, 1 picasso trigger, 1 niger trigger, 2 three stripe damsels.
Invertebrates: 2 mexican turbo snails, 1 whelk, 1 very large hermit crab.
Feeding: I feed once a day and skip a feeding once a week. Food from the grocery store include raw shrimp and raw clams. Frozen food: mysis, enriched brine, Formula One, Marine Supreme. Flake is Formula One. Also add nori in a feeding clip about 3x's a week.
Maintenance: I try to do water changes weekly, clean filter media at the same time. Amount changed is approx. 20%. I use Instant Ocean salt which I mix up in a 40g garbage can (used for this purpose only), this has a powerhead and heater in it. I use tap water
Comments: This tank has no LR in it, instead fake decor is used. This look might not be to everyones taste but I tend to like the 'unusual'. Please ignore the lighting fixture on the tank. That was only a temporary measure until the hood was made and I really need to take a newer photo. Thanks!
Sorry for the crappy picture!


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All-Glass Aquarium 65 gallon. Dimensions 36x18x24" LxWxH

Full system volume approximately 80gal with sump and LR

Dual 175watt Hamilton 10,000K lamps ran off PFO magnetic ballast
Kept 8-12 inches above water level. Photoperiod of 10 hours (3pm-1am).
Cooling quad 120mm 50cfm AC fans.

Refugium/Sump Lighting:
23watt compact flourescent grow lamp with internal reflector
About 4" above water level precariously placed and wired for extra safety :D
Interval of 14 hours on opposite display tank lights (1am-3pm)

A mix of LR and BR (which has now become LR), approximately 40 and 50lbs respectively
Carbon and rowaphos ran 24/7 and changed monthly
EuroReef RC-2 in the sump for skimming filtration.

20lbs of Caribsea Aragonite sand 1" deep

Custom 30g acrylic sump, 30x12x15" LxWxH with chaeto refugium.
Custom Calfo overflow with 2x1" pipes for safety.
Sump pump is a Danner Magdrive 7 pushing up 1" pipe back to the display and a T fitting with ball valve to get some circulation back to the refugium.

EuroReef RC-2 in the sump for protein skimming.
Skimmer is injected with ~20mg/hr of Ozone for extra skimming

Water Parameters:
82F in summer, 78F in winter
pH - 8.2
Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate - 0
Calcium - 460ppm
kH - 12dKH
SG - 1.026

Unfortunately I'm not a pro with genus/species names, so common names will have to do
Pulsing Xenia
Green Striped Mushrooms
Green Tipped Hammer Coral
Orange Body Purple Tipped Frogspawn
Brown Body Green Tipped Frogspawn
Toothed Bubble Coral
Purple Favites Brain Coral
Green Eyed Palythoas
Giant Palythoas
Green Palythoa with Purple and Yellow Centers
Pink Pocillipora
Orange Pocillipora
Green Hairy Millepora
Purple Tridacna Derasa Clam
Elegance Coral
Blastomussa Wllsophyllia
Acanthastrea Lordhowensis

2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Bar Gobies
1 Flasher Wrasse (Eight-Line)
1 Fairy Wrasse (Solorensis)
1 Fairy Wrasse (Labouti)
2 Fairy Wrasse (Punctatus M/F pair)
1 Leopard Wrasse
1 Psuedochromis Springeri

Red Legged Hermits
Cerith Snails
Astrea Snails
Nassarius Snails
Trochus Snails
Dwarf Brittlestarfish
Asterina Starfish

Home made mixture of Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, bloodworms, cyclopeeze, Hikari Marine S pellets, and fish roe (fish eggs) frozen into daily medecine containers. 1 cube per day. Occasional spot feeding of corals. Also 1/4oz of live phytoplankton

~10% water changed weekly (2x5gal bucket)
Instant Oceann salt mix
Aqua-Safe 100gpd 6 stage RO/DI unit used for RO water, typical TDS reading of 001ppm

Just finshed the upgrade to the 65g and I allready want a biggerer tank. This hobby is soo addicting :D

Tank: - Plain old hand made 3ft tank.

