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  1. S


    Well the other 5 are all doing well so I really didn't think the sand had a lot to do with this problem. Also after talking to other discus keepers on my local forum, others have had very similar problems with blue diamonds. I don't know if it is the variety or what. One of my golden...
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    Wow, bad day for fishkeeping in my house. Came home from being out to dinner and one of my male bettas had by passed the divider and was getting his butt kicked by the male on the other side! I was however able to contact the discus expert in my area and he suggested trying to raise the temp...
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    I don't have any air driven sponges to use as a filter. All I have for my 20g is an aquaclear50 so I hope that will work ok. I will try to get the tank set up and ready to go this aft. and hopefully move him this evening but I'm going to be going out for supper tonight so I'll have to see how...
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    Well now I'm getting more worried, this guy is looking kinda pale compared to the other blue diamond. I hope I don't lost him!
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    What You Guys Think?

    Don't get a clown pleco, they don't eat algae, I got two to keep one of my tanks clean and found out after they actually eat wood, not algae!
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    I have been feeding bloodworms as this is all they will eat right now. And yes I started putting garlic guard in the food. It will be one week tomorrow that I have had this guy and he stopped eating on thursday (so 2 days ago). I do have one fish that appears to be more dominant than the...
  7. S


    I didn't use an eye dropper but I did something similar and he wouldn't eat. The food can be right in front of his mouth and he won't eat it at all. This is my first time with discus (not with cichlids) and I'm worried because I've been told that unlike most cichlids, discus can and will...
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    I haven't taken water readings just yet. I only have tests for nitrates and ammonia as I just noticed the rest of my tests are only for saltwater. The fish is otherwise acting normal, swimming with the group, nice color, no rapid breathing or clamped fins. I haven't been able to see this ones...
  9. S


    Ok, I'm probably just being paranoid but one of my blue diamonds has not really been eating today. Now if it was any other fish it would probably take me more than one day of not eating to worry but since these are discus and not cheap I'm sufficiently concerned. I'm going to try soaking the...
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    Oscars And Tank Mates

    I don't want to hijack the post either but I'll see if I can get a somewhat good pic of my JD for you.
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    Oscars And Tank Mates

    My oscar is more like a pitbull than a puppy. I can't pet him, when I clean the tank he tries to bite me. He's crazy but I love him, he's a pet. It would be nice to have a docile oscar but I still wouldn't trade him. I don't think the JD would dare try to go after him. She'll lip lock with...
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    Oscars And Tank Mates

    I agree, 55g is the minimum for one oscar alone. I have had my oscar for 2 years and he started out on a 55g and I thought it looked a little tight. He is now in a 75g with a salvini (male) and a jack dempsey (female). He pretty much fills the 75g. I have had a lot of problems with him and...
  13. S


    Well I've been going to this store for a very long time. I've purchased numerous fish from him (it's not a big chain store, more of a mom and pop thing) including a lot of saltwater fish. The owner has always given me good deals and when my saltwater fish got ick he even lent me his bottle of...
  14. S


    So far the sand is not a problem for cleaning, all the junk stays on the top so I can just siphon it off easily. Mine is a 55g as well I have 2 200w heaters, one Aquaclear 110 and one aquaclear70. I have bogwood/driftwood as well as amazon swords, val, green lotus and some water sprite. There...
  15. S

    Deciding On M/f Convict

    Well, if you get a female and he wants to mate and she doesn't,he may kill her. If she wants to mate then you'll have a ton of babies and your barbs may get killed. I think 2 males would probably fight. 20g is not big enough for each to have their own territories. Either way I think a...
  16. S


    Wow, thanks for the info. It was really helpful. Since my discus are still so new I think it would be a good idea to wait a bit before trying anything new.
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    How long do you starve them for before offering the new food? Mine are still small so I don't want them to go without food for too long, but at the same time I don't want them to be stuck on eating only one kind of food. I believe variety is important to nutrition.
  18. S


    Well, I haven't even had them a week yet. 3 I got last thursday and the other 3 I got on sunday so time will tell if I'm doing things right or not. Today will be the first water change so I hope I don't mess anything up. They are eating like pigs but so far will only eat bloodworms. Any...
  19. S


    Thanks, they are doing really well, eating like pigs and not hiding at all. So far they are only eating bloodworms but I'm going to get them onto a variety of foods if I can. I'm really enjoying them and I can't wait for them to grow and the plants to all fill in!
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    So I've switched the tank over and everything is going really well. The discus are settling in well and are very outgoing, they are also little pigs! Here are some pics of the fish and the tank:
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    Male Or Female Do You Think?

    Is that the same fish in all 4 pictures?
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    I Think I Have A Strange X Breed Convict/sajica + Something Else

    Wow, lucky you, those are not terribly common at all! And all cryptoheros will readily interbreed (hey they are related to convicts after all!)
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    New To The Forum

    Well my jack dempsey and oscar get along pretty good. My jack is a female so I don't know if that helps or not, my oscar is a bit on the aggressive side so I had to go with something that could hold it's own. As for the combo in the 55g, it's working well. My sajica are a breeding pair but...
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    Ok, I have a few more questions. I'm having trouble deciding what filtration to go with. I already have an Aquaclear110 (500gph) on the tank and I really prefer aquaclears because I find them very reliable and easy to maintain (I had a fluval in the past and while it worked great, I found...
  25. S


    Ok, this is for all you discus keepers. I'm playing with the idea of trying discus. I'm just in the research stage right now and trying to get as much info as I can in order to make an informed decision as to if I really want to do this or not. The thing that is making me the most hesitant is...
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    New To The Forum

    Thanks for the kind welcome ;)
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    Senegal Bichir

    Well I have only had mine for about 3 days now and he is eating shrimp pellets so I guess that's pretty good. What size tank do you guys have your senegals in? I've been reading and have seen anywhere from 30 to 90gals as the minimum size.
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    Senegal Bichir

    I recently purchased a baby senegal bichir. It is currently in my 30g community tank but will be moved once it grows larger. My concern is that it is not getting enough to eat. I've been feeding frozen bloodworms and shrimp pellets, but it doesn't seem to notice them even when they are right...
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    Convince Me Not To Give Up

    What about rainbow cichlids? Very personable, not aggressive and pretty hardy. I have 7 of these with my sajica. Although I love my sajica and waited 2 years for them, I have to admit the rainbows are why I like that tank!
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    New To The Forum

    Hello. I'm new here to this forum, but not new to fish. I started keeping fish about 14 years ago and have had at least 1 tank since then. I am currently up to 8 tanks. Here is what I'm currently keeping: 70gal 1 tiger oscar 1 Jack dempsey 1 Salvini 55gal 7 Rainbow cichlids 3 Cryptoheros...
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    Gold Gouramis

    After many years of strictly having cichlids I've freed up a tank for something else. I'd like to try some gouramis as I've always had bettas. The tank is a 29gal with 6 lemon tetras, 3 cherry barbs (am planning on getting a few more, I know they prefer to be in groups), 4 cory cats, and 1...