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  1. J

    Advice On Getting Rummy Nose Tetras

    dont look to good - cant find any mention of the Asian rummy noses in my various books which might lead me to think that they will be tough to find in the shops... -_-
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    Advice On Getting Rummy Nose Tetras

    Thanks for this - the asian rummy noses look pretty cool. Might do a bit of research into them to check they will fit in OK. :good:
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    Advice On Getting Rummy Nose Tetras

    Thanks Wolf - but I know the LFS water is soft water :sad: Still thinkin about it. Maybe Glowlights instead but they also prefer the water softish... -_- Not sure what else to go for that would look good. I still want a Tetra (not Neons tho) but with a bit of colour to compliment the...
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    Advice On Getting Rummy Nose Tetras

    Guys Got a communal tank and looking to get some Rummy Noses. I've been put off before as we live in a hard water area and all the info I've read point to Rummys doing best in soft water. And I'm not gonna mess with my parameters. But I'm weakening day by day as they look so cool and they...
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    Is Bamboo Safe In A Tropical Aquarium?

    Nice one guys will give this a bash... :)
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    Is Bamboo Safe In A Tropical Aquarium?

    Great Stuff - i was just gonna go down to DIY shop and get some but how am I gonna know if its treated or not? I doubt the DIY shop assistants will know...any tell tale signs? Cheers
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    Is Bamboo Safe In A Tropical Aquarium?

    Guys Thinking of makin my own ornament from bamboo canes. Just wanted to check it was OK in aquarium and how long it lasts before they might rot? Any ideas most welcome...
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    Big Bubble On Apple Snail - Is He Dead..?

    He's gone :( No movement at all when I touched him. Thanks for the help Wodesorel. I do hope its not something I could have avoided. My water quality is good and I like to think I care for my fish/inverts as best I can. He was a big golden apple snail and very majestic. Part of the...
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    Big Bubble On Apple Snail - Is He Dead..?

    Guys My apple snail appears to have completely come out of his shell and a big air bubble is protruding from him. he is not moving and I fear the worst... :sad: Any ideas??
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    Big Bubble On Apple Snail - Is He Dead...

    Guys My big apple snail is more or less all out of his shell and appears to have a big air bubble protruding from his inside. It looks bad but before he goes :sad: I wanna make sure there is nothing else I can do.. He hasnt moved for a few days but i guess that can be normal for a snail...
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    Arrrgg! Snails!

    Well I think zebra loaches prefer to be with their own kind, but I only bought one cos thats all the shop had. But he seems happy enough to hang out with my Pakistani and the Kuhlis so he prolly doesnt feel to much alone... They are great so if you have no other Loaches, then get yourself a...
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    Stocking A Tank After Cycling.

    First of all work out how much fish your tank size can take (plenty of these calculators on web - do a google search). Then stock gradually - I'd say at least 6 weeks and then possibly even longer the next time, especially as you get nearer to the maximum, lets your filter bacteria have enough...
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    Arrrgg! Snails!

    Once your tank is cycled defo get a zebra loach. I've had snails for a long time and sometimes they die off but then they do come back again. You can squash them up against the glass and the fish will eat them but a zebra loach will forage around and eat the eggs as well as suck out the snail...
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    Golden Apple Snails

    They are great little creatures. Mine seems to come out mostly in the evening but sometimes he ventures out during the day - guess it depends on how the mood takes him. Love the big yellow golf ball! :)
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    Cleaning plastic plants

    Great Idea - will give it a go! Thank You. :cool:
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    Cleaning plastic plants

    Hi guys Anybody recommend something safe I can use to clean my plastic plants (other than just water)? I know you can buy products but just wondered if i could use something i may already have at home to clean them up (bicarbonate of soda or sumfin maybe...). They are looking a bit...
  17. J

    Guppy in slight trouble...

    Guys One of my guppies has started to slow down and on closer inspection has something hanging out of its back side. It looks like an almost invisible filament but with a tiny white bauble attached. Its been there for a few days so its not poo. I'm thinking maybe a parasite :-( has got...
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    amano shrimp....

    Ive got 5 amano shrimp and about 5 bumble bee shrimp. They are excellent community members and dont seem to bother any of my fish. You can often find the discarded skins as they moult. They are brilliant to watch as it makes a change from looking at the fish. I recommend them :cool:
  19. J

    Books on Tropical Inverts

    Guys I've been looking for a book on Tropical inverts (shrimps, snails, crabs etc) but cant find one. Lots of MARINE inverts but nothing for tropical. I kno wthere is loads of info on the Web but sometimes I like to sit and read a book for info rather than trawl the net (you understand I'm...
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    Feeding Vegies

    Hey TropJunky I regularly feed my fish peas (put in boiling water for 5-10 mins then in cold water to cool them, pop them out of the shell and then squash them up with ur fingers). My platies, SAE and guppies go mad for it, and my amano shrimp eat up whatever is left on the gravel. Its...
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    Plant leaves keep going brown...

    Cheers Nisha. I've thought about some kind of fertiliser but reading the forums, on a lightly planted tank it shouldnt be necessary. I might try increasing the light output by putting some aluminium foil behind the light tube to try and increase the output. Thanks again.
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    Plant leaves keep going brown...

