Wierd White Stuff In Tank


New Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Help. In the last week or so this has happened and seems to be getting worse


Its like a web, or even looks a bit like damp tissue over the substrate and leaves of plants etc. I cleaned the tank as per normal last friday, and this stuff is stuck to substrate so I had to remove some, clean it and then replace.

Routine for me is once a week 25% water change. Daily lights are on, until night when lights turned off. Water is stable each week, no peaks or changes. PH is a little high at about 8. fish are happy, not struggling or showing signs of any ailments or distress, they are a happy bunch. Just me that isnt happy as my tank looks a mess.

Anyone know what this is, and maybe how to get rid of it ?

what the size of the tank = 65L

filtration = Fluval U2

low tech or hight tech = not sure what this meens ?

lights how many watts = 2, one bright white, one blue, not sure about watts but are in the lid of the tank and lok like those long life ones you have at home
I checked with Wayside Aquatics last night and this is mould. Im going to buy a better gravel cleaner as it seems the one I have isnt doing the job very well.

thanks for the input !!
Just an update, all the mold has totally gone now. The gravel cleaner has worked really well compaired to my old one which was, to put it blunt, crap.

I've employed a few more Corry also which are doing well and keeping the tank floor pristine of any small food debry etc.

Now, if only my clowns and assassins would kill off those pescky snails !!!
I hope you have researched clown loaches enough to know that they need to be kept in groups, in large aquariums and should have prepared foods even if there are snails. Assassins eat about 1-3 snails per week, from what I have heard. Have you had a look at what could be encouraging the snails to multiply? Usually, snail problems are the result of overfeeding.
wow that mould looked horrible :/ bet you glad that ones gone! assassins should be enough to keep youre snails down but you will prob always have some. my assassins do a great job you shouldnt need loaches at all. also you can help by cutting feeding down for a bit. i also had a bit of a snail problem when i had a red lilly, they munched it to pieces :(
That mould is from any driftwood youve added to the tank :) im having major problems with mine at the moment.

your tank is way too small for clown loaches. they need huge shoals in big tanks.

if you have a snail problem, stop feeding.
Just an update, all the mold has totally gone now. The gravel cleaner has worked really well compaired to my old one which was, to put it blunt, crap.

I've employed a few more Corry also which are doing well and keeping the tank floor pristine of any small food debry etc.

Now, if only my clowns and assassins would kill off those pescky snails !!!
Im having the same snail issue. Just feed less and they will die off, i think thats working for me.

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