Search results

  1. FishTankCrazy

    Betta In A Community

    Mine is fine in a 50g tank with 2 corys 2 congo tetras 2 black widow tetras 1 bristlenose plec 1 angel catfish and 3 gouramis
  2. FishTankCrazy

    Aquahydrotech Extract Of Barley Straw

    In Novembers issue of PFK there was an article in the tried and tested area about the approval of extract of barley straw. Has anyone bought any and what results have you achieved? I've heard great things about the natural remedies of barley straw but I've only seen it in practice in tanks with...
  3. FishTankCrazy

    What Co2 System To Get

    I also have a powerhead to achieve 10x turnover, was wondering. What positions are your intake strainer, exhaust and powerhead in your tank? Mine is powerhead front right with exhaust. Powerhead facing slightly down towards front left and exhaust facing to the surface front left. Intake is at...
  4. FishTankCrazy

    Shrimp And Tank Mates

    Ok so just bought 4 caridina japonicas shrimp from my lfs which is closing down soon so got them very cheap. I thought to my self well they are the same size as my oto's so they must be fine with my other fish. But as soon as i've got them home and released them into the tank they have all...
  5. FishTankCrazy

    Cherry Shrimp - Post Or Collect

    Dont suppose there's any left? Thanks
  6. FishTankCrazy

    We Need More Pets!

    How do you post pictures this large?!
  7. FishTankCrazy

    Mulm From Sand. How Do You Clean Yours?

    Got 2 cory's 3 oto's 1 feather fin cat 1 bristle nose plec to clean up but they don't clean the poo up. Do snails? Thinkin of the powerhead idea as i wouldn't mind if it was in one place! lol
  8. FishTankCrazy

    My 99P Tank,any Ideas?

    You sure thats 50G? Whats the dimensions? Still a bargin though chief :good:
  9. FishTankCrazy

    Fluval 305 External.

    I'd say so because i've got tetras which prefer softer more acidic water and they are fine. I've got the same media set up as you as well. What's your flow rate like? I'm thinkin about getting a powerhead as i'm having algea problems at the minute either that or i'm investing in a co2 system...
  10. FishTankCrazy

    Mulm From Sand. How Do You Clean Yours?

    Hi just wondering if anyone else has the same life as me when it comes to cleaning mulm from the sand. On a weekly basis I us a 1/4" pipe and Hoover round into a bucket but the next day it looks like I haven't even bothered! Lol my fish arn't over fed or over stocked it just seems like I haven't...
  11. FishTankCrazy

    Siamese Fighter -> Fighting Cichlids

    Just what these fish do in my opinion. Had mine doing the same for a couple of weeks until the other fish realised that space was his lol and continues to do it when i add more fish. My dwarf gourami's were the same.
  12. FishTankCrazy

    Fluval 305 External.

    I thought about adding peat because i have a PH of 8 but decided not to as i read that it tans your water and your better off using the natural ph of your water as it doesn't stress the fish etc. Don't know if it's true like lol
  13. FishTankCrazy

    Fluval 305 External.

    Mine leaked again today but its because i tried to sneak some carbon in without emptying the water out and must of created a vacuum or someting???? made a small puddle but emptied some out which sorted it out. Still a good filter though in my opinion. What you think? What media you got in?
  14. FishTankCrazy

    The New Tank Finished

    Did you work to a guide for the hood? Looks very nice and would mind trying that myself :hey:
  15. FishTankCrazy

    Washing Carbon Filter

    I'd bin that mate mines never done anything like that??? Sounds like coal lol....
  16. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Oh dear!! Will the media need replacing? I did a 25% water change??? Bit mythed to what to do here as i need to treat the fish but don't want to kill them from Ammonia etc....
  17. FishTankCrazy


    Wouldn't bother with the filter start i did and didn't notice any results. Carry on until 0-0-20
  18. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Ok so tested the water this morning and I have the following readings Ammonia 0.5ppm up 0.25ppm Nitrite 0.25ppm up 0.25ppm Nitrate 10ppm no change PH 7.6 no change Should I be worried?
  19. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Ok will do this tomorrow after the medication has had an effect. Thanks for the advise.... :good:
  20. FishTankCrazy

    Ammonia Up In New Tank :(

    Mine is always at that!! :angry:
  21. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Don't mean to be blunt but how can you tell???
  22. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Thanks for the detailed reply HOWEVER i have already added the meds to the main tank!! When do you think the parasite/worm will be dead from the med so i can remove it? i've got some methelyne blue ready for removal. Hopefully the rest of the tank is cured now at least!!
  23. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Decided not to remove the wormy thing until I've uploaded a picture of it just to make sure its defenitley a anchor worm! What you think? Picture is the largest i was allowed to upload...
  24. DSC00616.jpg


  25. FishTankCrazy

    Changing Gravel In Fish Tank

    The sand I buy From Argos for £2.99 is brilliant I've used it twice and never had to clean it :)
  26. FishTankCrazy

    New Ultra High Tec System

    Sounds good
  27. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Well today is the day i remove the anchor worm from the poor #28###. :no: I've decided to leave the plants in and see what happens...
  28. FishTankCrazy

    Fluval 305 External.

    I have the Fluval 305 for about 3 months now and its excellent! I had it leak on me once but that was because i put the lid on and secured it using the handles only but for a proper seal you need to put the whole filter on the floor and push downwards for a proper seal. It is quite running and...
  29. FishTankCrazy


    Buy a couple of oto catfish they love it :shifty:
  30. FishTankCrazy

    Co2 Diffuser Recomendations

    Thanks for that I'll check it out when I get on the pc as well
  31. FishTankCrazy

    Co2 Diffuser Recomendations

    Ah right! Thanks for the heads up! :) what about the diy fire extinguisher co2 guide I've seen?
  32. FishTankCrazy

    Co2 Diffuser Recomendations

    Brilliant so I'd need to systems in my 250 ltr tank? Would you upload a pic or did you follow a guide on here?
  33. FishTankCrazy

    Co2 Diffuser Recomendations

    Oh right never thought of that! How long would one of the mixtures last? What size tank do you have?
  34. FishTankCrazy

    Co2 Diffuser Recomendations

    What is you're current DIY setup? I'd go with option 2....
  35. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    I read somewhere that uprooting the plants will kill them off and you can't replant them????
  36. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Thanks for that. looks like i'll have to just bin all my plants again and start again after treatment :( after all the fish are more important than plants :) the medication is Interpet Anti Crustation and Parasite Thanks again
  37. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Thanks for the reply I will attempt this tomorrow...what about the 10ltr aquarium i have could he live in there with no filtration or lighting etc for 24hrs and i change the water and add more medication? Really trying to avoid the removal or killing of my live plants....
  38. FishTankCrazy

    Tank And Equipment Items For Sale.

    surely the fish will die in the post?? I struggled to get a t8 bulb in one peice! took 4 attempts lol
  39. FishTankCrazy

    White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

    Can't get a picture atm minute. I have a very small 10ltr tank. Would the betta be ok in there on his own if i add some sand and add aquarium water from the main tank everyday? So physically removing it is a big no-no?
  40. FishTankCrazy

    How Much Flow

    What about for a tropical fish tank?