Baby Guppies attacking platys...

Jimmy Twotimes

Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Herts, UK

I have quite a few guppy fry in my tank and quite often I see them "biting" my platies (fry and adult) and the platies just seem to swim vertical, arch their spine and let them do it.

I dont know why this is happening and why the guppy fry do it. The adult guppies do not do anything like this.

Any ideas??


I'm not sure why they're doing it. :no:

However, when my platies attack each other, the victim swims away. I'm not sure why they're taking that abuse.

How many of each by the way?
There are lots of guppy fry and about 3 platys. But its only ever one guppy attacking one platy. The weird thing is the way the platy seems to swim vertical (head up) and then arches itself as the guppy bites (always around the gill area),...

Hmmm, once in awhile my new born fry in the tank(they were suppose to get eaten :crazy: ) will nip one of my adult male guppies b/c he's bright orange. I think the colour attracts them and they think it could be food, but nothing results in injury. If they seem to be causing visible damage, remove the fry or the victim to another area OR add some plants for coverage so your platy can rest/hide in.
Cheers Angel

She does have some good hiding places and I often see her resting in there. No physical damage seems to occur but it just doesnt seem right that these little guppies attack the platy which is 5 times bigger.

Nor does she ever try to swim away when it happens - i cant believe she enjoys it........... :unsure:

Thanks again angel.


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