New To The Forum


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2008
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I'm new here to this forum, but not new to fish. I started keeping fish about 14 years ago and have had at least 1 tank since then. I am currently up to 8 tanks. Here is what I'm currently keeping:
1 tiger oscar
1 Jack dempsey
1 Salvini

7 Rainbow cichlids
3 Cryptoheros sajica (T-bars)
A few platies

Saltwater (clowns, damsel, yellow tang, gold rim tang, coral beauty, engineer goby)

Grow out for:
4 Thoricthys Helleri
5 Cryptoheros myrnae (topaz cichlid)

Cherry barbs
lemon tetras
blue gourami
rainbow shark
small senegal bichir
cory cats

pair of cryptoheros cutteri

Fry tank?QT tank
currently has 3 sailfin mollies

2 male bettas (divided)

That's about it until I switch things up or get another tank. I look forward to chatting with you all.
Hi and welcome to the forum.

How do you find your Jack Dempsey and Oscar get on together?

Hi Sheila and welcome. I am curious about your 55. Are you having any luck with that combination of fish? I also have some rainbows in with a few platies but they don't seem to be interested in breeding so I was hoping you might have some tips on it. I am generally not a cichlid person but these ones intrigued me.
Well my jack dempsey and oscar get along pretty good. My jack is a female so I don't know if that helps or not, my oscar is a bit on the aggressive side so I had to go with something that could hold it's own.

As for the combo in the 55g, it's working well. My sajica are a breeding pair but have not spawned since I moved them into the 55g. As for the rainbows I was hoping that with 7 of them I'd get a pair, but so far the only egg laying going on has been between 2 females. But I don't know how much longer they'll have to pair up since I'm considering switching that tank over to discus. ;)

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