White Worm Like Parasite On Betta

I don't know. LOL.
As the water movement makes it look like it's moving.

Wrap the fish in a clean cloth soaked in tank water.
Ask someone to hold the fish down for you.
Nip the parasite with some clean sterilised tweezers, if it moves put the fish back in the tank.
If it dosn't remove it.
Then dab the wound the methyalene blue, or malafix.
I don't know. LOL.
As the water movement makes it look like it's moving.

Wrap the fish in a clean cloth soaked in tank water.
Ask someone to hold the fish down for you.
Nip the parasite with some clean sterilised tweezers, if it moves put the fish back in the tank.
If it dosn't remove it.
Then dab the wound the methyalene blue, or malafix.

Ok will do this tomorrow after the medication has had an effect. Thanks for the advise.... :good:
Ok so tested the water this morning and I have the following readings

Ammonia 0.5ppm up 0.25ppm
Nitrite 0.25ppm up 0.25ppm
Nitrate 10ppm no change
PH 7.6 no change

Should I be worried?
The intepet med wipes the beneifical bacteria out in the filter so you will have bad water stats.

Ammonia reading will go sky high.
The intepet med wipes the beneifical bacteria out in the filter so you will have bad water stats.

Ammonia reading will go sky high.

Oh dear!! Will the media need replacing? I did a 25% water change??? Bit mythed to what to do here as i need to treat the fish but don't want to kill them from Ammonia etc....
If the media not old I wouldn't replace it.

If you have any other tank that are mature you could always take a sponge from there to kick start the tank again, once you finished the med course.

There also a pinned topic on members who donate mature filter sponges in tropical discussion.

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