    Hi guys My plants are suffering for some reason. I have some amazon swords (2) and vasilleneria (not sure how to spell! :P ). The thing is on all these plants and some others I have had, the leaves always go brown and then die. The plants actually shoot up new growth which start off green...
  23. J

    Keeping the population down....

    Ok Guys, i hope I havent given people the wrong idea that I'm looking to purposely feed little guppies to a bigger fish!!! It was a kinda innocent request but it looks like we've all learnt something new from it. However, back to my situation. How would a Lyretail Killifish get on in my...
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    Keeping the population down....

    Cheers Link, I'm kinda desperate to sort the problem cos my tank looks real nice with the mix of fish but I know in a few months time I'm gonn abe overstocked and the problem will not go away. Its just choosing which fish I should add to my community that will improve it...... ;) Wondering...
  25. J

    Keeping the population down....

    Wow, not sure i totally understand the not feeding fish to other fish law (isnt this part of nature - big fish eat little fish??? :huh: ) but I'd rather do that than flush fish down the toilet or throw them in the bin.... Sounds like the Betta idea is out then if it may mistake my guppies for...
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    Keeping the population down....

    Ahhhh, a Betta sounds cool. Any particular type (or will the standard Siamese Fighting Fish be OK)?? Will male or female make any difference? Cheers Guys... :)
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    Keeping the population down....

    I've had the shrimps a while now but they arent interested....... It would need to be a fish but a solitary one that wouldnt get too big. I dont want to add any shoalers as I dont want to overcrowd the tank. Those guppies are starting to get out of hand... :/
  28. J

    Keeping the population down....

    Hi Guys Need some advice on a bit of a strange subject! I have a 35 gallon tank which has 7 Neon Tetras, 3 Kuhlis, 1 SAE, 4 Amano Shrimp, 2 Platies and loads and loads of guppies. We love the guppies but they are breeding like crazy. I did get rid of some females but now some of the babies...
  29. J

    Guppies with Red worms hanging..

    I havent added snails or plants but I do have a bit of a snail problem. They are the flat type and I seem to pick out lots and lots but they just keep coming back. I even put some snail treatment in - worked for about 2 weeks but they just came back. :( Will email Charles to see what he can...
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    Guppies with Red worms hanging..

    I'm as sure as I can be!! I've added the parasite med today and see how that goes - it says to repeat if necessary in 2 weeks time. Hope it does the trick. -_-
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    Guppies with Red worms hanging..

    Thanks for the reply. Intriguing cos I do feed them blood worm once a week. However, its not all the guppies that have this problem and the anus does look a bit swollen. Plus today is Friday and I last fed bloodworm 2-3 days ago. Surely it must have come out by now? Also the "red" bits are...
  32. J

    Guppies with Red worms hanging..

    Guys I think my Guppies have camallanus :no: as they seem to have thin red worms ( i think) hanging out of the anus. Any ideas on treatment? I thrown in some Waterlife Paragon (which is a parasiticide) and i repeat the treatment in a fortnight. Any guess if this will cure the problem or is...
  33. J

    Will Sucking Loach be compatible....

    The only other fish he has is a neon tetra which wont be a problem. Not sure how big the Loach is but neither do I want to take a chance cos my tank is a "relatively" peaceful community. Thing is I can't give him back if the loach turns out to be a bit naughty cos he'll have got rid of his...
  34. J

    Will Sucking Loach be compatible....

    Hi guys A friend has offered me his Sucking Loach as he is moving house and is getting rid of his old tank. I'm not sure whether to accept as my tank has very peaceful fish (lots of guppies, 2 platys, 9 neons and a SAE). Should I take the loach or is he gonna give me trouble? Any advice much...
  35. J

    feeding peas??how

    Hi I feed my fish peas all the time and they go absolutely mad for them. :P All i do is get the number of frozen peas I want to feed and put them in a cup. Boil the kettle and then add the hot water to the cup so as to soften the peas. Leave the water in there for 5 minutes or so. This...
  36. J

    Baby Guppies attacking platys...

    Cheers Angel She does have some good hiding places and I often see her resting in there. No physical damage seems to occur but it just doesnt seem right that these little guppies attack the platy which is 5 times bigger. Nor does she ever try to swim away when it happens - i cant believe she...
  37. J

    Baby Guppies attacking platys...

    There are lots of guppy fry and about 3 platys. But its only ever one guppy attacking one platy. The weird thing is the way the platy seems to swim vertical (head up) and then arches itself as the guppy bites (always around the gill area),... -_-
  38. J

    Baby Guppies attacking platys...

    Guys I have quite a few guppy fry in my tank and quite often I see them "biting" my platies (fry and adult) and the platies just seem to swim vertical, arch their spine and let them do it. I dont know why this is happening and why the guppy fry do it. The adult guppies do not do anything like...
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    Help please!!!

    Hi Rsz I've had guppies a while now and find that feeding peas every other day has helped maintain there health. A couple of frozen peas, soak them in hot water for 10 mins or so, squeeze them out of the shell then squash them up and drop them in the tank. The fish go crazy for them and it...
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    Corys dying - no idea why......

    Thanks for the replies! I do about 25% water change each week, and i do vacuum the gravel as best I can (without disturbing plants and stuff to much!). The substrate is the standard beige small pea gravel stuff.... I'm gonna try some frozen food now cos they really dont go for the sinking...