Snails I hate snails


New Member
Dec 18, 2003
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Snails in 29 little white suckers how do i get rid of them for good?
well, next time you get live plants, give em a look over for snails. as for getting rid of, there are some chemical treatments out there, but i'd advise against them. you can always just pick them out as you see them (jsut be careful, i was told, though i don't know if its true so don't take my word on it, but if you crush them, you could end up releasing eggs and creating more snails...............).
what do you have in the tank already and how big is the tank? loaches are great little fish and eat snails, if you have the room and right tankmates you might be able to get a few of the smaller variety loaches (like chain or pygmy loaches, or yo-yo loaches).
Hi searcher :)

Snails can be a real problem! :sick:

About all you can do, unless you want to add some fish that will eat them, is to pick them out. If you use a chemical preparation to kill them, you will still have to pick them out to keep them from rotting in the water. :X

Some fish will eat them if you crush them. I've never heard what Many A Molly said about them releasing eggs. (But I heard the same story about cockroaches!)

But, if you can keep them under control, a few snails in the tank cause no real harm and are actually kind of cute. ;)
I also heard that if you drop a slice of cucumber in the tank, the snails are attracted to it and you can then just pick out the cucumber and throw it away - snails and all............

I'm actually gonna try this cos I seen a few snails in my tank........

i hate snails too!.
I went to the lfs today and sure that 'snail-rid' stuff.
It said on the back do not use in soft water as its harmful to fish in softwater.
I dont think i'd take a chance with that!
As much as i hate snails i really like my fish!
I pick them out, but the more i pick out the more there is!
So now everytime i see the little tiny ones i squash em :lol:
I Want Them GONE!!!
Jimmy Twotimes said:
I also heard that if you drop a slice of cucumber in the tank, the snails are attracted to it and you can then just pick out the cucumber and throw it away - snails and all............

I'm actually gonna try this cos I seen a few snails in my tank........

let us know is this works!!! i feed my surplus snails to my puffers (which you can't keep in the community tank) so being able to get ahold of them easier would be nice.
I would advice AGAINST chemicals to kill the snails.. coz the other fish in the tank may get affected.. instead why don't u try using a natural method.. Adult clown loaches are suppose to feed on snails.. so instead of killing them (and probably a few of your other fishes in your tank) go ahead and get yourself a few clown loaches. :kana:

Hi there

I have just come back from holiday to find that my fish tank has got quite a few snails in, I have no idea where they have come from but am worried that they will be bad for the tank. I have only got a few tetras at the moment but i am quite attached to them.

Are snails bad news in a tank? They are funny looking ones to, spiral type shells. :huh:

Thanks for any help on offer!
I'm battling this issue right now too, have been for a couple of months. The first round of plants I bought I treated with some stuff (it had lyme in it I believe, not sure though) that the lfs dude told me would kill the snails. I guess it did cause I didn't have any issues til maybe 2 months ago when I bought more plants and neglected to buy any more of the stuff.

I did my best rinsing the plants and what not but I guess it wasn't good enough. I now spend my Saturday mornings taking out all my slate pieces and picking off snails and scrubbing off snail eggs. I just get it down to what I think is "clear" and whammo! back at me with more snails.

I figure I will just keep this up for a while longer until I get tired, or the snails give it up.

I did add some of that snail gone stuff mentioned above earlier, and it didn't really work. I think it might only work on certain snails? But, I do think it gave my poor betta Sara a huge cancerous lump which killed her.

Stupid snails. I feel for you and good luck!
I like snails funnily enough.

I let them breed in my smaller tank, then pick off any I can find near the front and throw them into my large tank, all of the cichlids as well as the barbs eat them, if the clown loaches dont get to them first lol.
let us know is this works!!! i feed my surplus snails to my puffers (which you can't keep in the community tank) so being able to get ahold of them easier would be nice.
IMO opinion this doesn't work if you're trying to get rid of snails, but for trying to catch them to feed to your puffer it should work well. You need to take the bait out early in the morning though, as the snails tend to come out at night more.

It's _really_ hard to kill any eggs on your live plants you buy. I've tried everything and still end up with snails...everything being...searching the plants leaves for eggs/snails, dipping in ice cold water, dipping in Potassium Permanganate solution.

The best way is snail eating fish, but this is obviously only a solution if you have room/big enough tank. Puffers do eat snails but are not community fish as mentioned above. Look into loach...most loach are very good looking fish, but like to be kept in groups. There are smaller species, I have botia striata and these grow to 10cm.

Otherwise it's down to managing them, literally hand picking them out or squashing them when you see them. I've been there done that and its not fun. Try not to over feed your fish as this will encourage the snail population.

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