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  1. J

    Corys dying - no idea why......

    I did only add a few fish at a time. The Corys were my last batch of fish and my water params are fine. One more thing I've noticed is that they seem to be going darker in colour - almost black were they used to be grey........ :unsure: Jimmy.
  2. J

    Corys dying - no idea why......

    Hi doc The tank is about 4 months old and was cycled (fishless). Nitrite and Ammonia are zero. The tank is 35 gallons but I have not added salt as I'm not sure the tank mates would appreciate it. I have guppies (including fry) platys, SAE and Amano Shrimp. Any suggestions....? Jimmy
  3. J

    Corys dying - no idea why......

    Hi Guys I have had 4 peppered corys for a few weeks but last week 2 died suddenly for no real reason at all. No syptoms, all other fish fine - just dead in the morning. My other 2 are now seemingly going the same way as they no longer root around the substrate as they used to - they just lie...
  4. J

    Neon Tetra losing red stripe...

    Hi Guys I have 10 neon tetras and they all seem fine, however one of them is going white where it used to have the red stripe near the back of its body. Strange cos other than that he/she seems fine and so are all the other fish. Any ideas? Cheers Jimmy
  5. J

    Whire spot treatment...

    Guys Saw bout 3 white spots on one of my Platys so I used Waterlife's PROTOZIN white spot treatment. Its a 4 day treatment to be used on days 1,2,3 and 6. I did this and the spots cleared up. However, I've now seen 2 more spots appear on the tail of my Platy. Should I do another course of...
  6. J

    Platy acting weird?

    Hi Guys I have a 35 gallon tank with 4 platys (1 male 3 female) and 2 SAE. A couple of the females have given birth and we have a few fry. However, one of the females (possibly one of the pregnant ones) is not looking too clever. She stays very close to the surface (but not breathing for...
  7. J

    Spotting ICH....

    Thanks Jo. Gutted cos I thought I had a good home for my fish and now I have my first disease outbreak :( . Will raise the temp and get some treatment. My other 2 fish are a couple of Siamese Algae Eaters and not sure about their tolerance to salt so may have to give that a miss (out of...
  8. J

    Spotting ICH....

    Hi guys I'm slightly worried one of my platys may have white spot :sad: . But I just wondered whether ICH immediately covers the fishes body, or the spots appear slowly. My platy has about 3 or 4 white dots on it. No more than that. Does it have ICH??? If so I need to buy some...
  9. J

    Snails I hate snails

    I also heard that if you drop a slice of cucumber in the tank, the snails are attracted to it and you can then just pick out the cucumber and throw it away - snails and all............ I'm actually gonna try this cos I seen a few snails in my tank........ Jimmy
  10. J

    Ceramic pieces as filter media...

    Hi guys My tank is up and running nicely and my Eheim Ecco filter just contains the sponge that came with it. I've seen and read about using ceramic rings or pieces that can be used in the filter that will help colonise loads of friendly bacteria. My wife hand builds and sells terracotta...
  11. J

    Fish are breeding like crazy

    :o No way, my new 32 G tank has nothing but 4 platys and two Siamese Algae Eaters. Surely the one male Platy isnt gonna get it on with the SAE??? I will be watching them carefully from now on (for research purposes u understand)...... :P Jimmy
  12. J

    Feeding my Algae eaters

    Thanks Losi :thumbs: However, thats what I did this morning and the Platys ate the flake then started on the wafers!!! The thing is the SAE are usually busy elsewhere on the glass or bog wood and dont go straight to the gravel. By which time the platys have started munching the algae tabs...
  13. J

    Feeding my Algae eaters

    Hi guys My newly cycled tank (32G) is doing fine with my 4 platys (lost one but LFS replaced it for free as my water was perfect) and my 2 Siamese Algae eaters. Those little SAE have cleaned the tank of all the algae within 4 days or so, they are absolutely brilliant! But now I'm a bit...
  14. J

    Male Platy in trouble.......

    Hi Guys Got my first batch of fish on Sunday after fishless cycling my 32 gallon (UK) tank for around 6 weeks. Ammonia and Nitrite zero and some nitrate but within safety zone. Bought 4 Platys (1 male and 3 female) and 2 small Siamese Algae Eaters. All woke up seemingly fine this morning but...
  15. J

    Feeding Algae Eaters

    Hi Hoping to get a Siames Algae Eater this week for my newly cycled tank. Its covered in algae right now so there is plenty for him to eat. However, should i still provide other food for him while there is plenty of algae or is that usually enough to sunstain him untill the algae goes away...
  16. J

    Flying Fox

    So with a Siamese flying fox I will have no aggression towards other bottom dwellers or other fish...? This is so complicated sometimes!!! Jimmy
  17. J

    Flying Fox

    I dont mind just getting one, but will it fight with the Kuhli Loaches? Cheers Jimmy.
  18. J

    Flying Fox

    Thanks Bob. I know they are good algae eaters so I wanted to get one. Are they shoalers or can I have just one? Wont be getting any shrimp(other than the freeze dried type!) so no problem there....! Jimmy
  19. J

    Flying Fox

    Guys My tank is still cycling and while this is going on I keep changing my mind as to what I'm gonna keep once its up and running!! My tank is 36inches long x 15inches wide x 18inches high (bout 32 gallonsUK). I have decided on 6 Zebra Danios, 6 Kuhli Loaches and 3/4 guppies as definates...
  20. J

    Brown Alge question

    Hi guys My tank is still cycling and I noticed this too. I got what looks like lots of brown "fur" appearing all over my plastic plants, gravel and real plants. I'm not too keen on cleaning gravel cos I'm still fishless cycling, but stuff is starting to look dirty. Worried it will disturb...
  21. J

    Ready to Cycle

    Hi Nightlife No sweetie, that def is not it!!! It clearly says on the bottle "Household Ammonia". Its a clear liquid with a safety screw top on it as ammonia is a toxic substance. Your better off askin one of the assistants if u cant find it. Its a 500ml white bottle with a blue label...
  22. J

    Ready to Cycle

    Hi Mag Just pop into your local Boots Chemist and they sell there own brand of Household ammonia for about a quid and a half.... Its what I'm using at the moment. Be patient though, I've been fishless cycling for over two weeks and I'm still not done. Still, quicker and safer than using a...
  23. J

    Nearly cycled I think....