Volume: 30 gallons

Lighting: - 1 x 30W T8 Flourecent

Refugium/Sump - No refugium, No sump.

Filtration: - Filtration is via 40Kgs of mature LR, plus an Eheim 2028 external cannister filter filled with carbon, sponge, fine filter floss, and noodles.

Substrate: - 20 kgs of white Aragonite sand.

Skimmers: - I run skimmerless!

Water Parameters:

Average temp: 27c
pH: 8.2
Average nitrate level: 20
Calcium: Not measured
kH: Not measured
specific gravity: 1.028

Corals: Corals include Zoanthids, Mushrom's, Elegance Coral, Torch Coral and a Leather.

Fish:: 1 Pair of Barrier Reef Clownfish, A. Akindynos and 4 Blue Green Chromis, Chromis viridis

Invertebrates: Just a bunch of Hermits! :D

Feeding: Feeding occurs at irregular periods throughout the day, feeding a variety of flake, pellets, frozen brineshrimp, mysid, and bloodworm and live brineshrimp and blackworm.

Maintenance: Water change frequency irregular, but roughly 30% changed each event. RO water from a 3 stage RO/DI PSI unit.

Tank: Aqua One 980 with modified hood to fit protein skimmer and better lighting

Volume: 50g

Lighting: - T5 metal halides fitted into tank hood with 1x blue moon actinic. lights on for approx. 10hrs a day

Refugium/Sump Lighting: - N/A

Filtration: - approx 27kg live rock/coral skeletons. The most wonderful pieces, very porous and really beautiful shapes. Derasa clam helps with removal of nitrites

Substrate: - Coral sand to 1 inch depth, slightly deeper in places.

Refugium/Sump: - N/A

Skimmers: - Protein skimmer (hang on type) slightly modified. Changed venturi to improve airflow and added some airline tubing to the water overflow vent to stop it flooding onto the floor. Changed sponge in bubble stopper to more dense type to reduce micro bubble in the tank.

Water Parameters:

Average temp 78deg
pH 8.0
average nitrate level 0
Calcium 400
kH not measured
specific gravity 1.026

Corals: Sarcophyton spp.
Tubipora musica
Studeriotes Longiramosa
Alcyonium spp.
Xenia sp.
Cladiella spp.
Ricordia Florida
Lobophytum spp.
Euphillia Ancora
Euphillia Cristata
Pachyclavularia spp.
Homotrema Rubrum
Acropora Secale
Pocillopora Damicornis/Pocillopora Verrucosa

Possibly.... Triphyllozoon sp. Stylaster (white) spp.

Fish: Chrysiptera parasema
Premnas biaculeatus
Paracanthurus hepatus
Gamma brasiliensis
Ghost goby???

Invertebrates: Triadacna derasa
Stenopus hispidus
Lysmata wurdemanni
Lysmata ambionensis
Paguristes cadenati
Astraea sp.
Trochus spp.
Cerithium spp.
Tectius spp.
Spirorbis spp.

Feeding: Artemia (frozen) 1/2 block daily
Gamma improvit marine diet (brineshrimp, krill, seaweed, astaxanthin) pellets every other day
Julian Sprungs Sea Veggies purple seaweed (porphyra umbilicalis) roughly 1 inch squre per day
Salifert Coral Food few drops every week or so...when I remember

Maintenance: 10% change weekly with 20% change every month, more if needed.
We buy premixed salt water and RO water. I add Salifert All In One and Salifert Natural Iodine.
Not good with the technical bits sorry.... Standard heater with guard,
Powerhead (will see if I can find the box for the model and make etc..)
Protein skimmer (again will have a look for the box!)
3x T5 metal halides???? 1x blue moon actinic


Most of the corals are pretty small frags but are so lovely, the pics don't do them justice. Also the pic was taken first thing after turning the lights on so not all were open! Some of the corals including the mushroom polyps are currently in my 20 gal tank waiting to be moved into this tank but I have included them on this list as they will be in here within the next forntight.

