How Many L/g Do You Have Upstares?

used to have a 100l, but since has been sold to fund a 335l in the diningroom :hyper:

All the best
I have a 70 litre fry tank on the landing, and will soon have a 260 litre in the bedroom when i get my new Rena Aqualife tank. :hyper:
Ahh some people with quite abit then! at the mo i got two 240L tanks in my bed room! was hopeing to sell one and buy a 600L tank for my bedroom! not sure how much a bed room floor can take lol!!
Ahh some people with quite abit then! at the mo i got two 240L tanks in my bed room! was hopeing to sell one and buy a 600L tank for my bedroom! not sure how much a bed room floor can take lol!!

I made sure the tank was placed so that it was going across the floor joists . not along them

Am sure your bedroom floor can take abit of weight .. my parents had a king sized water bed upstairs in the house way back when ,, no idea what the amount of water it held , though am guessing a hell of alot
Ahh some people with quite abit then! at the mo i got two 240L tanks in my bed room! was hopeing to sell one and buy a 600L tank for my bedroom! not sure how much a bed room floor can take lol!!

I made sure the tank was placed so that it was going across the floor joists . not along them

Am sure your bedroom floor can take abit of weight .. my parents had a king sized water bed upstairs in the house way back when ,, no idea what the amount of water it held , though am guessing a hell of alot
yah never thort ov that!! good thinking yah i got my fish on the main bits!

i wonder can you go to far with how many fish tanks you got??? ?
It's not as bad as you might think. My 120 gallon weighs about 1100lbs full. It's like if I had 6-8 people in the room that it's in. Admittedly, 8 people wouldn't concentrate their weight in one small area for a long period of time, but up against the wall it doesn't appear to be an issue. I haven't noticed any sagging at all, I'm sure there is some but it's so minuscule that I can't see it... but now that I've said this, you'll set up a large tank and have it crash straight through the floor, because that's the sort of luck I have.
It's not as bad as you might think. My 120 gallon weighs about 1100lbs full. It's like if I had 6-8 people in the room that it's in. Admittedly, 8 people wouldn't concentrate their weight in one small area for a long period of time, but up against the wall it doesn't appear to be an issue. I haven't noticed any sagging at all, I'm sure there is some but it's so minuscule that I can't see it... but now that I've said this, you'll set up a large tank and have it crash straight through the floor, because that's the sort of luck I have.

HAHA sure hope that wont happen! am now thinking about selling both my 240l tanks and getting a 6ft/7ft tank in my room? or would you think two 240l tanks are better? hope i ent being a pain asking lots ov questions!
I have a 45 gallon, a 75 gallon, a 15 gallon and a 10 gallon (all imp gallons) all stacked up over a 4x2 feet area in one room. I also have a 100 gallon, a 20 gallon, and a 37 gallon in another room over 5x2 feet area, as well as a 20 gallon and an 11 gallon over 24x15 inches in the same room.

Technically, as I am in a flat, I have a 6x2x2 upstairs, but the downstairs is reinforced concrete, so it doesn't really count as upstairs...

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