Culturing My Toadstool


Fish Crazy
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, UK

i want to culture a piece of my toadstool mushroom, i have done a little bit of reading and well my question is that everywhere it says to attcach a piece of mushroom to a piece of live rock - well my tank is made up of about 75% live rock and 25% tufa rock, all my live rock is in stinking great big pieces making up my reef wall and the tufa is in all the small places that needed filling, would it be ok attaching it to a small piece of tufa rock rather than go and but a piece of live rock for it.

also, whats the best wa of attaching is elastic band?

and does anybody know what that gaping gash is in the underbelly of my toadstool i was there when i bought it and have always wondered...

Dunno about the gash, but if its lived this long and looked this healthy, why worry? :)

Rubberbands work great on leathers when fragged :)
Tufa or dead LR should be fine. Given time it will colour up and look like LR, its just not recommended for bio. filtration.
also tufa will (overtime) break down and make your water look merky. it will also suck up NO# and PH4, then slowly release them. thus making it very hard to keep the levels down.

sorry to be the bringer of bad news :(

i have put a few zoos and musheys on to ocean rock and they are dooing great.

rob :good:

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