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    Breeding Earth Worms For Fish

    i tried breeding them but they take ages to grow and i use alot, i buy mine off ebay £4.90 for 100 worms including delivery.
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    Slate Breeding Caves

    hi tony money is on the way, thanks regards dave
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    Slate Breeding Caves

    hi thats fine i'll have the two caves then please, if you could pm me your details i'll get the money sorted out, is paypal ok ?
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    Slate Breeding Caves

    hi sorry to be a pain but i've been measuring up and i think they need to be slightly bigger 130mm wide 100mm tall and 180mm long with one end open, i would need them posting as well. :)
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    Slate Breeding Caves

    hi could you give me a price for 2 caves 180mm x 100mm x 100mm with one end left open including postage please.
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    Black Spot On Ceylon Puffer

    the mark is changing colour now it's a kind of grey colour so i don't think it's a natural marking, he's about 5 1/2 inches not including his tail, he has a black belly as well unless the lights are off so i don't think he likes the light, he's quite a lively fella as well he insists on...
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    Do Fish Sleep!

    my puffers definitely sleep, they curl up in a cave or on the gravel if i turn the light on it takes them awhile to wake up they swim about bumping into thing for a couple of minutes. the best fish of all for sleeping is clown loaches they actually lie down when they sleep.
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    Puffer Id Please :)

    looks like a ceylon puffer to me.
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    Black Spot On Ceylon Puffer

    my LFS had a great looking ceylon puffer which i ended up buying ,he was almost completely black when i saw him and to day when i picked him up he was the same colour, they had him in fresh water so i assumed this was probably why. anyway he's in my brackish 55gallon now and after about 20mins...
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    Puffer 8 Feeding

    you want to feed so that the puffer gets a slightly rounded belly, bloodworms are ok when they are small but as they get bigger it's best to use bigger food. if you use cockles and they are fresh it's best to freeze them first or buy them frozen if you can find them you can also use mussels in...
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    Upstairs Aquarium

    I've got 2 heavy tanks upstairs no problem, i did get a bit paranoid when i first got them as a few people said to be careful in case they ended up going though the floor, i searched the net and cannot find a single case where a tank has bust through the floor which I'm sure i would have if it...
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    Filter Upgrade In 2 Week Old Tank

    i've used this method several times as well and it works great, i often see a bit of a spike in the levels after a few days and do a water change then it's ok after that :)
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    Dwarf Puffer Holiday

    don't worry about it they can easily go more than a week without food :)
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    Quick Moonlight Question

    i don't like to leave my moonlights on any more than a couple of hours, the charger gets red hot.
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    My Green Spotted Puffer

    i've got 2 gsp's in brackish water that live with bumblebee gobies, i feed my puffers on mussels raw prawns with the shell on and there favourite food is earthworms i just buy a load of ebay and they last me a couple of months.
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    What To Get?

    one of them ended up on the floor today he bit me and i pulled my hand out fast and didn't notice that he came out with my hand until i heard a kind of croaking noise and saw him puffing on the floor, picked him up and put him back in and he swam off as though nothing had happened :) they are...
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    Recently Installed Blue Led Moonlighting

    sounds strange ,i've got green spotted puffers which are a bit skittish when the lights are on if people are walking past the tank, but when i have the moon lights on they are fine it's as if they can't see you.
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    What To Get?

    i've got 2 green spotted puffers in a 55gallon with 6 bumblebee gobies and this seems to work well, the puffers don't bother them at all :)
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    All My Plans Shattered!

    i sit in between 2 fish tanks in a upstairs bedroom and was worried about whether the noise would wake the kids in the bedroom next door and they are both almost silent, i did have a small 30 litre tank with a really small aquaone filter and it made a right racket, so long as you get a decent...
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    Sexing & Feeding African Butterflyfish

    mine used to love hikari medium cichlid pellets.
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    Archer Fish Colour

    thanks Neale, i'll try lowering the SG a bit to see if that makes a difference , i've not seen the mollies bothering the archer but i'll keep a close eye on them :)
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    Archer Fish Colour

    i've got a Toxotes microlepis archer fish in a brackish thank with a couple of mollies water is SG 1.005 ,i've had him for a couple of weeks and is eating fine. his colour has suddenly changed over the last couple of days, the black markings that are along his back near his dorsal fine which...
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    Java Moss

    arrived today, perfect condition....thanks :)
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    My Gsp :(

    thats amazing that he's survived i hope he's ok, i wonder if something startled him i've seen mine hit the to of the tank if something startles them.
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    Olive The Puffer Says Hello

    helmet is very greedy as well he would eat till he bursts if i would let him, congrats on the fahaka thats my favorite of all puffers but i don't have the room for a tank big enough, can we have some pics please :)
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    Olive The Puffer Says Hello

    helmut inflates himself almost daily, he fly's at the glass and puffs up, only looks like a half a puff though :D
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    65 Gal Tank Upstairs

    i wouldn't worry about it i've got a 55 gallon and a 20 gallon both upstairs and along the same wall, if you can place them near where the joists go into the wall it would be better. i remember when i first thought about having a tank upstairs i had the same worry ,i read this article and...
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    Java Moss

    i will take some if you have any left, pm me your details :)
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    Archer Fish

    thanks for that neale, i think you are correct after looking at you descriptions it does look like a Toxotes microlepis, he is in a tank with two mollies for company and it's at SG 1.004 so looks like it's about right. i've tried it with a few different foods and it seems like it will eat...
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    Olive The Puffer Says Hello

    yes they are addictive i started out with some dwarfs but have now got a abei and two green spotted puffs, i would love to get my hands on a congo as well but most of all would like a fahaka but i don't the the room for a big tank.
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    Archer Fish

    i just got a archer fish today which will be kept in a brackish tank, i was wondering if anyone could tell me which one i have, i believe there are 3 different species. also a i know they like live insects but is there any other kind of food they will take as well maybe some kind of pellet food...
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    Olive The Puffer Says Hello

    nice looking puffer, i've got a abei as well great characters :good:
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    Calcifer The Abei

    helmut makes a strange noise as well almost looks like he's coughing and you can see his teeth :)
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    Calcifer The Abei

    yes thanks he's well settled ,he eats anything i put in for him there was about 5 ramshorn snails and 8 cherry shrimp which he ate the first night ,i think his favourite food seems to be earthworms, how's calcifer doing ? :) yes thanks he's well settled ,he eats anything i put in for him...
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    Calcifer The Abei

    here is a picture of my abei puffer as promised, he is about 3 inches long. Uploaded with
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    Calcifer The Abei

    i'll get some pics up when he is settled, i can't believe the amount of tanks she has up and running, just think of all the water changes they all get about 50% change a week :hyper: :)
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    Calcifer The Abei

    yes the abei is from suzanne off the puffer forum, i can buy one online which would work out about the same money wise by the time i pay for diesel, but she really knows her stuff and looks after her puffers so i thought it would be better to buy the one she has for sale :)
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    Calcifer The Abei

    great looking puffer how big is he ? i'm getting a abei myself this weekend from a member of the puffer forum, i can't wait it's a bit of a long drive but hopefully will be worth it. i would love to have a fahaka fantastic puffer but i don't have the space for a bigger tank, i do have another...
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    Help- How Do I Feed A D'puffer

    i read on the puffer forum not to feed them meal worms as they have trouble digesting the skin.
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    Feeding Dp's- Advice On The Best Method

    i've found that frozen bloodworm the worms are a bit big for the puffers, live bloodworms are a lot smaller and the puffers go nuts for them, if i keep them in a cool place the live bloodworms will last for three days.