    Thanks again Mama :D nice to know I'm on the right tracks...! Will do a big water change once I'm ready to add fish. Jimmy.
  24. J

    Nearly cycled I think....

    Thanks Mama! I was sure I had to keep adding ammonia cos I'm not ready to add fish and nitrItes are still showing....... So will keep adding 10-11ml of ammonia till nitrItes are zero, ammonia is zero and nitrAtes are showing.....Will do water change if the nitrAtes are over 25ppm. Will take...
  25. J

    Nearly cycled I think....

    I was under the impression I had to keep adding ammonia to feed the bacteria untill I actually added mistake! So how many of my wanted fish do u think I can add in one hit...? Cheers Friends. Jimmy 35 Gallon Tank Hoping to get: 6 Zebra Danios 6 Kuhli Loaches 3-4 Platys 3-4...
  26. J

    Nearly cycled I think....

    My 35 gallon tank had massive ammonia levels for around 8-9 days and was way off the chart. But all of a sudden 2 days ago, it went to zero levels. So I tried to get it up to 3-5ppm while nitrites were still showing, but I cant do it! I put in 10ml of ammonia (9.5% ammonia solution) and the...
  27. J

    Fishless Cycle problem....

    Phew :rolleyes: !! Thanks AA, I'll do some water changes and take out all the plants (15 quid down the drain!!). More patience is needed I spose................ Jimmy.
  28. J

    Fishless Cycle problem....

    Hi Started my first ever fishless cycle on 18 Oct. Added ammonia for first 3 days, ammonia off the chart. After about 5 or so days, with ammonia still off the chart, started doing some water changes for 2/3 days to try and bring ammonia down. Ammonia still off the chart and nitrites showing...
  29. J

    Clay Ornaments....

    Hi Friends Am i right in believing things made of clay can be used in aquariums as decorations? If this is the case, does it have to be a specific type of clay and can it be glazed without fear of leaking toxins? Thing is my wife has a degree in Pottery and has all the gear!!!! Seems a waste...
  30. J

    Ammonia in the Uk

    Just bought a 500ml bottle of household ammonia, no suds no perfumes from Boots. Cost £1.69 and label says it contains 9.5% ammonia solution. No excuses now, we can all Fishless Cycle............And no more peeing in a bottle for me! :sick: Jimmy
  31. J

    Cycling update.

    Thanks Anna, I think what I'll do is one day add ammonia and one day I wont. The bit about the plants though, shall I whip them out of the tank...? They look well dead (possibly ammonia poisoning) but I'm worried that this may disturb the gravel living bacteria. Whaddya think...? Jimmy
  32. J

    Cycling update.

    I'm well confoosed now................. :huh: Add ammonia or dont add me......! A second point...a couple of plants I put in are dying. Do I pull them out at this early stage in the cycle or will this disrupt the gravel and bacteria that lives there..........? Cheers...
  33. J

    Cycling update.

    OK, started fishless cycle on Saturday and tests are as follows: Ammonia - Off the chart and has been for a couple of days Nitrite - Read today as 0.3mg/l I havent added any ammonia for the last 2 days cos its been of the chart. But some of the Fishless Cycle guides say to start adding...
  34. J

    Wardley Products from Tesco

    Thanks for the replys but one final thing. The measurements on the back of the bottle talks of gallons. Are these US gallons or UK gallons...? Jimmy
  35. J

    Wardley Products from Tesco

    If you've had good results then i'm happy to use it too. Any idea on the Water Conditioner? Cheers Jimmy.
  36. J

    Wardley Products from Tesco

    Guys and Gals As a newbie I've bought Wardley Chlor Out and Wardley Water Condititioner from Tesco. The first one gets rid of Chlorine and Chloramines from tap water and the second one is supposed to " break down fish waste, reduce odours, inhibit algae growth..etc". Worry is for the...
  37. J

    Cycling with, ahem, "natural" ammonia...

    Just rushed home to take the switch box out of the hood. Worried I might burn the house down if anything went wrong. Its an Arcadia switch box, so bulky an ugly I've no idea where to hide it..... :angry: Thanks Anna, I'd rather understock especially at this stage so new to the hobby. I dont...
  38. J

    Cycling with, ahem, "natural" ammonia...

    Yes :o I mean the bit with the switch on it. Better move it out of there then. Just that the cables seemed a bit short to put anywhere else. Any thoughts on my fishes? Want to stick to small stuff, nothing that grows to big or anything to boisterous....
  39. J

    Cycling with, ahem, "natural" ammonia...

    Cheers Anna, hoping the smell will subside soon as the last thing I want is to show off my new tank to family and friends only for them to be intoxicated by the awful smell!!! Patience is the key as usual with this hobby. :D If you got the time - does my list of wannabe fish look ok for a...
  40. J

    Cycling with, ahem, "natural" ammonia...

    Hi guys Finally set up my tank this saturday, bogwood, gravel, plants (fake and real), filled it and added ammonia (ok - urine :sick: , cant get the stuff in the UK. I couldnt do a cycle with fish as I dont want them to suffer unneccessarily). Anyway, checked the ammonia levels and it was...