Search results

  1. djultimate

    Nutrafin Waste Control

    Has anyone used this before ? i have seen it many times in my LFS ,though wasnt sure if it was just a waste of money ? :unsure: Should i just stick to my gravel vac ? :/
  2. djultimate

    Dancing On Ice

    I have been watching it and have to agree with you , though i feel she is getting through with the sympathy vote :/
  3. djultimate

    Post Pictures Of Your Bettas!

    Here's mine , not the best quality though :(
  4. djultimate

    My 140 Litre Tank

    I have added a few more live plants to the tank , and am very happy with the results :good: (Pictures on my first post) Thanks again for the comments :)
  5. djultimate

    My New Betta

    I was in my local Fish shop today when i saw this little fella sat in a jar , i had to have him :lol: Pictures arent the best mind :no:
  6. djultimate

    My 140 Litre Tank

    Thanks for the comments :good:
  7. djultimate

    Diy Aquarium Hood

    Marine Plywood as it's resistance to fungal attack etc , u should be able to source it from a local timber merchant
  8. djultimate

    How Many L/g Do You Have Upstares?

    I made sure the tank was placed so that it was going across the floor joists . not along them Am sure your bedroom floor can take abit of weight .. my parents had a king sized water bed upstairs in the house way back when ,, no idea what the amount of water it held , though am guessing a hell...
  9. djultimate

    How Many L/g Do You Have Upstares?

    i have a 140 litre upstairs
  10. djultimate

    Carbon In Filter

    Thanks for the advice , most appreciated :good:
  11. djultimate

    Carbon In Filter

    Hi, I have a Fluval 205 external filter and was wondering weather the carbon supplied with the filter is actually needed ? as i have read that it is completely unnecessary .. so my question is can i remove it from the filiter ? If so would i need to put something in the empty media baskets ? or...
  12. djultimate

    My 140 Litre Tank

    Thought i would share a few pictures of my Tank with the site. It's a 140 Litre Community tank with live Plants. ------------------------------------------- Update - Added a few more plants due to comments from other members , and am happy with the results :good:
  13. djultimate


    thanks for the reply , any other view's on this ?
  14. djultimate


    I am going to change the substrate in my tank shortly (currently yellow gravel) , to something more natural looking ... I am swaying towards sand , though having doubts on how easy it is to maintain :unsure: Which would you recommend ?
  15. djultimate

    Internal Or External Filter ?

    Thanks for the infomation :) Are external filter's noisey ?
  16. djultimate

    Internal Or External Filter ?

    Hi , I was looking into external filter systems for my tank and was wondering what people on the forum think of them .. , do you prefer them to internal filter's ? or isnt there much difference ? Am currently watching an auction on ebay which am interested in , though would like some feedback...
  17. djultimate

    Pregnant Guppy ?

    Hi , Today i brought 4 female guppys from my local aquatic center. Am no expert when it comes to guppy's , though i have read about the gravid spot near there back end when they are pregnant. On close inspection of the 4 i brought , they all seem to have a dark / black spot on there back...
  18. djultimate

    Angel Problem

    Hi , I have had 2 angels in my 4ft tank for a few months now , though recently the smaller of the 2 has started to nip the fin's of my larger angel , resulting in him hiding in the cave ornement . other when i feed them. They were getting long just fine , though now it seems they carnt stand...
  19. djultimate

    30 Liter Tank

    Thanks for the advice :) , i have just realised that i posted the tank as being 30 liters when in fact its 35 liters , though i doubt it would allow me to keep more than 5 guppies in it ?
  20. djultimate

    30 Liter Tank

    Hi , I currently have a 30 Litre doing a fishless cycle and i am planning on keeping guppies in it (all the same sex). What would be a sensible amount i can keep in the tank ? Thanks.
  21. djultimate

    Sick Platty?

    Theres no redness to the spot , hard to discribe it really , its white all around its mouth , i have been checking him all night and he seems to be eating ok , though i did notice what looked like a scale flapping about ?
  22. djultimate

    Sick Platty?

    Hi , I have noticed 1 of my plattys lately has been hiding alot and when out in the open is swimming kinda wobbley , i have noticed tonight that it appears to have what looks like a white scab / spot round its mouth (picture below). The other fish in my tank appear fine , i have checked them...
  23. djultimate

    My First Pleco

    I currently have a 35 gallon tank (uk) with 2 blushing Angel fish , 6 male guppys , 4 cory cats (mixed spicies) , 2 orange platies and 2 black mollies :rolleyes:
  24. djultimate

    My First Pleco

    Well this is my first Pleco , and thought i would share a picture of him with you all :rolleyes:
  25. djultimate

    Female Betta's

    Thank's for the reply , :good:
  26. djultimate

    Female Betta's

    Is there a limit of how many female betta's you can keep ? (with out a male in the same tank)
  27. djultimate

    Tank Move

    I already have a heater in the old tank , i didnt think of putting the filter out of my current tank in to the old one :blush: Thanks for the advice :)
  28. djultimate

    Tank Move

    Hi there, i purchased a 34 gallon tank a while back and had it set up and running for nearly a month now. I have noticed that the unit my tank is sat on is showing sign's of weakness and have a new one which i want to replace with asap. For me to do this i have to completely empty the tank...
  29. djultimate

    Molly Fry

    Thanks for the advice ...
  30. djultimate

    Molly Fry

    Well i have been keeping tropical fish for over 4 month's now , and love it :good: I have a dalmation molly (female) which was showing sign's of being pregnant , though for weeks nothing happened. I brought a larger tank . let it cycle etc , put all my fish in and with in an hour my...
  31. djultimate

    Easy Clean

    Thanks for the reply's. Am a little confused as to how this work's , as am assumeing the top nozzle will act like the main one , ie pumping the clean water out , so surley attaching the gravel vac to the pump is only going to disturb all the waste allowing it to float freely around the tank ?
  32. djultimate

    Easy Clean

    Hi all , I purchased a larger tank last week and 1 item that came with it looks like a syphon of some sorts (Picture below) On the top it says easy clean which made me think it could be some sort of gravel vac ? On the filter that came with it (Fluval 3plus pump/filter system) there is a...
  33. djultimate

    Bogwood Question

    hi, I have purchased a 4ft tank which comes with many items including a bogwood log. The bogwood log has been used prior to the person selling the tank i am collecting. My question is , what do i need to do to it before adding it to my tank ? i assume it has been boiled etc as he has been...
  34. djultimate

    Is My Molly Pregnant ?

    Am pritty new to tropical fish , am not to clever when it comes to things like this. The Molly in question is a female and seems rather large. Pic below (not the best quality) Tonight i have noticed the male following here around ,and what looks like to be sniffing her back end (kinda dog...