

New Member
Sep 23, 2010
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Hi, i'm new to this site but not to fish keeping. I'm currently setting up a 48ltr tank after regretting getting rid of my 160ltr one. When i first got my 160 tank I cycled my water with fish, for obvious reasons i'm not doing that this time and chose fish-less cycle. My tank is set up and have left it for a week to settle. I bought my ammonia today and have raised to 5ppm. I am following instructions found on this site to complete the cycle. What i need help with is whether or not i need to continue to add the filter start that came with the tank while i'm adding ammonia? Thanks
Hi, i'm new to this site but not to fish keeping. I'm currently setting up a 48ltr tank after regretting getting rid of my 160ltr one. When i first got my 160 tank I cycled my water with fish, for obvious reasons i'm not doing that this time and chose fish-less cycle. My tank is set up and have left it for a week to settle. I bought my ammonia today and have raised to 5ppm. I am following instructions found on this site to complete the cycle. What i need help with is whether or not i need to continue to add the filter start that came with the tank while i'm adding ammonia? Thanks

Wouldn't bother with the filter start i did and didn't notice any results. Carry on until 0-0-20
it will feel long but in the end it is worth it!!!

btw, Welcome!!
Welcome to the forum Jo.
The experience of most people here is that the various filter start products do nothing to actually speed a cycle. I have also not seen any evidence that they harm a cycle so what the heck, go ahead and use it if you wish. Some of the filter start products seem to be things that will produce low levels of ammonia in your tank so they are really going to help someone who does not have another source of ammonia to cycle their tank.

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