A Lil Tank For Clams...


Fish Crazy
Apr 27, 2007
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
hey everyone in thinking of starting up a nano/small tank mainly for housing clams and info or headers will be appreciated!
Light, light, and more light. Depending on the size of the tank, I'd reccomend a 70 or 150watt halide. Also, stay away from maxxima and squamosa clams as these get BIG (like 12"+). Stick to Derasa and Crocea
Light, light, and more light. Depending on the size of the tank, I'd reccomend a 70 or 150watt halide. Also, stay away from maxxima and squamosa clams as these get BIG (like 12"+). Stick to Derasa and Crocea

i have actually just bought a 400w halide off ebay for £30 apparently its just had a new lamp fitted but I'm not too sure what the temp is of it, pick it up on Sunday. the size and throw of the light i guess will determine the size of tank i will be getting (which wont be a week or 2 yet) I'm trying to keep the initial setup cost, so I'm thinking of getting a filter designed for a larger volume tank IE a filter for a 200L tank and using it for say a 100L if you know what i mean, and hold out getting a skimmer until i have some more money. i know this isn't ideal but I'm thinking as long as i keep up with weekly water changes it shouldn't be too bad.

am i right in thinking that clams are really so at growing? you see id rather not stick to certain species but be able to get the nicest looking and return them to the lfs when they get too big, any input on this would be appreciated!
hmmm a 400w MH over a nano tank?! that's gonna heat up really quick, i predict massive problems with evaporation ;)

I'd recommend you research the berlin method of filtration, it's done by Live Rock and powerheads, no actual filter as such, IME it's much better and should give you more sucsess
Whoa, break out the 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) and the sunscreen :shifty:

A 400watt halide is more suited for BIG tanks. It can blast a 2x2' square with LOTS of light, and probably even effective up to 3x3 with a good reflector. Also, with a 400watter you'll grow clams prety fast :good:
Your clams will be toast. Clams require super high lighting. On a nano, you'll most likely need a chiller.....you're talking high tech here. Why not start more basic? SH
make that lamp like a pendant and simply mount it higher above the tank. i'd say at least 30 inches from the bottom of the tank. you might be able to ake that work, but you may want a glass lid to slow evap...then you'll deffinetley neeed at least a fan to slow some heat. hopefully you have a sump. fan that too...i personally like the idea of the 400 watt for clams, wish i had a 400 watt for mine.
That would be like...a 800 dollar tank once you have all the expensive but nessesary equipment installed. A chiller running in a sump might work. I would suggest a glass hood. Massive heat + glass hood and quickly varying temperatures could prove badly.

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