Before anyone tells me off for having the Tang in there...We are setting up a 125g tank at the moment which we'll put her in eventually when she grows some more.

Tank: Standard glass

Volume: 30 gallons main tank, 34 total system

Lighting: - 250w MH 14K BLV bulb with 110W PC actinic Lighting

Refugium/Sump Lighting: - 25W PC

Filtration: - 28Kgs of Fiji LR in tank pumps are Seio MP600x3 = 7,500lph in tank giving X63 turnover

Substrate: - Coral Sand 1"-2"

Refugium/Sump: - 1 ½â€￾ drain with filter sock into first chamber with LRR, skimmer, Carbon and Phosphate remover. Over Baffles to DSB (12â€￾x12â€￾x3 ½â€￾) with LRR and Cheto. Over Baffles into return area with heater and 1700lph pump.

Skimmers: Protein Skimming with a Seaclone 100 (modded beyond belief)

Water Parameters:
pH 8.2
NO³ below 5ppm
Ca 380-420ppm
meq/l 2.6
SG 1.026

SOFT: Xina, Kenya Tree, Zooanthids, Mushrooms,
LPS: Trumpet, Hammer, Bubble, Torch
SPS: Montipora, Porcillapora, Stylophora

1x Fire Fish 3â€￾
1x Coral Beauty 4â€￾
2x Neon Gobys 2â€￾ each
2x Clowns 3â€￾ each
1x Mystery Hogfish 4â€￾
1x Hippo Tang 2â€￾

Invertebrates: 10 red legged hermits, 10 blue legged hermits, 15 Trochus Snails, 5 Nassarius Snails, 1 sand sifting star fish, 1 tiger brittle star, 1 urchin, 4 Fan worms, 1 red lipped conch, and 1 Clam.

Feeding: 8.30 20ml Phytoplankton, 17.30 Flake, 19.00 mix of Frozen Marine mix, Mysis and live Brine shrimp. 22.30 Flake

Maintenance: 20ml of Ca and Alk additive (as per Randy Holmes) 1.6ml of Mg dailey. Once a month I do a 20l water change with RO and reef crystals. Filter sock is changed once a week. Sump and skimmer strip down every 2 months.

Comments: Would like to thank everyone for all the help and advice that they given me that has got me to this far.
Tank: Rena aqualife 440

Volume: 100 UK galls

Lighting: 4XT5 2Xmarine white 2Xactinic total of 216W

Filtration: 45Kg of liverock, 2Xseio 620's 1Xseio 1500 1XKoralia3 1XRio 1200 1XRio 2100, roughly 36,000lph turnover

Substrate: - Coral Sand 1"-2"

Skimmers: TMC V2 600 skimmer run by a Rio 2100

Water Parameters:
pH 8.2
NO³ below 10ppm
Ca 360-420ppm
meq/l 2.6
SG 1.025

SOFT: xenias, 3 large sacros, medusa leather, cabage leather, chili coral, various mushrooms, cauliflour coral, purple star polyps
LPS: candy cane, octobubble, sun corals

1x Fire Fish 3"
1x Copperband butterfly 4"
1x Neon Goby 2"
2x Clowns 3" female 2" male
1x male mandarin dragonet 3-4"
1x scooter dragonet 2"
3x green chromis 2-3" each
1x engineer goby/convict blennie 6-7"

Invertebrates: 4 blue leg hermits, 4 turbo snails

Feeding: 08:00 small pintch of flake 17:30 frozen mysis/krill/brine

Maintenance: ca+alk additive as per required on water changes, 10ml essential elements on water changes, 10 gal water change weekly with 25 gal water change monthly, carbon replaced every 2 months, skimmer strip every 2 months, powerheads removed every 2 months for strip and clean.


