

New Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Hi, just signed up to this forum. Im John, Im running a 65l tropical setup. Currently I have a shole of Neon Tetra, some Lemon Tetra, a few guppy's, single Molly female, a pleco, couple of corry's and a Betta, along with a scattering of Assassin snails.

I have had tanks in the past, and this is the smallest one I have run to date, but enjoyable none the less. Past tanks inlude a 200L and a 150L and to be honest I would love a big tank once more.

This isn't the latest picture of the tank, the Swords have now grown and the top lay on the water surface. I'm currently looking for a nice fern or similar to grow near the bottom of the tank.


One thing I have in there are my corry's, but im still not sure what type they are. I have scoured a number of websites ang googled, but never found the same colour and markings

If anyone knows what they are, i'd be greatful to know


Hello and welcome to the forum.

Quite a number of fish you have there.
Hiya. I do, but all happy to be in there together. It's not over stocked, but I do have to look at giving away the fry I have once they are a bit bigger (guppy) as they would take it past safe.

It's the only down side to live breeding fish, they are great but do produce alot, and frequent. I'm not one for 'binning' fish, never have been. As such I have a shop that takes them for me.

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