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  1. J

    Wierd White Stuff In Tank

    Just an update, all the mold has totally gone now. The gravel cleaner has worked really well compaired to my old one which was, to put it blunt, crap. I've employed a few more Corry also which are doing well and keeping the tank floor pristine of any small food debry etc. Now, if only my...
  2. J

    Flame Tetra Looking Huge

    Two of my Flame Tetra have started to expand downwards. Both have a large underbelly, that is slightly angled. Could they be ready to lay eggs ? I have fed peas to the tank anyway as matter of course so dont think it is anything like an ailment. Cheers
  3. J

    Wierd White Stuff In Tank

    I checked with Wayside Aquatics last night and this is mould. Im going to buy a better gravel cleaner as it seems the one I have isnt doing the job very well. thanks for the input !!
  4. J

    Wierd White Stuff In Tank

    what the size of the tank = 65L filtration = Fluval U2 low tech or hight tech = not sure what this meens ? lights how many watts = 2, one bright white, one blue, not sure about watts but are in the lid of the tank and lok like those long life ones you have at home
  5. J

    Wierd White Stuff In Tank

    Help. In the last week or so this has happened and seems to be getting worse Its like a web, or even looks a bit like damp tissue over the substrate and leaves of plants etc. I cleaned the tank as per normal last friday, and this stuff is stuck to substrate so I had to remove some, clean it...
  6. J

    Amazon Sword Trying To Escape!

    If its any help my Swords just grew upwards but have huge leaves now that are now bent over onto the top of the tank. Getting to a point now where im going to trim them back. I have seen new shoots but they are from the roots only. Funny thing is, the ones that are now very large in size are...
  7. J

    "bloo" - My Betta

    Possibly yeh. Spoke with a guy I work with who is all a FEEK (Fish Geek). Said he had one do the same, and it seems Betta's go down hill quickly. Worst thing is that i've had him now for over a month, and he has been such a character to. It's whether the potential next one will be the same...
  8. J

    "bloo" - My Betta

    Im gutted totally. Got home yesterday to find Bloo just sat on a leaf, not his usual self. All he would do is surface, then return to this leaf. I gave him a very gently nudge out in the water, he swam realyl slow, then returned back to the leaf. Later he was going to the base of the tank...
  9. J

    "bloo" - My Betta

    Saltcod, thats why I noticed him. It seemed everywhere I had been had the purple and red shades of Betta, but he came up trumps as he is pure blue up to his gills. I have seen though a blue Betta with purple tail tips which looked nice
  10. J


    Hiya. I do, but all happy to be in there together. It's not over stocked, but I do have to look at giving away the fry I have once they are a bit bigger (guppy) as they would take it past safe. It's the only down side to live breeding fish, they are great but do produce alot, and frequent. I'm...
  11. J


    Hi, just signed up to this forum. Im John, Im running a 65l tropical setup. Currently I have a shole of Neon Tetra, some Lemon Tetra, a few guppy's, single Molly female, a pleco, couple of corry's and a Betta, along with a scattering of Assassin snails. I have had tanks in the past, and this is...
  12. J

    Too Many Snails

    I have had this happen, seems like out of no where a tonne of snails appear. It can be over feeding, especially if you are over feeding any algie waffers or pellet pills for bottom feeders. You could put a copper sulphate solution into the water. this is pretty drastic so should be a last...
  13. J

    Guppy-Molly Interbreed

    I guess it can't be ruled out as have read about them breeding on rare occasions, but as stated the fry are very suseptable to dieing. Thing is to that some Sailfin's can appear 'guppy like' if they are interbred with other molly types to. I have seen a mail sal fin before that had a yellow...
  14. J

    "bloo" - My Betta

    Hi I'm new to the forum. I have a 65l tank with a number of communal fish, including "Bloo" my betta. I have had tanks before and had a red Betta many years back, and one thing I definately wanted was another Betta. I saw "Bloo" when I went to get some Assassin Snails, and couldn't resist...