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Tank: Aqua Medic Anthias 120

Dimensions: 135cm x 74cm x 66cm

Volume: 122 US gallons (550 litres)

Lighting: - 2x Arcadia 150W Metal Halides (20,000K)
- 2x Ocean Light Blue 54W T5 Actinics

Filtration: - 84kg (185lbs) Fiji Grade 'A' Live Rock
- Reef 500 under tank filtration system
- Ocean Runner 3500 Pump (3500 l/h) (900 g/h)

Substrate: 2" Live sand

Skimmers: Turboflotor 1000 protein skimmer

Water parameters:
Temperature: 25C
Ph: 8.2
S.G: 1.025
NO2: 0
NO3: <10ppm
KH: 200ppm
Ca: 380ppm


1x Leather Finger Coral (Lobophytum spp.)
1x Frogspawn Coral (Euphyllia divisia)
1x Leather Toadstool Mushroom (Sarcophyton sp.)
1x Coco Worm (Protula bispiralis)
1x Purple Whip (Leptogorgia virgulata)
1x Feather Duster (Sabellastarte sp.)
Many Mushroom Polyps (Discosoma Actinodiscus) (Red, Green & Purple)


1x Male Bartlett's Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum)
4x Female Bartlett's Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum)
2x Ocellaris Clown (Amphiprion ocellaris)
1x Blue Star Leopard Wrasse (Macropharyngodon bipartitus)
3x Banana Wrasse (Helichoeres chrysus)
1x Fridmani Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani)
1x Red Sea Cleaner Wrasse (Larabicus quadrilineatus)
1x Atlantic Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus)
1x Coral Beauty (Centropyge bispinosus)
1x Lamarks's Angel (Genicanthus lamarck)
2x Regal Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus)
1x Chalk Goby (Valenciennea sexguttata)


2x Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata grabhami)
1x Derasa Clam (Tridacna derasa)
20x Turbo Snails
2x Sand Sifting Starfish (Archaster typicus)


Frozen Foods - Brine Shrimp
- Mysis
- Krill

Dried Seaweed
Flake Food


20% water change weekly with Red Sea Salt and water from the RO Unit. Left overnight in container
to oxygenate the water (oxygen is expelled when water is cleaned in the RO unit).


RO Unit
Automatic Top-up


Tank: -Seabray Dolphin, 10mm glass with left side overflow with Durso to sump! 36 x 24 x24
Volume: 75 gal – 340l

Lighting: - Interpet T5, 220 watts daylight plus,110 watts blue,T8 34w daylight 34w Blue, lighting interval staggered from 8.30am till 8.30pm

Refugium/Sump Lighting: N/A

Filtration: - Live rock 40kg, Bacto balls, Ocean Runner 2500, plumbing through 32mm and 40mm piping, 3 x Hydor Koralia 3 (3200 lph) V2 Vecton 400

Substrate: - Caribbean live sand 15kg, Crushed Coral,

Refugium/Sump: - 29 x 18 x 18 three baffle , cooling Azoo 4 way fans on with lights, bacto balls and sponge filter, 2 x 150watt heaters, Rowa Phos, Vectron UV on 24/7 powered by maxijet, Auto top up,

Skimmers: - Instant Ocean with maxijet power head

Water Parameters:
Average temp 26.1 to 27.6
pH 8.2
nitrate 10ppm
specific gravity 1.025

Bubble Coral

Percula Clowns x2
Bangai Cardinal x 1
Domino Damsels x2
Dottyback x 1
Yellow Tang x 1
Regal Tang x 1
Blue/Green Chromis x 1

Green Carpet Anemone, Malu Anemone, Spotted Mushroom’s, Tongan Mushrooms, Cleaner Shrimp x1, 10 x Turbo snails, 10 x Hermit crabs, peppermint shrimps x 3

Feeding: Nori twice a day for Tang, Frozen foods for all others twice a day!

Maintenance: 25% every two weeks using instant ocean salt, RO water TDS reading in ave (384) out (2), water mixed over 24 hours with powerhead airline and heater.

I quite new to this so if I have made some mistake's CORRECT ME :good:

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