Search results

  1. rictheredneck

    Can Anyone Recommend A Heater

    thanx for your help! :nod: do these have a thermostat? cant find much info on them?
  2. rictheredneck

    Can Anyone Recommend A Heater

    hi all :rolleyes: im after a heater for my tank (260 l / 60 us gallons / 50 uk gallons) i want one with a thrmostat because of my halide what can people recommend? ive come up with this one can anyone do any better? ive never heared of the brand before...
  3. rictheredneck

    Skimmer quite like the look of these, just making sure its ok. thanx for your help ski! :P
  4. rictheredneck


    this is the Berlin method, I'm sorry to say that I'm a total noob to this. is there anyway you could please explain the process to me using layman's terms. so far i seem to understand that the live rock does the part of the biological filtration and a skimmer to remove waste, and a vac up when...
  5. rictheredneck


    buying a tank not too sure of the volume but id hazard a guess at about 250 l, its dimesions are 36x24x18 in a bit of a rush so i cant calculate the volume just yet. i want a filter for it. in my other thank i have a fluval 305, which i have no problems with but alot of people use eheim who...
  6. rictheredneck

    Green Algea

    i agree with the above, your tank is still immature alot of people have algae problem in the early days. i have heared alot of people use rowaphos (i think thats what its called) never used it myself but from what i can gather you place it in your fluval and it removes phosphates which i presume...
  7. rictheredneck

    My Bicolor Blenny Has Loads Of White Spots

    my bi colour goes almost completely white once in a while but i think this is due to stress, its home is in a hole in a rock which happens to be right under my anemone and the hosting clowns try and shoo it away every now and again stressing it out but after at the most a couple of Min's it...
  8. rictheredneck

    I Want A New Tank

    I'm after a tank, i quite like the look of the cubeish style something like 24 wide by 24 inches deep if you know what i mean, I'm not too bothered about the length. any body seen anything going?
  9. rictheredneck

    A Lil Tank For Clams...

    scrap that idea this aint gonn be a nano...
  10. rictheredneck

    A Lil Tank For Clams...

    i have actually just bought a 400w halide off ebay for £30 apparently its just had a new lamp fitted but I'm not too sure what the temp is of it, pick it up on Sunday. the size and throw of the light i guess will determine the size of tank i will be getting (which wont be a week or 2 yet) I'm...
  11. rictheredneck

    A Lil Tank For Clams...

    hey everyone in thinking of starting up a nano/small tank mainly for housing clams and info or headers will be appreciated!
  12. rictheredneck

    Starfish Regeneration

    so is it all species that can generate another whole new starfish if part of the disc is intact? thanx for the info!
  13. rictheredneck

    Diy Halide

    would these work with these lamps
  14. rictheredneck

    Whats Your Opinions On This Light?

    i too dont know much about them but i will be intrigued in know how they perform if you get them, keep us updated!
  15. rictheredneck

    Varying T5 Lights

    bought another blue tube today so thats 3 blue and 1 white. looks lie im gonna have to renew all the ld tubes the new one is soo bright compared to the rest... moe money...
  16. rictheredneck

    Culturing My Toadstool

    i got loads to choose from is there anything special i should be looking out for?
  17. rictheredneck

    Lets See Your Tanks And Fish

    thnx alot i appreciate the comments! thanx alot! its 240 l think thats 52 uk gallons or 63 us gallons
  18. rictheredneck

    Culturing My Toadstool

    great and attaching it to tufa rock rather than live rock? any info cheers!
  19. rictheredneck

    Culturing My Toadstool

    i want to culture a piece of my toadstool mushroom, i have done a little bit of reading and well my question is that everywhere it says to attcach a piece of mushroom to a piece of live rock - well my tank is made up of about 75% live rock and 25% tufa rock, all my live rock is in stinking great...
  20. rictheredneck

    Cyanobacteria Problems

    how long has the tank been setup? i had a lil problem in the first couple of months it just sorted itself in the end.
  21. rictheredneck

    My New Fish :d

    bargin!!!! :hyper:
  22. rictheredneck


    i have a dwarf lion reall nice looking fish in the lfs wherethere are no rok in which to hide, i have had it for 6 months and could cont the amount of times ive seen it on my hands he/she is always in hiding. i thought i was doin well it had'nt eaten any of my livestock, that was until last week...
  23. rictheredneck

    Varying T5 Lights

    havet read anything about magnesium and clams im in intreeged have you got a link to an article or something?
  24. rictheredneck

    Varying T5 Lights

    awesome by the looks of it we have near identical tanks lol i have a rio 240 with the same lights as you, have you tried clams in yours?
  25. rictheredneck

    Varying T5 Lights

    thanx for the info, so what would you recomend 3 blue tubes and one white?
  26. rictheredneck

    My Newbie Tank

    insane good or bad lol i know they are not the best inhabitants but i love the colour been up since last sept (06) started out as a fish only system due to lack of funds lol
  27. rictheredneck

    Varying T5 Lights

    i have an arcadia 4 tube t5 unit with 2 blue and 2 white, just wondering is changing to 3 blue and 1 white or other variations i could increase the intensity of the lighting to better suit inverts that prefer halide lighting ie clams etc. of course halides are a the ideal option but my inlaws...
  28. rictheredneck

    My Newbie Tank

    its a rio 240 Volume: approx. 240 Litres Measurements: 121 x 41 x 55 cm
  29. rictheredneck

    Awesome Shops

    went down to aqua scope today, fairly big shop nice selection of dry goods too.
  30. rictheredneck

    Floodlight Halides

    what sort of fan would one use? would a lil portable one you get from anywhere do?
  31. rictheredneck

    Floodlight Halides

    and how does it perform? what size did you go for? am i missing something here because to buy one of these and change the bulb is hundreds of pounds cheaper than buying a complete unit from a shop - is it as easy as that?
  32. rictheredneck

    Starfish Regeneration

    no like i said just fascinated. wouldnt have the heart to hurt it lol
  33. rictheredneck

    Starfish Regeneration

    i dont want to/need to just intreaged which pecies does it and if anybody has witnessed it.
  34. rictheredneck

    Unsettled Anemone

    i agree with the powerheads suggestion but having power heads doesnt mean you cant keep anemones just prefable. it WILL mince it if it goes into the inlet yes. what is LO lighting? the foot 'might' of been damaged when bagging the anemone it was'nt damaged in the display tank so diagnosing a...
  35. rictheredneck

    Starfish Regeneration

    everyone knows that starfish can regenerate lost limbs and some species can regenerate as long as part of their body/disc is still intact, are any of these species easilly available to the aquarist, has anybody witnessed it? is it un ethical? how is it done, scalpel?
  36. rictheredneck

    Floodlight Halides would these lights work with the metal halide bulbs designed for aquarium use were fitted, keeping the wattage the same?
  37. rictheredneck

    Fraging 101

    i dunno really i have some green star polyps and some pulsing xenia both sound like ideal starters.
  38. rictheredneck

    Fraging 101

    hi im a total novice to fraging just want to make sure this is correct as its goin againt the grain in my head, super glue as in the stuff you buy from asda is ok in your reef tank? hmmm. and another thing how do you apply it? presumable it has to be dry? im sure dry inverts aren't good! i...