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  1. BackToTheFishes

    Its Sunday.. What Are You Gonna Be Doing?

    Yeah Wigan did well! should have been NINE! muahahahaha C'MON YOU BLUUUUUUUES!!! :d:D:d:D
  2. BackToTheFishes

    My Cat Caught A Bird What Shall I Do?

    From lots of experience owning those furry little bird manglers,find a hedge and put it in a quiet spot,not really alot you can do unless you're gonna go all out and bring vets into it :( What type of bird is it?
  3. BackToTheFishes

    Help Me Decide - Interesting New Nano Project

    Forced labour! I approve :good: or will it be "educational" for them? :lol:
  4. BackToTheFishes

    Dragon Cave

    Oki doki,I'll keep clickin now and then ;)
  5. BackToTheFishes

    Its Sunday.. What Are You Gonna Be Doing?

    I've gotta stop speed reading!I thought you said have the kids pulled down! :blink: lol
  6. BackToTheFishes

    Dragon Cave

    just viewed again,is it overall views or unique that are needed?
  7. BackToTheFishes

    Homemade Co2

    Thanks,I wasnt sure if there are too many bubbles produced and they would just overflow,this is my first tank with ANY co2,not just diy
  8. BackToTheFishes

    Help Me Decide - Interesting New Nano Project

    Personally I think they would be a #28### to maintain unless you have really tiny hands :S
  9. BackToTheFishes

    Homemade Co2

    Would this work as a defuser on a homemade setup when the tabs that came with the kit run out? I know not totally DIY,but it's what I already have :P
  10. ffff.JPG


  11. BackToTheFishes

    Is This Normal For New Plants

    I think some just do that when first planted then regrow,I've been picking leaves off the surface since I planted on wednesday,but seeing new growth now thank gawd
  12. BackToTheFishes

    Does Your Fish Do Anything Funny Or Strange

    My green neons chase the peppered corys along the front of the tank,then when the corys turn around the neons scarper into the plants :P oh and my pearls are doing the same as yours! lol
  13. BackToTheFishes

    Help Me Decide - Interesting New Nano Project

    Definitely the shrimp,so I have a contact to get some from! :D
  14. BackToTheFishes

    Its Sunday.. What Are You Gonna Be Doing?

    :lol: come to barry island, and help me shift the bloody tank.. slacker!! :lol: KFC sounds good mark.. seeing as im on a diet .. git!! :lol: heyyy,whooooa,slow down there mrs!that sounds like WORK! :S But,if KFC is on the menu I could be persuaded! :drool: lol
  15. BackToTheFishes

    Its Sunday.. What Are You Gonna Be Doing?

    woah!! now take it easy.. sheesh you`ll do yourself a mischief :lol: I know right? Think I may need a holiday soon! lol :D
  16. BackToTheFishes

    Its Sunday.. What Are You Gonna Be Doing?

    Another coffee sounds good,then,I have lots of plans for the day! 1st,sitting on my #14### looking at my tank and figuring where I need to shift plants around. 2nd turn my head 90 degrees to watch the f1 3rd ANOTHER turn of the head (god this is getting tiring) and look at the tank again,may...
  17. BackToTheFishes

    Roma 125, 25% Coverage

    The sera kit I got came with ferts too,17 quid on ebay
  18. BackToTheFishes

    Good Price? Will They Breed?

    #40## they're already sold!Did you get one?
  19. BackToTheFishes

    Roma 125, 25% Coverage

    As far as I know,and only what I have read so if I'm wrong sorry,you only need ferts in a new tank and only occasionally after that?The fish waste should take care of it most of the time?
  20. BackToTheFishes

    My New Babies

    wellllllllll if the offer is there....... hahahaha thanks :D
  21. BackToTheFishes

    My New Babies

    I can't wait to see these grow up!any chance you can make a video so I can drool and dream? :drool: lol If it wasn't for falling in love with planted tanks and Boesman rainbow my 6 footer would be getting oscar proofed again now! hmmmm,wonder where I can fit another big tank! :shifty: hahaha
  22. BackToTheFishes

    Roma 125, 25% Coverage

    I'm using a sera tablet system and am STUNNED by the growth in my new tank already! after only 4 days since I planted I've already had to trim cabomba and new leaves are sprouting on crypts,which I was expecting to die off then regrow first!
  23. BackToTheFishes


    A little tip that I learned the hard way,make sure the inlet is TOTALLY fish friendly!One minced guppy taught me that one! :(
  24. BackToTheFishes

    Why Do We Name Or Bettas

    Naming fish is silly!I'd never do it...........OK!I named my old 18 inch plec Percy!!HAPPY?!?! :lol:
  25. BackToTheFishes

    New Tank

    If you can get hold of a green neons they are amazing in a shoal! :)
  26. BackToTheFishes

    My New Babies

    its defenitely normal with Oscars!I always used to shout at mine when (not if) the fem bit me! lol I knew when it was coming too,she'd go to the opposite side of the tank to get a run up! haha
  27. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    The Dee is my closest big river,and had localised pollution issues in the past so I can't risk that.There are a few little rivers/streams near,I may go for a drive around with some tupperware to get some samples to have a look at. :good:
  28. BackToTheFishes

    My New Babies

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! :) Gonna be beauties!! :wub:
  29. BackToTheFishes

    Fed Up

    Sorry for all of your bother,but,thanks for sharing it.I was thinking of Kribs for my comm tank,but reading this has changed my mind!
  30. BackToTheFishes

    What Ages Are The Good Folk Of Tropical Fish Forum

    36. born same day and year as Anastasia,the singer,not the missing russian one :D
  31. BackToTheFishes

    Dragon Cave

    Well duhhh! lol and congrats? :S lol YW :D
  32. BackToTheFishes

    Dragon Cave

    Done it! Ummmmmmmmmmmmm,what did I just do? lol
  33. BackToTheFishes

    Painting My Tank

    I used a blackboard paint,I'll find the exact make soon if you need it.It bubbled a bit once the tank was up to temp,I worried a little,but its given a nice ripple effect on the back
  34. BackToTheFishes

    Emerald Eye Rasboras

    Does anyone know any info on these? Lively little sods! :D
  35. BackToTheFishes

    Total Disaster

    I totally agree on the visitherm.the one in my tank is at least 16yrs old and was dry for 10 years,tested it before setting up my tank again,and had no problems at all!
  36. BackToTheFishes

    Cory In Shock :-(

    Awwwwwwww.Sorry :(
  37. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    I would be a little too paranoid about hidden nasties in the water,especially in our rivers! :S
  38. BackToTheFishes

    Can You Make A Complaitn About A Lfs?

    Very true,the green machine near me is amazing,show fish standards for sale in my opinion.And I think in the other place I was in today,I got a student on a break,so I wasn't saying anything about the staff at shops in general,but,management at some places should take more care in hiring.
  39. BackToTheFishes

    Paul's 6X2X2

    No luck in the garden centre.I'm liking your idea about mixing the sands,even if its enough to take the glare off the play sand,should work.Thanks :)
  40. BackToTheFishes

    Can You Make A Complaitn About A Lfs?

    Harsh,but accurate unfortunately! :S